Nominations Closed 

Doctoral Consortium Nomination Process
The Financial Accounting & Reporting Section (FARS) Doctoral Consortium will be held from 8:00 am to 5:15 pm on Thursday, January 23, 2020 at Tennessee State University preceding the FARS Midyear Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. In order to attend, students must be nominated by their doctoral-granting schools. The nomination deadline is Thursday, October 24, 2019.

To encourage doctoral student attendance, FARS does not charge a registration fee to attend the Doctoral Consortium and provides breakfast and lunch on the day of the Consortium. However, individual participants are responsible for their own transportation, accommodation, and other expenses. In addition, if participants are interested in attending the FARS Midyear Meeting, they should register for, and pay related fees to attend, the FARS Midyear Meeting.

Furthermore, there are a small number of need-based scholarships available from FARS. Along with the Consortium nomination, the doctoral program chair (not the PhD student) should submit a letter of interest in one of these scholarships. The letter should include written justification of the respective Consortium candidate’s need (e.g., by attesting to the amount of the candidate’s annual travel budget). Scholarship funds will then be allocated by a separate scholarship committee.

In prior years, demand has exceeded capacity. Nominating a candidate does NOT ensure participation in the 2020 FARS Doctoral Consortium. Nominations will be reviewed, and applicants will receive notification of being accepted or waitlisted on or about November 8, 2019. Given the limited space, FARS allows a student to attend the consortium only once during the student’s Ph.D. program.

Student Eligibility
The Consortium is open to accounting Ph.D. students from doctoral-granting institutions who have an interest in financial accounting research. Students may be at any stage in their program, although those who have completed comprehensive exams but are not on the job market will benefit the most from participating. It is expected that a limit of two students from any one university will be allowed to attend, unless there are openings after each school has had the opportunity to nominate two students. Students nominated should be rank ordered on the nomination form by the individual completing the form. We anticipate that all first-choice students will be accepted and that the second choices will be accepted to the extent possible.

We would like to thank the Grant Thornton LLP for its generous support in sponsoring the 2020 FARS Midyear Meeting.

We would like to thank the Tennessee State University for its generous support in sponsoring the 2020 FARS Doctoral Consortium.