The Two-Year College
Educator of the Year Award

Do you know someone who has distinguished him/herself in the field of accounting education? Please nominate that individual for the annual Educator of the Year award which will be presented at the American Accounting Association annual conference during the meeting of the Two-Year Section. This is a wonderful way to recognize the professional contributions of one of our colleagues. A committee of the Two-Year Section will select the recipient.

The candidate must:

  1. Have at least ten years of teaching experience and have taught at a two-year college.
  2. Have at least five years of continuous membership (including the current year) in the AAA Two-Year College Section.

Note: Current officers and selection committee members are not eligible for this award. Two-Year College Section members may be eligible if they teach at four-year institutions. Contact the selection committee chair with questions about eligibility.

The candidate must show evidence of:

  1. Excellence and innovation in teaching accounting.
  2. Commitment to the improvement of teaching within his or her institution.
  3. Leadership in the development of teaching and learning beyond his or her own courses.

Nomination Procedure
The nominator must notify the committee electronically by June 1, 2015. Self nominations are acceptable.

The candidate must submit nomination materials (see next section) by June 20, 2015.

Submissions must be made electronically. Attach a Microsoft® Word file to an email and send to with "TYC Educator of the Year Award" in the subject line.

Submission Materials
The candidate should submit the following by June 20, 2015:

  1. Name, college address, home address, college phone number, home phone number, fax number and email address of candidate.
  2. A vitae or resume.
  3. Other materials that show:
    1. Number of years of teaching experience.
    2. Number of years as a member of the AAA Two-Year College Section.
    3. Evidence of teaching excellence. Examples: data from teaching evaluations over several years, list of special course development efforts, description of effective teaching strategies used, letters from colleagues and students, examples of course materials, previous teaching awards or summaries of student ratings.
  4. Evidence of educational leadership. Examples: conducting seminars, workshops, conferences or other events for colleagues; papers, texts, newsletters or other publications related to teaching; work on special projects related to learning.

The Two-Year College
Educator of the Year Award

Do you know someone who has distinguished him/herself in the field of accounting education? Please nominate that individual for the annual Educator of the Year award which will be presented at the American Accounting Association annual conference during the meeting of the Two-Year Section. This is a wonderful way to recognize the professional contributions of one of our colleagues. A committee of the Two-Year Section will select the recipient.

The candidate must:

  1. Have at least ten years of teaching experience and have taught at a two-year college.
  2. Have at least five years of continuous membership (including the current year) in the AAA Two-Year College Section.

Note: Current officers and selection committee members are not eligible for this award. Two-Year College Section members may be eligible if they teach at four-year institutions. Contact the selection committee chair with questions about eligibility.

The candidate must show evidence of:

  1. Excellence and innovation in teaching accounting.
  2. Commitment to the improvement of teaching within his or her institution.
  3. Leadership in the development of teaching and learning beyond his or her own courses.

Nomination Procedure
The nominator must notify the committee electronically by June 1, 2015. Self nominations are acceptable.

The candidate must submit nomination materials (see next section) by June 20, 2015.

Submissions must be made electronically. Attach a Microsoft® Word file to an email and send to with "TYC Educator of the Year Award" in the subject line.

Submission Materials
The candidate should submit the following by June 20, 2015:

  1. Name, college address, home address, college phone number, home phone number, fax number and email address of candidate.
  2. A vitae or resume.
  3. Other materials that show:
    1. Number of years of teaching experience.
    2. Number of years as a member of the AAA Two-Year College Section.
    3. Evidence of teaching excellence. Examples: data from teaching evaluations over several years, list of special course development efforts, description of effective teaching strategies used, letters from colleagues and students, examples of course materials, previous teaching awards or summaries of student ratings.
  4. Evidence of educational leadership. Examples: conducting seminars, workshops, conferences or other events for colleagues; papers, texts, newsletters or other publications related to teaching; work on special projects related to learning.