VIP Tour of Boeing’s Everett Factory

The Boeing Team will be hosting you on site for a VIP Tour of the Everett factory. This factory floor tour is reserved for special guests, airline customer executives, and government officials. It will take you closer to the assembly process than the public tour. You will be directly touring the production lines for Boeing’s wide-body aircraft, the 747, 777 and 787, with up front views of our processes and product.

Located just 25 miles north of Seattle, the Boeing Tour is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to view 747, 777, and 787 jets being assembled on the Everett production line before they take to the sky. Boeing’s Everett factory holds the record for the world’s largest building by volume. The tour is approximately 60-90 minutes long and includes fascinating facts about Boeing and the planes that bear its name.

The Boeing Tour involves walking down and up two steep flights of stairs at each end of the factory, walking through two large tunnels, the first .3 miles (.5 km) round trip, the second shorter, and riding two freight elevators to balconies overlooking the Boeing factory floor. Please let us know if you have any special needs.

Safety is a key value for The Boeing Company, and for all of our team members. Please read the Visitor Safety Guide.

Security Requirements: Government-issued photo ID is required for all guests. Non-US guests must bring a passport or similar documentation and provide AAA their country of citizenship two weeks in advance of the tour. Please note that The Boeing Company does not permit still photos or video cameras on the tour. In addition, there are no personal items allowed on the tour, including purses, backpacks, waist pouches, binoculars, cell phones, etc. Lockers are available onsite.

Thursday, May 5, 2016
11:30 am Check in and transportation from the Hyatt at Olive 8 to Everett Plant
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Everett Plant VIP Tour
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Education Presentation
4: 30 pm Return transportation to Hyatt at Olive 8

Cost: $50 per person includes round trip transportation, box lunch, tour, presentation and 2 CPE credit hours.
Tour is limited to 30 registered meeting attendees.

Registration for the tour will close April 20th. Onsite registration will not be available for the tour.

Field of Study: Accounting
Credit Hours: 2.0 CH
Program Level: Basic
Method of Delivery: Group-Live
Intended Audience: Conference Participants (Academic and Practitioner)
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation Required: None

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The Ohio Region Meeting is a great opportunity to learn and share teaching, research, and service ideas. Be a part of your accounting education community by submitting your work for presentation at the meeting.

Our exciting conference will take place April 7-9, 2016 in Cleveland (Beachwood), Ohio at the DoubleTree Cleveland East-Beachwood.

Plenary Session
Perspectives on High-Quality Teaching
Speaker:  Joe Hoyle, Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Richmond

Friday Dinner Presentation
Speaker: Greg Stefani, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 

Sharpen Your Teaching Skills
We're offering TEN teaching-related sessions presented by expert educators that will give you ideas you can use right away in the classroom, and information about developing trends in accounting higher education.

Teaching Track 1
Five sessions will be presented on Friday and Saturday at the meeting, sessions in this track will feature presentations by educators from across the country sharing valuable teaching tips that you can put to use immediately in your classes. More details coming soon!

Teaching Track 2
Sharing Best Teaching Practices Panel
How IT Fits? Information Technology in the Accounting Curriculum: Part II
Learning to Learn: The Accounting Vision Model and Accounting Judgments


Get to Know the Candidates for the 2016 Board of Directors