The Journal of Management Accounting Best Paper Award is presented annually to the JMAR paper deemed to have the greatest potential impact on management accounting research. Plaque will be presented to the winner at the Management Accounting Section Midyear meeting in January 2022 in Portland, Oregon.

Eligibility and Nomination Procedures:
Papers must have been published in 2019, 2020 or 2021

Please submit your nomination(s), along with reasons why you believe the paper should be considered for the Award, to Mandy Cheng, Chair of the Publications Committee M.Cheng@unsw.edu.au by September 1.

Selection Process:
The award winner is elected by the members of the Management Accounting Section's Publications Committee.

The Journal of Management Accounting Best Paper Award is presented annually to the JMAR paper deemed to have the greatest potential impact on management accounting research. Plaque will be presented to the winner at the Management Accounting Section Midyear meeting in January 2022 in Portland, Oregon.

Eligibility and Nomination Procedures:
Papers must have been published in 2019, 2020 or 2021

Please submit your nomination(s), along with reasons why you believe the paper should be considered for the Award, to Mandy Cheng, Chair of the Publications Committee M.Cheng@unsw.edu.au by September 1.

Selection Process:
The award winner is elected by the members of the Management Accounting Section's Publications Committee.