Accounting And The Public Interest
An Academic Journal published by the Public Interest Section of the American Accounting Association
Accounting and the Public Interest is the first exclusively online journal in the American Accounting Association's (AAA) current stable of academic journals and the only one that has as its primary focus the public interest. The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for academic research addressing the public interest. The journal, envisioned as innovative and eclectic, welcomes alternative theories and methodologies as well as the more traditional ones. The common element in this diversity is the requirement that a study and its findings be linked to the public interest by situating the findings within the economic, social, ethical, and political context, and ultimately providing guidance for responsible action. Responsible action can be promoted through research in all areas of accounting including, but not restricted to, financial accounting, auditing, accounting in organizations, social and environmental accounting, government and professional regulation, gender issues, professional and business ethics, information technology applications, accounting and business education, and governance of accounting organizations. Theoretical and empirical contributions, as well as literature reviews synthesizing the state of the art in specific areas, are considered appropriate. Replications and reinterpretations of previous work will also be considered. This editorial policy provides a publication outlet within the AAA for accounting research taking a socially responsive, and responsible, perspective. Our goal is to communicate a decision to the author within four to six weeks of receipt of a manuscript. We hope the new journal, and its constructive and responsive editorial procedures, will render research efforts relevant and rewarding for all concerned.
Submissions Are Currently Being Accepted And Encouraged.
Click on links for Instructions to Authors and Submission Procedures or contact
Timothy Fogarty
Editor, Accounting and the Public Interest
Case Western University Phone: 216 368-3938