We would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support of the meeting:


2019 Impact the Future:

A Conference about the Changing World of Accounting

hosted by the Northeast Region


Attend this “Impact” conference to learn and share insights about the changing world of accounting. Confront the implications of those changes for accounting programs, research, and practice.  Connect with other scholars, teachers, and professionals during this comprehensive program featuring panels showcasing experts on emerging issues and technologies, teaching sessions and workshops, and research presentations and discussions. The conference will be a platform for sharing knowledge across broad themes to:

  • Apply emerging technologies to research and teaching
  • Focus on teaching (latest trends and pedagogy, and research with an impact on education)
  • Research with an impact on the profession 
  • Research with an impact on scholarship

You are invited to be part of this conference designed to impact the future by stimulating knowledge and innovation. We invite teachers and researchers, students and professionals to submit work to this national conference.  Hosted by the American Accounting Association’s Northeast Region.


See you at the Executive Conference Center in Times Square.