Sponsored by the Institute of Management Accountants 
Call for Nominations – AAA MAS Management Accounting Dissertation Award
Purpose: The AAA Management Accounting Section is pleased to announce its 2021 dissertation award competition. The purpose of this competition is to recognize outstanding dissertation research in the field of management accounting. The winner is honored with a plaque and $1,000; the runner-up is honored with a plaque and $250; and the supervisors of the winner and runner-up are honored with plaques. The award is generously sponsored by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA).
Eligibility and Nomination Procedures: An entry may be nominated by either the student who authored the dissertation or one or more members of the dissertation committee. The entry may NOT be simultaneously submitted to other dissertation competitions sponsored by other Sections of the American Accounting Association.
All entries must include a letter from the dissertation chairperson stating that the dissertation has been completed and accepted by the degree-granting institution between January 1 and December 31 of 2020; that is, a 2021 award recipient must have completed his/her dissertation during 2020.
Dissertations that have been considered for or that have won the AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Award (intended to recognize innovative research of third or fourth year PhD students that have passed their proposal defense at the time of the award) are eligible for this award.
Winners do not have to be members of the AAA MAS to receive the plaque but must be members to receive the cash prize.
Award Committee and Submission Instructions: By March 1, 2021, an electronic copy of the dissertation or a solo-authored working paper from the dissertation and the letter from the dissertation chairperson described above must be emailed to the Chair of the Dissertation Award committee: Jeremy Bentley, University of Massachusetts Amherst, jbentley@isenberg.umass.edu. While the committee would prefer working paper submissions, no advantage will be given to submissions in that form. Nominations will be evaluated by a Committee of faculty appointed by the MAS President.
Presentation of Award: The Awards will be presented during the Management Accounting Section Business Meeting and Lunch at the AAA Annual Meeting in August.