Call for Papers: 2021 JATA Conference

Deadline:  October 23, 2020   EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER 6, 2020.

The 27th Journal of the American Taxation Association (JATA) Conference will be held virtually in conjunction with the ATA Midyear Meeting on February 19 and 20, 2021. Original papers addressing interesting and relevant tax issues will be considered for the conference. A paper under review (or being revised for resubmission) at another journal as of the conference submission deadline should not be submitted. Papers submitted to the conference will not automatically be considered for publication in JATA. Papers submitted to JATA will be given some preference in the conference selection process.

All research methods (including, but not limited to, archival, analytical, behavioral, experimental, and field studies) will be considered. Contingent on suitable revisions in accordance with JATA’s normal review procedures, papers submitted to JATA and accepted for the conference will be published in a regular issue of the journal along with discussants’ comments. Conference papers will be made available to Conference participants in advance of the ATA Midyear Meeting through the web site, with author approval. Papers submitted to JATA but not accepted for the Conference will be treated as a regular submission to JATA. Please note below the new submission instructions.


  1. Journal Conference manuscripts will be submitted through the same platform as the Research Submissions. When you submit to the Journal Conference, you will be asked whether or not you also want the manuscript to be considered for a Research Session. There is no need to submit the paper twice, information is included in submission instructions below to be considered for both the journal conference and a research session.
  2. Manuscripts should be prepared in the same style as a journal submission. Instructions regarding the preparation of files for submission can be found here.
  3. Authors will submit one file.  Include the title and abstract of the manuscript on the first page of the document. To ensure anonymous review, all information should be removed from the properties of your PDF or Word Doc. Note: Word Docs will be converted to a PDF when uploaded to the journal conference submission site.
    1. PDF: Found under File, Properties, Description.
    2. Word Doc: Found under File, Info, Check for Issues, Inspect Document, Document Properties and Personal Information (should be checked), click Inspect. You will be prompted to remove all document properties and author information. 
  4. Papers submitted to the conference will not automatically be considered for publication in JATA. You are free to submit the paper to any journal. To be considered for publication in JATA, please see additional instructions below.
  5. To be considered for the conference, papers must be received no later than October 23, 2020.
  6. Authors will be notified of the Conference selection decision by December 11, 2020.


  1. There is no fee to submit to the journal conference.
  2. To access the submission system using your AAA member ID and password CLICK HERE. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them.
  3. From the Submission Track, select the JATA
    1. From the Sub Track, select JATA conference submission not for publication in JATA.
    2. If you want your paper to be considered for a concurrent research session, indicate where requested.


  1. Pay Journal submission fee here. This will be required to complete your manuscript submission.
  2. Once you have paid the fee, you will receive an email Order Confirmation that will provide you with a unique Payment Number that will be needed to enter when submitting your manuscript. 
  3. To submit your paper, CLICK HERE to access the submission system using your AAA member ID and password. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them.
  4. From the Submission Track, select the JATA
    1. From the Sub Track, select JATA conference submission for publication consideration in JATA.
    2. Enter the unique Payment Number where requested. NOTE, THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD.
    3. If you want your paper to be considered for a concurrent research session, indicate where requested.

If you do not have a member ID/password, click here to obtain AAA login credentials. Then, use your AAA login credentials to create a new account in the submission system. Follow steps above.

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