The following awards were presented to the recipients at the various Section meetings at the AAA Annual Meeting in New York, NY, which was held August 8-10, 2016. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Accounting Information Systems Section

AIS Notable Contributions to the Literature Award
Roger Debreceny and Glen L. Gray
“The Production and Use of Semantically Rich Accounting Reports on the Internet: XML and XBRL”

AIS Outstanding Dissertation Award
Michael Werner
“Business Process Analysis Automation for Financial Audits”

AIS outstanding Service award – Editor
Juan Manuel Sanchez

AIS Outstanding Service Award – Reviewer
William N. Dilla

AIS Outstanding Service Award – President
Tina Loraas

AIS Outstanding Service Award – 2016 Midyear Meeting Coordinator
Stephanie Farewell

AIS Outstanding Service Award – Journal of Information Systems and AIS Section
Stephanie Austin

Accounting Program Leadership Group Section

APLG Leadership, Initiative and Service Award
William D. Stout

American Taxation Association Section

ATA/PricewatershouseCoopers Outstanding Tax Dissertation Award
Rebecca Lester
“Made in the USA? A Study of Firm Responses to Domestic Production Incentives”

ATA/Deloitte Teaching Innovation Award
John Geekie, Mark Holtzblatt, and Norbert Tschakert
“Should US and Global Regulators Take a Bigger Tax Bite Out of Technology Companies? A Case on Apple’s International Tax Minimization and Reporting Strategies”

ATA Service Award – President
John R. Robinson

ATA Outstanding Service Award
Marguerite (Zite) Hutton

ATA Outstanding Manuscript Award
Petro Lisowsky, Leslie Robinson, and Andrew Schmidt
“Do Publicly Disclosed Tax Reserves Tell Us About Privately Disclosed Tax Shelter Activity?”

ATA Marty Escoffier Hospitality Award
Kimberly Key
Vice President
2016 ATA Midyear Meeting Chair

Journal of the American Taxation Association – Best Discussant Award
Stacie Laplante

Journal of the American Taxation Association (2015 - Volume 37) Outstanding Paper Award
Jennifer L. Brown, Katharine Drake, and Laura Wellman
“The Benefits of a Relational Approach to Corporate Political Activity: Evidence from Political Contributions to Tax Policymakers”

Journal of Legal Tax Research – Outstanding Paper Award
Noel Brock and Hughlene A. Burton
“Taxing Treatment of Carried Interest”

Auditing Section

AUD Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Jay C. Thibodeau

AUD Section Annual Meeting Luncheon Keynote Speaker
Timothy Ryan

AUD Section Outstanding Service – Secretary
Mark F. Zimbelman

AUD Section Outstanding Service – Historian
D. Scott Showalter

AUD Section Outstanding Service – 2016 Annual Meeting Program Committee Co-Directors
Barbara Grein and Lisa Gaynor

AUD Section Outstanding Service – 2016 Annual Meeting Analytical Program Specialist
Jian Zhou

AUD Section Outstanding Service – Vice President-Practice
Steve Meisel

Diversity Section

DIV Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Evelyn A. McDowell

DIV Sponsorship Award
KPMG, LLP and the KPMG Foundation
The University of Louisville

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award – 2016 Annual Meeting Liaison
Helen Brown-Liburd

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award – Council Representative
Mark Dawkins

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award – 2015 Midyear Meeting Co-Chairs
Dereck Barr and Stephani Mason

Financial Accounting and Reporting Section

FARS Distinguished Service Award
Darren Roulstone

FARS Best Dissertation Award 2016
Andrew Sutherland
“The Economic Consequences of Borrower Information Sharing: Relationship Dynamics and Investment”

FARS Best Dissertation Supervision Award 2016
Christian Leuz (for supervising Andrew Sutherland)

FARS Best Paper Award
Holger Daske, Luzi Hail, Christian Leuz, and Rodrigo Verdi
“Adopting a Label: Heterogeneity in the Economic Consequences around IAS/IFRS Adoptions”

FARS Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award 2016
Jose M. Carabias Palmeiro
“The Real-Time Information Content of Macroeconomic News: Implications for Firm-Level Earnings Expectations”

FARS Outstanding Service – 2016 National Meeting Co-Coordinators
Elizabeth Chuk and Holly Yang

FARS Outstanding Service – 2012-2016 FARS Steering Board
Lisa Koonce, Mark Kohlbeck, and Marilyn Johnson

FARS Innovation in Financial Accounting Education Award
G. Peter Wilson

FARS Distinguished PhD Mentoring Award 2016
Daniel W. Collins

FARS Lifetime Service Award 2016
Thomas J. Linsmeier

Forensic Accounting Section

FAS Dissertation Award 2016
Adrian Gepp
“Improved Models to Detect Fraud in Financial Statements”

FAS Teaching Innovation Award 2016
Denise R. Hanes, Barbara M. Porco, and Jay C. Thibodeau
“Simply Soups Inc.: A Teaching Case Designed to Integrate the Electronic Cash Confirmation Process in to the Auditing Curriculum”

FAS Research Paper Award 2016
Vasant Raval
“A Disposition-Based Fraud Model: Theoretical Integration and Research Agenda”

Gender Issues/Worklife Balance Section

GIWB 2016 KPMG Mentoring Award
Dr. Margaret Tanner

GIWB 2016 KPMG Outstanding Dissertation Award
Dr. W. Brian Dowis
“An Empirical Examination of Gender, Political Affiliation, and Family Composition Issues Affecting Reasonable Compensation in Closely Held Corporations”

GIWB 2016 KPMG Best Paper Award
Kevin L. Hammond and Robert L. Webster
“The Role of Gender in Judging the Consequences of Market Orientation toward Students: A Study of Accounting Department Leaders”

GIWB 2016 KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award
Dr. Stefan Linnhoff, Katherine Taken Smith, and L. Murphy Smith
“A Longitudinal Analysis of Work-Life Balance Perspectives of Future Business Professionals”

GIWB Outstanding Service Award – President
Dr. D. Larry Crumbley

Government and Nonprofit Section

GNP Distinguished Service Award
Andrew J. McLelland
President 2015-2016

GNP 2016 Annual Meeting Best Paper Award
Kathryn Chang
“An Investigation of Economic Efficiency in California Hospitals”

GNP 2016 Outstanding Dissertation Award
Laurie Corradino
“Nonprofit Governance: Mechanisms and Outcomes”

International Accounting Section

IAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service
Giorgio Gotti
President 2015-2016

IAS 2016 Ian Hague Award for Outstanding Service to the Section
Mike Welker

IAS Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award
Giulia Giunti
“The impact of increased standard flexibility in disclosure practices”

IAS Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award
Grace Pownal

IAS 2016 Annual Meeting Luncheon Speaker
Jongsoo Han

IAS 2016 Annual Meeting Program Co-Chairs
Ling-Tai Chou and Thomas Lechner

IAS 2016 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Paper Award
Elizabeth Gordon, Karin A. Petruska, and Minna Yu
“Do Analysts’ Cash Flow Forecasts Mitigate the Accrual Anomaly? International Evidence”

Management Accounting Section

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016
David Tsui
“Risk-Return Tradeoffs and Managerial Incentives”

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016 – Supervision
Wayne Guay for supervising David Tsui

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016 – Co-Runners Up
Jeremiah Bentley
“Decreasing Operational Distortion and Surrogation through Narrative Reporting”

Eric Chan
“Promotion, Relative Performance Information, and the Peter Principle”

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016 – Supervision (Co-Runners Up)
Robert Bloomfield for supervising Jeremiah Bentley
Donald Moser for supervising Eric Chan

MAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Monte Swain
President 2015-2016

MAS 2016 AAA Annual Meeting Outstanding Management Accounting Paper Award
Andrew H. Newman, Ivo Tafkov, and Flora Zhou
“The Effect of Incentive Scheme and Task Type on Psychological Entitlement and Altruistic Behavior”

MAS Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award
Fei Du, Guliang Tang, and S. Mark Young
“Influence Activities and Favoritism in Subjective Performance Evaluation: Evidence from Chinese State-Owned Enterprises”

MAS and IMA Jim Bulloch Award for Innovations in Management Accounting Education 2016
Wendy Tietz

MAS with CGMA, AICPA and CIMA – 2016 Best Early Career Researcher in Management Accounting
Isabella Grabner

Public Interest Section

Distinguished Service Award
Pat Kelly

Outstanding Service Award
Lawrence Chui
Byron Pike
Michael Kraten

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 21st Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Applied Research Award
M. Christian Mastilak, Linda Matuszewski, Fabienne Miller, and Alex Woods
“Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? An Examination of Exposure to Agency Theory and Unethical Behavior”

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 21st Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Theoretical Research Award
Dan N. Stone
“The ‘New Statistics’ and Nullifying the Null: Twelve Actions for Improving Accounting Research Quality and Integrity”

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 21st Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Contribution to Teaching Award
Rosemary Kerr, Alina Lee, Abhijeet Singh, and Ross H. Taplin
“The use of Short Tole-plays for Ethics Education in University Auditing Courses”

Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section

SET Distinguished Service Award 2016
Cheryl Dunn
President 2015-2016

SET Outstanding Researcher Award 2016
Daniel O’Leary

SET Outstanding Educator Award 2016
Amelia Baldwin

SET Outstanding Dissertation Award 2016
Yu-Tzu Chang
“What do Auditors Promise their Governmental Audit Clients? What do Governmental Audit Clients Want? Audit Proposal Evidence from Governmental Audit Procurement Processes”

SET Outstanding Service Award 2016 – Co-Coordinators of the Transformative Technologies Workshop
Guido Geerts and Robyn Raschke

SET Outstanding Service Award 2016 – Editor for the SET Newsletter
L. Murphy Smith

Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section

TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award 2016
David E. Stout and Donald E. Wygal
“Shining a Light on Effective Teaching Best Practices: Survey Findings from Award-Winning Accounting Educators”

TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2016
Stacy A. Mastrolia and Curtis M. Nicholls
“Second Chance Homeless Shelter: A Fraud Exercise in Introductory and Survey Courses in Accounting”

TLC Hall of Honor Award 2016
E. Kent St. Pierre

TLC Leadership, Initiative and Service Award 2016
Gail Hoover King
President 2014-2016

TLC Leadership and Service Award – 2014-2016 VP Academic
Natalie Churyk

Two Year College Section

TYC Lifetime Achievement Award
Glenn Owen

TYC Two-Year College Educator of the Year Award 2015-2016
Tracie Miller-Nobles

TYC Leadership Award
Markus Ahrens
President 2014-2016 

The following awards were presented to the recipients at the various Section meetings at the AAA Annual Meeting in New York, NY, which was held August 8-10, 2016. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Accounting Information Systems Section

AIS Notable Contributions to the Literature Award
Roger Debreceny and Glen L. Gray
“The Production and Use of Semantically Rich Accounting Reports on the Internet: XML and XBRL”

AIS Outstanding Dissertation Award
Michael Werner
“Business Process Analysis Automation for Financial Audits”

AIS outstanding Service award – Editor
Juan Manuel Sanchez

AIS Outstanding Service Award – Reviewer
William N. Dilla

AIS Outstanding Service Award – President
Tina Loraas

AIS Outstanding Service Award – 2016 Midyear Meeting Coordinator
Stephanie Farewell

AIS Outstanding Service Award – Journal of Information Systems and AIS Section
Stephanie Austin

Accounting Program Leadership Group Section

APLG Leadership, Initiative and Service Award
William D. Stout

American Taxation Association Section

ATA/PricewatershouseCoopers Outstanding Tax Dissertation Award
Rebecca Lester
“Made in the USA? A Study of Firm Responses to Domestic Production Incentives”

ATA/Deloitte Teaching Innovation Award
John Geekie, Mark Holtzblatt, and Norbert Tschakert
“Should US and Global Regulators Take a Bigger Tax Bite Out of Technology Companies? A Case on Apple’s International Tax Minimization and Reporting Strategies”

ATA Service Award – President
John R. Robinson

ATA Outstanding Service Award
Marguerite (Zite) Hutton

ATA Outstanding Manuscript Award
Petro Lisowsky, Leslie Robinson, and Andrew Schmidt
“Do Publicly Disclosed Tax Reserves Tell Us About Privately Disclosed Tax Shelter Activity?”

ATA Marty Escoffier Hospitality Award
Kimberly Key
Vice President
2016 ATA Midyear Meeting Chair

Journal of the American Taxation Association – Best Discussant Award
Stacie Laplante

Journal of the American Taxation Association (2015 - Volume 37) Outstanding Paper Award
Jennifer L. Brown, Katharine Drake, and Laura Wellman
“The Benefits of a Relational Approach to Corporate Political Activity: Evidence from Political Contributions to Tax Policymakers”

Journal of Legal Tax Research – Outstanding Paper Award
Noel Brock and Hughlene A. Burton
“Taxing Treatment of Carried Interest”

Auditing Section

AUD Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Jay C. Thibodeau

AUD Section Annual Meeting Luncheon Keynote Speaker
Timothy Ryan

AUD Section Outstanding Service – Secretary
Mark F. Zimbelman

AUD Section Outstanding Service – Historian
D. Scott Showalter

AUD Section Outstanding Service – 2016 Annual Meeting Program Committee Co-Directors
Barbara Grein and Lisa Gaynor

AUD Section Outstanding Service – 2016 Annual Meeting Analytical Program Specialist
Jian Zhou

AUD Section Outstanding Service – Vice President-Practice
Steve Meisel

Diversity Section

DIV Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Evelyn A. McDowell

DIV Sponsorship Award
KPMG, LLP and the KPMG Foundation
The University of Louisville

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award – 2016 Annual Meeting Liaison
Helen Brown-Liburd

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award – Council Representative
Mark Dawkins

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award – 2015 Midyear Meeting Co-Chairs
Dereck Barr and Stephani Mason

Financial Accounting and Reporting Section

FARS Distinguished Service Award
Darren Roulstone

FARS Best Dissertation Award 2016
Andrew Sutherland
“The Economic Consequences of Borrower Information Sharing: Relationship Dynamics and Investment”

FARS Best Dissertation Supervision Award 2016
Christian Leuz (for supervising Andrew Sutherland)

FARS Best Paper Award
Holger Daske, Luzi Hail, Christian Leuz, and Rodrigo Verdi
“Adopting a Label: Heterogeneity in the Economic Consequences around IAS/IFRS Adoptions”

FARS Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award 2016
Jose M. Carabias Palmeiro
“The Real-Time Information Content of Macroeconomic News: Implications for Firm-Level Earnings Expectations”

FARS Outstanding Service – 2016 National Meeting Co-Coordinators
Elizabeth Chuk and Holly Yang

FARS Outstanding Service – 2012-2016 FARS Steering Board
Lisa Koonce, Mark Kohlbeck, and Marilyn Johnson

FARS Innovation in Financial Accounting Education Award
G. Peter Wilson

FARS Distinguished PhD Mentoring Award 2016
Daniel W. Collins

FARS Lifetime Service Award 2016
Thomas J. Linsmeier

Forensic Accounting Section

FAS Dissertation Award 2016
Adrian Gepp
“Improved Models to Detect Fraud in Financial Statements”

FAS Teaching Innovation Award 2016
Denise R. Hanes, Barbara M. Porco, and Jay C. Thibodeau
“Simply Soups Inc.: A Teaching Case Designed to Integrate the Electronic Cash Confirmation Process in to the Auditing Curriculum”

FAS Research Paper Award 2016
Vasant Raval
“A Disposition-Based Fraud Model: Theoretical Integration and Research Agenda”

Gender Issues/Worklife Balance Section

GIWB 2016 KPMG Mentoring Award
Dr. Margaret Tanner

GIWB 2016 KPMG Outstanding Dissertation Award
Dr. W. Brian Dowis
“An Empirical Examination of Gender, Political Affiliation, and Family Composition Issues Affecting Reasonable Compensation in Closely Held Corporations”

GIWB 2016 KPMG Best Paper Award
Kevin L. Hammond and Robert L. Webster
“The Role of Gender in Judging the Consequences of Market Orientation toward Students: A Study of Accounting Department Leaders”

GIWB 2016 KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award
Dr. Stefan Linnhoff, Katherine Taken Smith, and L. Murphy Smith
“A Longitudinal Analysis of Work-Life Balance Perspectives of Future Business Professionals”

GIWB Outstanding Service Award – President
Dr. D. Larry Crumbley

Government and Nonprofit Section

GNP Distinguished Service Award
Andrew J. McLelland
President 2015-2016

GNP 2016 Annual Meeting Best Paper Award
Kathryn Chang
“An Investigation of Economic Efficiency in California Hospitals”

GNP 2016 Outstanding Dissertation Award
Laurie Corradino
“Nonprofit Governance: Mechanisms and Outcomes”

International Accounting Section

IAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service
Giorgio Gotti
President 2015-2016

IAS 2016 Ian Hague Award for Outstanding Service to the Section
Mike Welker

IAS Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award
Giulia Giunti
“The impact of increased standard flexibility in disclosure practices”

IAS Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award
Grace Pownal

IAS 2016 Annual Meeting Luncheon Speaker
Jongsoo Han

IAS 2016 Annual Meeting Program Co-Chairs
Ling-Tai Chou and Thomas Lechner

IAS 2016 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Paper Award
Elizabeth Gordon, Karin A. Petruska, and Minna Yu
“Do Analysts’ Cash Flow Forecasts Mitigate the Accrual Anomaly? International Evidence”

Management Accounting Section

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016
David Tsui
“Risk-Return Tradeoffs and Managerial Incentives”

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016 – Supervision
Wayne Guay for supervising David Tsui

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016 – Co-Runners Up
Jeremiah Bentley
“Decreasing Operational Distortion and Surrogation through Narrative Reporting”

Eric Chan
“Promotion, Relative Performance Information, and the Peter Principle”

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016 – Supervision (Co-Runners Up)
Robert Bloomfield for supervising Jeremiah Bentley
Donald Moser for supervising Eric Chan

MAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Monte Swain
President 2015-2016

MAS 2016 AAA Annual Meeting Outstanding Management Accounting Paper Award
Andrew H. Newman, Ivo Tafkov, and Flora Zhou
“The Effect of Incentive Scheme and Task Type on Psychological Entitlement and Altruistic Behavior”

MAS Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award
Fei Du, Guliang Tang, and S. Mark Young
“Influence Activities and Favoritism in Subjective Performance Evaluation: Evidence from Chinese State-Owned Enterprises”

MAS and IMA Jim Bulloch Award for Innovations in Management Accounting Education 2016
Wendy Tietz

MAS with CGMA, AICPA and CIMA – 2016 Best Early Career Researcher in Management Accounting
Isabella Grabner

Public Interest Section

Distinguished Service Award
Pat Kelly

Outstanding Service Award
Lawrence Chui
Byron Pike
Michael Kraten

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 21st Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Applied Research Award
M. Christian Mastilak, Linda Matuszewski, Fabienne Miller, and Alex Woods
“Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? An Examination of Exposure to Agency Theory and Unethical Behavior”

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 21st Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Theoretical Research Award
Dan N. Stone
“The ‘New Statistics’ and Nullifying the Null: Twelve Actions for Improving Accounting Research Quality and Integrity”

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 21st Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Contribution to Teaching Award
Rosemary Kerr, Alina Lee, Abhijeet Singh, and Ross H. Taplin
“The use of Short Tole-plays for Ethics Education in University Auditing Courses”

Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section

SET Distinguished Service Award 2016
Cheryl Dunn
President 2015-2016

SET Outstanding Researcher Award 2016
Daniel O’Leary

SET Outstanding Educator Award 2016
Amelia Baldwin

SET Outstanding Dissertation Award 2016
Yu-Tzu Chang
“What do Auditors Promise their Governmental Audit Clients? What do Governmental Audit Clients Want? Audit Proposal Evidence from Governmental Audit Procurement Processes”

SET Outstanding Service Award 2016 – Co-Coordinators of the Transformative Technologies Workshop
Guido Geerts and Robyn Raschke

SET Outstanding Service Award 2016 – Editor for the SET Newsletter
L. Murphy Smith

Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section

TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award 2016
David E. Stout and Donald E. Wygal
“Shining a Light on Effective Teaching Best Practices: Survey Findings from Award-Winning Accounting Educators”

TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2016
Stacy A. Mastrolia and Curtis M. Nicholls
“Second Chance Homeless Shelter: A Fraud Exercise in Introductory and Survey Courses in Accounting”

TLC Hall of Honor Award 2016
E. Kent St. Pierre

TLC Leadership, Initiative and Service Award 2016
Gail Hoover King
President 2014-2016

TLC Leadership and Service Award – 2014-2016 VP Academic
Natalie Churyk

Two Year College Section

TYC Lifetime Achievement Award
Glenn Owen

TYC Two-Year College Educator of the Year Award 2015-2016
Tracie Miller-Nobles

TYC Leadership Award
Markus Ahrens
President 2014-2016