
The Publications Committee shall study and report to the AAA Board of Directors on all operating matters concerning Association publications including, but not limited to:

  • Preparing a recommendation for the AAA Board of Directors to appoint an incoming editor for one association-wide journal (The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, or Issues in Accounting Education, depending on the year).  This recommendation is based on the slate of candidates put forth by the journal’s Steering Committee. Members and the Chair of each Steering Committee are appointed by the AAA Management Team.
    • Approving the Call for Nominations for the Managing Editors put forth by the journal’s Steering Committee:
      • Accounting Horizons - Fall 2016
      • Issues in Accounting Education - Fall 2017
      • The Accounting Review - Fall 2018

  • Evaluating the AAA’s strategy for its scholarly publications.
    • Evaluating and monitoring trends in scholarly publishing.
    • Monitoring and recommending means of maintaining the economic viability of the Association's publications.
    • Reviewing proposals for new journals and making recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  • Developing policies to guide our journal processes
    • Evaluating our scholarly publications and recommending changes to the publication of the Association’s journals including evaluating the methods and timing for the publication of the Association's journals.
    • Benchmarking with other scholarly publishers, supporting organizations, and policy makers to identify best practices in publication ethics.
    • Developing community norms and policies to support authors, editors, and consumers of accounting research to create and provide stewardship for intellectual property of the highest caliber.
  • Communicating with and supporting the community
    • Engaging the accounting editorial community in discussion and evaluation of developing norms/policies.
    • Securing input on developing norms/policies from representatives of public accounting firms, corporations, the IRS, and other entities that sponsor research or provide data and/or subjects.
    • Identifying the educational implications of the recommended norms/policies.


  • The committee shall consist of nine members including the Vice President of Research and Publications, a Chair, the Chairs of the three AAA-Wide Journal Steering Committees, and four additional members, all serving staggered three-year terms.
  • The Chair-Elect serves for one year, then serves as Chair for two years.
  • Transition note: In order to establish a steady state of staggered three-year terms for the Chairs of the three AAA-Wide Journal Steering Committees, the Chair of The Accounting Review Screening Committee shall be appointed to serve a one-year term beginning September 2015 and the Chair of the Accounting Horizons Steering Committee shall be appointed to serve a two-year term beginning September 2015.
  • In keeping with the AAA’s Conflict of Interest policy, members of the committee may not hold the highest ranking editor position (e.g., Managing or Senior Editor) of an AAA journal, as these editors are occasionally called on to report to the Committee. 


  • The committee meets in person at least twice per year, generally at the AAA Annual Meeting and in February.
  • Other meetings of the committee may be scheduled at the discretion of the Chair, and can be online, as appropriate.


  • Fulfill the committee charter above.
  • Susan Rockwell (, AAA Director, Publications & Content Strategy, will provide staff support for the Publications Committee Chair.
  • Barbara Gutierrez, (, Governance Manager, assists with providing logistical support for committee and task force meetings and conference calls.
  • If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, s/he should contact the Executive Director, the President, or the committee’s Board of Directors Liaison.
  • The Chair will have the opportunity three times every term-year to prepare and send a progress report which will be available for the Board of Directors to review at their next meeting. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the committee's Board of Directors Liaison, and Governance Manager, Barbara Gutierrez (


Name / Affiliation


Term Length

Term Expires

John (Harry) Evans 
University of Pittsburgh 
Chair, The Accounting Review Steering Committee



Terry Shevlin
University of California, Irvine

Vice President - Research and Publications



Gail Hoover King 
Purdue University Northwest



David Stout 
Villanova University



Dana Hermanson
Kennesaw State University
Chair, Accounting Horizons Steering Committee




Pat Hopkins
Indiana University-Bloomington



Ann Tarca
University of Western Australia 



Christopher Wolfe
Texas A&M University 



Bill Pasewark
Texas Tech University
Chair, Issues in Accounting Education  Steering Committee



Board of Directors Liaison
Terry Shevlin
University of California, Irvine




The Publications Committee shall study and report to the AAA Board of Directors on all operating matters concerning Association publications including, but not limited to:

  • Preparing a recommendation for the AAA Board of Directors to appoint an incoming editor for one association-wide journal (The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, or Issues in Accounting Education, depending on the year).  This recommendation is based on the slate of candidates put forth by the journal’s Steering Committee. Members and the Chair of each Steering Committee are appointed by the AAA Management Team.
    • Approving the Call for Nominations for the Managing Editors put forth by the journal’s Steering Committee:
      • Accounting Horizons - Fall 2016
      • Issues in Accounting Education - Fall 2017
      • The Accounting Review - Fall 2018

  • Evaluating the AAA’s strategy for its scholarly publications.
    • Evaluating and monitoring trends in scholarly publishing.
    • Monitoring and recommending means of maintaining the economic viability of the Association's publications.
    • Reviewing proposals for new journals and making recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  • Developing policies to guide our journal processes
    • Evaluating our scholarly publications and recommending changes to the publication of the Association’s journals including evaluating the methods and timing for the publication of the Association's journals.
    • Benchmarking with other scholarly publishers, supporting organizations, and policy makers to identify best practices in publication ethics.
    • Developing community norms and policies to support authors, editors, and consumers of accounting research to create and provide stewardship for intellectual property of the highest caliber.
  • Communicating with and supporting the community
    • Engaging the accounting editorial community in discussion and evaluation of developing norms/policies.
    • Securing input on developing norms/policies from representatives of public accounting firms, corporations, the IRS, and other entities that sponsor research or provide data and/or subjects.
    • Identifying the educational implications of the recommended norms/policies.


  • The committee shall consist of nine members including the Vice President of Research and Publications, a Chair, the Chairs of the three AAA-Wide Journal Steering Committees, and four additional members, all serving staggered three-year terms.
  • The Chair-Elect serves for one year, then serves as Chair for two years.
  • Transition note: In order to establish a steady state of staggered three-year terms for the Chairs of the three AAA-Wide Journal Steering Committees, the Chair of The Accounting Review Screening Committee shall be appointed to serve a one-year term beginning September 2015 and the Chair of the Accounting Horizons Steering Committee shall be appointed to serve a two-year term beginning September 2015.
  • In keeping with the AAA’s Conflict of Interest policy, members of the committee may not hold the highest ranking editor position (e.g., Managing or Senior Editor) of an AAA journal, as these editors are occasionally called on to report to the Committee. 


  • The committee meets in person at least twice per year, generally at the AAA Annual Meeting and in February.
  • Other meetings of the committee may be scheduled at the discretion of the Chair, and can be online, as appropriate.


  • Fulfill the committee charter above.
  • Susan Rockwell (, AAA Director, Publications & Content Strategy, will provide staff support for the Publications Committee Chair.
  • Barbara Gutierrez, (, Governance Manager, assists with providing logistical support for committee and task force meetings and conference calls.
  • If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, s/he should contact the Executive Director, the President, or the committee’s Board of Directors Liaison.
  • The Chair will have the opportunity three times every term-year to prepare and send a progress report which will be available for the Board of Directors to review at their next meeting. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the committee's Board of Directors Liaison, and Governance Manager, Barbara Gutierrez (


Name / Affiliation


Term Length

Term Expires

John (Harry) Evans 
University of Pittsburgh 
Chair, The Accounting Review Steering Committee



Terry Shevlin
University of California, Irvine

Vice President - Research and Publications



Gail Hoover King 
Purdue University Northwest



David Stout 
Villanova University



Dana Hermanson
Kennesaw State University
Chair, Accounting Horizons Steering Committee




Pat Hopkins
Indiana University-Bloomington



Ann Tarca
University of Western Australia 



Christopher Wolfe
Texas A&M University 



Bill Pasewark
Texas Tech University
Chair, Issues in Accounting Education  Steering Committee



Board of Directors Liaison
Terry Shevlin
University of California, Irvine