Teaching Accounting Students Big Data Skills

Guido L. Geerts, University of Delaware
Catherine A. Banks, EY Foundation and ARC

Date: Thursday, January 24, 2019
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Field of Study: Information Technology
Program Level: Basic
Method of Delivery: Group- Live
Credit Hours: 3.0 CH

Learning Objective:
Have you wondered how to teach the big data skill sets in a course or throughout the accounting curriculum? Given the different needs of faculty and the courses they teach, a number of approaches will be discussed:  making students aware of the potential of Big Data (1 or 2 lectures/activities); introduction to Big Data tools and their application to accounting (hands-on learning); integration of Big Data exercises into a variety of accounting classes; or a stand-alone “Big Data” course.  This workshop is for all accounting educators interested in integrating the skill sets for discovery, extraction, organization, enrichment and analysis of Big Data.  

Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation Required: None

We gratefully acknowledge the KPMG Foundation for their generous support for the Midyear Meeting and Ph.D./New Faculty Consortium