Technical Session

Social Network Analysis: The Flow of Information Through Connections
Presenter: Stephen P. Borgatti, University of Kentucky
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2020
Time: 1:00 – 6:00 pm

Social Network Analysis (SNA) is the focus of the FARS 2020 research workshop. The session will be led by Dr. Steve Borgatti, an expert in theoretical and applied SNA research. Dr. Borgatti has published over 100 articles and 2 books on this topic.

The workshop has been organized to provide hands-on introduction to social network analysis (SNA) and will include the following:

-           An overview of the theoretical perspectives that characterize the field of SNA.
-           A discussion of the kinds of research questions for which SNA is well suited.
-           How data is acquired and organized.
-           Handling special challenges introduced by data.
-           Review of common SNA measures.
-           Hands on calculations of standard measures and analysis techniques such as finding communities and testing hypotheses.

Upon completion of the workshop, participants will understand the fundamentals of SNA and how to load data into UCINET, the leading software package for SNA, run basic analyses and export the results for use in other statistical packages.

In addition to Excel, the workshop requires UCINET (version 6.689 or later; 32-bit version only). The software can be downloaded from The software is not free but can be used on a trial basis for 60 days. UCINET is Windows software. If you are a Mac user, you can run it via Parallels, VMware Fusion or Bootcamp. Click Here for an exercise that you should run after installing UCINET to make sure everything is running correctly. Please complete the download and test prior to arriving at the workshop.or contact (941)-921-7747. For more information regarding refund, complaint and program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (941)-921-7747

Technical Session

Social Network Analysis: The Flow of Information Through Connections
Presenter: Stephen P. Borgatti, University of Kentucky
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2020
Time: 1:00 – 6:00 pm

Social Network Analysis (SNA) is the focus of the FARS 2020 research workshop. The session will be led by Dr. Steve Borgatti, an expert in theoretical and applied SNA research. Dr. Borgatti has published over 100 articles and 2 books on this topic.

The workshop has been organized to provide hands-on introduction to social network analysis (SNA) and will include the following:

-           An overview of the theoretical perspectives that characterize the field of SNA.
-           A discussion of the kinds of research questions for which SNA is well suited.
-           How data is acquired and organized.
-           Handling special challenges introduced by data.
-           Review of common SNA measures.
-           Hands on calculations of standard measures and analysis techniques such as finding communities and testing hypotheses.

Upon completion of the workshop, participants will understand the fundamentals of SNA and how to load data into UCINET, the leading software package for SNA, run basic analyses and export the results for use in other statistical packages.

In addition to Excel, the workshop requires UCINET (version 6.689 or later; 32-bit version only). The software can be downloaded from The software is not free but can be used on a trial basis for 60 days. UCINET is Windows software. If you are a Mac user, you can run it via Parallels, VMware Fusion or Bootcamp. Click Here for an exercise that you should run after installing UCINET to make sure everything is running correctly. Please complete the download and test prior to arriving at the workshop.or contact (941)-921-7747. For more information regarding refund, complaint and program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (941)-921-7747