• Welcome to the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section

    Dedicated to improving of accounting education through innovative curricula and efficient instruction.

  • TLC Webinar: Getting Students to Use Their Brains

    2015 Second Spring Complimentary Webinar for Members of the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section Friday, February 20, 2015, 2pm (EST).

    Moderator: Cathy Scott, Navarro College
    Presenter: Tracie Miller-Nobles, Austin Community College and Brenda Mattison, Tri-County Technical College

To stimulate interchange and research on the relationship between behavioral science and accounting. This might include, for example, the behavioral impact of accounting information, the incorporation of behavioral and attitudinal measures in accounting and human resource accounting.

To promote the integration of organizational and general system theories with developments in accounting theory. The former might include such constructs as organizational effectiveness, open vs. closed systems, contingency theory, constituencies, organizational adaptability or resilience, and social responsibility accounting.

  • Do you have a working paper that you believe would be of interest to other ABO members? Email it to John T. Rigsby by April 2. Learn more…

  • Call for Nominees for ABO Notable (Lifetime) Contribution Award in Behavioral Accounting Literature, deadline June 12, 2015. Learn more…

  • Call for Nominees for ABO Outstanding Dissertation Award, deadline June 12, 2015. Learn more…

  • Call for Nominations for BRIA Best Paper Award, deadline June 12, 2015. Learn more…

April 2015

Dear TLC Members:

Spring has finally arrived and another academic year is about to come to a close. I hope everyone had a great year. The TLC section offered three webinars that hopefully provided information that you found useful for incorporating into you courses.

We will continue the webinar series in the 2015-2016 academic year and are considering offering one or two additional seminars during the fall semester. If you have topics you are interested in, please send them to me or Karen Osterheld, kosterheld@bentley.edu, next year’s webinar coordinator.

This spring, I have had the pleasure of attending the Southeast Region meeting which had its highest attendance in nine years. Read more...

Newsletter of the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section

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We welcome you to submit your work to an AAA Meeting or Journal. Search for one of the available Call for Submissions.

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See you in August!

Annual Meeting 2018 Washington, DC