The following sections bestowed their members with awards at the 2020 AAA Virtual Meeting. Others will present the awards at their 2020-2021 Midyear Meetings. Congratulations to the recipients! 

Academy of Accounting Historians Section

The Accounting Historians Journal Award of Excellence
Dale Flesher, The University of Mississippi, Craig Foltin, Cleveland State University, Gary Previts, Case Western Reserve University, and Mary Stone, The University of Alabama 
“A Comprehensive Review of the Evolution of Accounting Standards for State and Local Government Pensions and OPEB”

The Accounting Historians Journal Best Paper Award
Michael Doron, California State University, Northridge, C. Richard Baker, Adelphi Univesity,  and Kiren Dosanjh Zucker,  California State University, Northridge
“Bookkeeper-Controller-CFO: The Rise of the Chief Financial and Chief Accounting Officer”

Alfred R. Roberts Memorial Research Award
Diane Roberts, University of San Francisco
“U.S. Public accounting practice conditions and intergenerational occupation transfer from 1871 to 1889”

Barbara D. Merino Award for Excellence in Accounting History Publication
Kelly Kilcrease, University of New Hampshire and Yvette Lazdowski, University of New Hampshire
Manchester’s Shoe Industry

Innovation in Accounting History Education Award
Louella Moore, Washburn University

Thomas J. Burns Biographical Research Award
Mikhail I. Kuter, Kuban State University-Russia, Marina M. Gurskaya, Kuban State University-Russia, Alexander V. Kuznetsov, Kuban State University-Russia
“Alexander Galagan: Russian titan of the enlightenment in the history of accounting”

Hourglass Award
Gary Carnegie, RMIT University

Accounting Information Systems Section

AIS Distinguished Service Conference Chair - 2020 New Scholars Consortium
Margaret Christ, The University of Georgia

AIS Outstanding Service Award - AIS Historian (2007-2020)
Ann O'Brien, University of Wisconsin-Madison

AIS Outstanding Service Award - 2020 Annual Meeting Coordinator
Matt Pickard, Northern Illinois University

AIS Outstanding Service Award - Editor of JIS
Alexander Kogan, Rutgers University and Patrick Wheeler, Florida Gulf Coast University

AIS Outstanding Service Award - JISC Conference
Greg Gerard, Florida State University

AIS Outstanding Service Award - Reviewer
(Tawei) David Wang, DePaul University

AIS Service Award - President
Ann Dzuranin, Northern Illinois University

American Taxation Association Section

ATA Service Award - President (2019-2020)
Diana Falsetta

Section awards to be presented at 2021 Midyear Meeting

Auditing Section

Auditing Section Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Kathryn Kadous, President (2018-2019)

Auditing Section Outstanding Service – Vice President-Practice
Rebecca Sproul (2018-2020)

Auditing Section Outstanding Service – Secretary
Marsha Keune (2018-2020)

Auditing Section Outstanding Service – 2020 Annual Meeting Program Committee Co-Directors
Miguel Minutti-Meza, University of Miami; Stephen Perreault, Providence College; Jonathan Shipman, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville; and Sarah Stein, 
 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Diversity Section

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award - Midyear Meeting Co-Chairs
Theresa Hammond, San Francisco State University and Kirsten A. Cook, Texas Tech University

Financial Accounting and Reporting Section

FARS Best Paper Award 2020
Jonathan Rogers, University of Colorado-Boulder; Douglas Skinner, The University of Chicago; and Sarah Zechman, University of Colorado-Boulder
“Run EDGAR Run: SEC Dissemination in a High‐Frequency World"

FARS Best Dissertation Award 2020
Elia Ferracuti, Duke University
"How do managers mitigate uncertainty about demand and supply conditions?"


John Kepler, Stanford University
"Private Communication among Competitors and Public Disclosure"

FARS 2020 Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award
Bingxu Fang, University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management; Ole-Kristian Hope, University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management; Zongwei Huang, Cass Business School; and Rucsandra Moldovan, Concordia University
"The Effects of MiFID II on Sell-Side Analysts, Buy-Side Analysts, and Firms" 

Forensic Accounting Section

FA Section Best Dissertation Award 2020
Khanh Nguyen, Dissertation from University of Southern Queensland, Australia
The Occurrences and Potential Mitigation of Occupational Fraud in the International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO) Sector in Vietnam:  An Empirical Holistic Approach

FA Section Best Research Paper Award 
Darin (Kip) Holderness, West Virginia University; Andrea Scheetz, Georgia Southern University; and Joseph M. Wall, Marquette University
"Outsiders Looking In:  Do Non-Permanent Workers Whistleblow?"

FA Section Teaching Innovation Award
Ronald J. Daigle, Sam Houston State University; David C. Haynes, James Madison University; and Dwayne N. McSwain, Appalachian State University
"Solving the “Mystery” of Profiling Fraud:  Teaching Students About Occupational Fraud by Examining Episodes of Mystery Diners"


Gender Issues/Worklife Balance Section

GIWB 2020 KPMG Best Paper Award
Margaret E. Knight, Creighton University and Regina Taylor, Creighton University
"A World of Caution to Students: Public Accountant Perceptions of Alternative Work Arrangements"

GIWB 2020 KPMG Mentoring Award
Doug Prawitt, Brigham young University

GIWB 2020 KPMG Outstanding Dissertation Award
Hannah Michelle Russell
"The Effects of Gender Inequity on Global Food Insecurity"

GIWB 2020 KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award
Michelle McEacharn, University of Louisiana at Monroe; Katherine Boswell, University of Louisiana at Monroe; Kriti Chauhan, University of Louisiana at Monroe; and Sarah O. Siereveld, University of Louisiana at Monroe
"Tenure clock policy transparency for biological clock (family friendly) events"

GIWB Outstanding Service Award – President
Derek Dalton

Government and Nonprofit Section

GNP Distinguished Service Award
Daniel G. Neely, President 2019-2020

GNP 2020 Annual Meeting Best Paper Award
Xiangpei Chen, George Washington University; Angela K. Gore, George Washington University; James Potepa, George Washington University
"Are Hurricanes Extraordinary or Simply Special? Determinants of Nonrecurring Items in the Government Setting"

GNP 2020 Outstanding Dissertation Award
Julie Mercado
“Donors, Distance, and the Influence of Accounting Information”

GNP 2020 Enduring Lifetime Contribution Award
Jacqueline L. Reck, University of South Florida

GNP Incoming President
Robert Eger

International Accounting Section

IAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service
Elaine Henry, President 2019-2020

IAS 2020 Ian Hague Award for Outstanding Service to the Section
Greg Burton, Brigham Young University

IAS 2020 Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award
Mark Kim, University of California-Los Angeles
“Principles-Based Accounting Standards and Regulatory Enforcement”

IAS 2020 Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award
Mahendra Gujarathi, Bentley University

IAS 2020 Annual Meeting Program Co-chairs
Lucy Chen, Villanova University and John Changjiang Wang, University of Cincinnati

IAS 2020 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Paper Award
Weishi Jia, Cleveland State University, Ohio; Grace Pownall, Emory University; and Jingran Zhao, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
"Avoiding China's Capital Market: Evidence from Hong Kong-Listed Red-Chips and P-Chips"

IAS 2020 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Reviewer Award
Lucy Chen, Villanova University; Ling Lisic, VIrginia Tech; and Rachna Prakash, The University of Mississippi

IAS 2020 PhD Travel Grant
Leting Liu, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Management Accounting Section

MAS 2020 Annual Meeting Best Management Accounting Paper Award
James Brown, Indiana Univeristy-Bloomington; Patrick R. Martin, University of Pittsburgh; Dan Way, Clemson University; Geoff Sprinkle, Indiana University-Bloomington
The Effect of Performance Measures on Risk in Capital Investment Decisions 

MAS 2020 Best Early Career Researcher in Management Accounting Award
Jeremy Bentley, University of Massachusetts Amherst

2020 MAS/IMA Jim Bulloch Innovations in Management Accounting Award
Wendy Tietz, Kent State University; Jennifer Cainas, University of South Florisda; and Tracie Miller-Nobles, Austin Community College

2020 MAS/IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award - 1st Place
Victor van Pelt, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management

"Asymmetric Adjustment of Control"

2020 MAS/IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award - 1st Place (Supervisors)
Dissertation Co-Chairs: Bart Dierynck and Eddy Cardinaels

2020 MAS/IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award - Runner-Up
Hyun Hwang, The University of Texas-Austin
"Organizational Structure, Voluntary Disclosure, and Investment Efficiency"

2020 MAS/IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award - Runner-Up (Supervisors)
Dissertation Co-Chairs: Pierre Liang, Carnegie Mellon University and Carlos Corona, Carnegie Mellon University

2020 MAS Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award
B. William Demere, The University of Missouri; Karen Sedatole, Emory University; and Alexander Woods, College of William & Mary
"The Role of Calibration Committees in Subjective Performance Evaluation Systems"

MAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Alan Webb, President (2019-2020)

Public Interest Section

PI Section Distinguished Service Award - 2020
Mitchell Stein, Western University

PI Section Outstanding Service Award - 2020
Joan Lee, Fairfield University

PI Section Accounting Exemplar Award - 2020
Sue Ravenscroft, Iowa State University

2020 Accounting Ethics Award: Best Paper
Kun Huo, Western University (Canada) and Matthew Sooy, Western University (Canada)
"The Effect of Sanction Target on Manager's Compliance with Regulation"

2020 Accounting Ethics Award: Best Innovation for Teaching
Francine McKenna, American University; Mikhail Pevzner, University of Baltimore; Amy Sheneman, The Ohio State University; and Tzachi Zach, The Ohio State University
"Corruption in the Auditor Inspection Process: The Case of KPMG and the PCAOB:

Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section

SET Distinguished Service Award 2020
Robyn L. Raschke, President (2019-2020)

SET Outstanding Dissertation Award 2020
Andrea M. Rozario, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Three Essays on Audit Innovation: Using Social Media Information and Disruptive Technologies to Enhance Audit Quality"

SET Outstanding Educator Award 2020
Daniel E. O'Leary, University of Southern California

Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section

TLC Leadership and Service Award
Cassy Budd - President

TLC Leadership and Service Award
Claire Latham - Secretary

TLC Leadership and Service Award
Karen Osterheld - Vice President - Academic

TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2020
Mahendra Gujarathi, Bentley University

"Diamond Foods, Inc.: A Comprehensive Case in Financial Analysis and Valuation,” Issues in Accounting Education, Vol. 34 Issue 1 (February 2019), pp. 13-33.  

Two Year College Section

TYC Lifetime Achievement Award
Andy Williams, Edmonds Community College

TYC Two-Year College Educator of the Year Award
Jill Mitchell, Northern Virginia Community College - Annandale

TYC Service Award - President
Cathy Scott

The following sections bestowed their members with awards at the 2020 AAA Virtual Meeting. Others will present the awards at their 2020-2021 Midyear Meetings. Congratulations to the recipients! 

Academy of Accounting Historians Section

The Accounting Historians Journal Award of Excellence
Dale Flesher, The University of Mississippi, Craig Foltin, Cleveland State University, Gary Previts, Case Western Reserve University, and Mary Stone, The University of Alabama 
“A Comprehensive Review of the Evolution of Accounting Standards for State and Local Government Pensions and OPEB”

The Accounting Historians Journal Best Paper Award
Michael Doron, California State University, Northridge, C. Richard Baker, Adelphi Univesity,  and Kiren Dosanjh Zucker,  California State University, Northridge
“Bookkeeper-Controller-CFO: The Rise of the Chief Financial and Chief Accounting Officer”

Alfred R. Roberts Memorial Research Award
Diane Roberts, University of San Francisco
“U.S. Public accounting practice conditions and intergenerational occupation transfer from 1871 to 1889”

Barbara D. Merino Award for Excellence in Accounting History Publication
Kelly Kilcrease, University of New Hampshire and Yvette Lazdowski, University of New Hampshire
Manchester’s Shoe Industry

Innovation in Accounting History Education Award
Louella Moore, Washburn University

Thomas J. Burns Biographical Research Award
Mikhail I. Kuter, Kuban State University-Russia, Marina M. Gurskaya, Kuban State University-Russia, Alexander V. Kuznetsov, Kuban State University-Russia
“Alexander Galagan: Russian titan of the enlightenment in the history of accounting”

Hourglass Award
Gary Carnegie, RMIT University

Accounting Information Systems Section

AIS Distinguished Service Conference Chair - 2020 New Scholars Consortium
Margaret Christ, The University of Georgia

AIS Outstanding Service Award - AIS Historian (2007-2020)
Ann O'Brien, University of Wisconsin-Madison

AIS Outstanding Service Award - 2020 Annual Meeting Coordinator
Matt Pickard, Northern Illinois University

AIS Outstanding Service Award - Editor of JIS
Alexander Kogan, Rutgers University and Patrick Wheeler, Florida Gulf Coast University

AIS Outstanding Service Award - JISC Conference
Greg Gerard, Florida State University

AIS Outstanding Service Award - Reviewer
(Tawei) David Wang, DePaul University

AIS Service Award - President
Ann Dzuranin, Northern Illinois University

American Taxation Association Section

ATA Service Award - President (2019-2020)
Diana Falsetta

Section awards to be presented at 2021 Midyear Meeting

Auditing Section

Auditing Section Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Kathryn Kadous, President (2018-2019)

Auditing Section Outstanding Service – Vice President-Practice
Rebecca Sproul (2018-2020)

Auditing Section Outstanding Service – Secretary
Marsha Keune (2018-2020)

Auditing Section Outstanding Service – 2020 Annual Meeting Program Committee Co-Directors
Miguel Minutti-Meza, University of Miami; Stephen Perreault, Providence College; Jonathan Shipman, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville; and Sarah Stein, 
 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Diversity Section

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award - Midyear Meeting Co-Chairs
Theresa Hammond, San Francisco State University and Kirsten A. Cook, Texas Tech University

Financial Accounting and Reporting Section

FARS Best Paper Award 2020
Jonathan Rogers, University of Colorado-Boulder; Douglas Skinner, The University of Chicago; and Sarah Zechman, University of Colorado-Boulder
“Run EDGAR Run: SEC Dissemination in a High‐Frequency World"

FARS Best Dissertation Award 2020
Elia Ferracuti, Duke University
"How do managers mitigate uncertainty about demand and supply conditions?"


John Kepler, Stanford University
"Private Communication among Competitors and Public Disclosure"

FARS 2020 Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award
Bingxu Fang, University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management; Ole-Kristian Hope, University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management; Zongwei Huang, Cass Business School; and Rucsandra Moldovan, Concordia University
"The Effects of MiFID II on Sell-Side Analysts, Buy-Side Analysts, and Firms" 

Forensic Accounting Section

FA Section Best Dissertation Award 2020
Khanh Nguyen, Dissertation from University of Southern Queensland, Australia
The Occurrences and Potential Mitigation of Occupational Fraud in the International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO) Sector in Vietnam:  An Empirical Holistic Approach

FA Section Best Research Paper Award 
Darin (Kip) Holderness, West Virginia University; Andrea Scheetz, Georgia Southern University; and Joseph M. Wall, Marquette University
"Outsiders Looking In:  Do Non-Permanent Workers Whistleblow?"

FA Section Teaching Innovation Award
Ronald J. Daigle, Sam Houston State University; David C. Haynes, James Madison University; and Dwayne N. McSwain, Appalachian State University
"Solving the “Mystery” of Profiling Fraud:  Teaching Students About Occupational Fraud by Examining Episodes of Mystery Diners"


Gender Issues/Worklife Balance Section

GIWB 2020 KPMG Best Paper Award
Margaret E. Knight, Creighton University and Regina Taylor, Creighton University
"A World of Caution to Students: Public Accountant Perceptions of Alternative Work Arrangements"

GIWB 2020 KPMG Mentoring Award
Doug Prawitt, Brigham young University

GIWB 2020 KPMG Outstanding Dissertation Award
Hannah Michelle Russell
"The Effects of Gender Inequity on Global Food Insecurity"

GIWB 2020 KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award
Michelle McEacharn, University of Louisiana at Monroe; Katherine Boswell, University of Louisiana at Monroe; Kriti Chauhan, University of Louisiana at Monroe; and Sarah O. Siereveld, University of Louisiana at Monroe
"Tenure clock policy transparency for biological clock (family friendly) events"

GIWB Outstanding Service Award – President
Derek Dalton

Government and Nonprofit Section

GNP Distinguished Service Award
Daniel G. Neely, President 2019-2020

GNP 2020 Annual Meeting Best Paper Award
Xiangpei Chen, George Washington University; Angela K. Gore, George Washington University; James Potepa, George Washington University
"Are Hurricanes Extraordinary or Simply Special? Determinants of Nonrecurring Items in the Government Setting"

GNP 2020 Outstanding Dissertation Award
Julie Mercado
“Donors, Distance, and the Influence of Accounting Information”

GNP 2020 Enduring Lifetime Contribution Award
Jacqueline L. Reck, University of South Florida

GNP Incoming President
Robert Eger

International Accounting Section

IAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service
Elaine Henry, President 2019-2020

IAS 2020 Ian Hague Award for Outstanding Service to the Section
Greg Burton, Brigham Young University

IAS 2020 Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award
Mark Kim, University of California-Los Angeles
“Principles-Based Accounting Standards and Regulatory Enforcement”

IAS 2020 Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award
Mahendra Gujarathi, Bentley University

IAS 2020 Annual Meeting Program Co-chairs
Lucy Chen, Villanova University and John Changjiang Wang, University of Cincinnati

IAS 2020 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Paper Award
Weishi Jia, Cleveland State University, Ohio; Grace Pownall, Emory University; and Jingran Zhao, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
"Avoiding China's Capital Market: Evidence from Hong Kong-Listed Red-Chips and P-Chips"

IAS 2020 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Reviewer Award
Lucy Chen, Villanova University; Ling Lisic, VIrginia Tech; and Rachna Prakash, The University of Mississippi

IAS 2020 PhD Travel Grant
Leting Liu, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Management Accounting Section

MAS 2020 Annual Meeting Best Management Accounting Paper Award
James Brown, Indiana Univeristy-Bloomington; Patrick R. Martin, University of Pittsburgh; Dan Way, Clemson University; Geoff Sprinkle, Indiana University-Bloomington
The Effect of Performance Measures on Risk in Capital Investment Decisions 

MAS 2020 Best Early Career Researcher in Management Accounting Award
Jeremy Bentley, University of Massachusetts Amherst

2020 MAS/IMA Jim Bulloch Innovations in Management Accounting Award
Wendy Tietz, Kent State University; Jennifer Cainas, University of South Florisda; and Tracie Miller-Nobles, Austin Community College

2020 MAS/IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award - 1st Place
Victor van Pelt, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management

"Asymmetric Adjustment of Control"

2020 MAS/IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award - 1st Place (Supervisors)
Dissertation Co-Chairs: Bart Dierynck and Eddy Cardinaels

2020 MAS/IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award - Runner-Up
Hyun Hwang, The University of Texas-Austin
"Organizational Structure, Voluntary Disclosure, and Investment Efficiency"

2020 MAS/IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award - Runner-Up (Supervisors)
Dissertation Co-Chairs: Pierre Liang, Carnegie Mellon University and Carlos Corona, Carnegie Mellon University

2020 MAS Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award
B. William Demere, The University of Missouri; Karen Sedatole, Emory University; and Alexander Woods, College of William & Mary
"The Role of Calibration Committees in Subjective Performance Evaluation Systems"

MAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Alan Webb, President (2019-2020)

Public Interest Section

PI Section Distinguished Service Award - 2020
Mitchell Stein, Western University

PI Section Outstanding Service Award - 2020
Joan Lee, Fairfield University

PI Section Accounting Exemplar Award - 2020
Sue Ravenscroft, Iowa State University

2020 Accounting Ethics Award: Best Paper
Kun Huo, Western University (Canada) and Matthew Sooy, Western University (Canada)
"The Effect of Sanction Target on Manager's Compliance with Regulation"

2020 Accounting Ethics Award: Best Innovation for Teaching
Francine McKenna, American University; Mikhail Pevzner, University of Baltimore; Amy Sheneman, The Ohio State University; and Tzachi Zach, The Ohio State University
"Corruption in the Auditor Inspection Process: The Case of KPMG and the PCAOB:

Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section

SET Distinguished Service Award 2020
Robyn L. Raschke, President (2019-2020)

SET Outstanding Dissertation Award 2020
Andrea M. Rozario, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Three Essays on Audit Innovation: Using Social Media Information and Disruptive Technologies to Enhance Audit Quality"

SET Outstanding Educator Award 2020
Daniel E. O'Leary, University of Southern California

Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section

TLC Leadership and Service Award
Cassy Budd - President

TLC Leadership and Service Award
Claire Latham - Secretary

TLC Leadership and Service Award
Karen Osterheld - Vice President - Academic

TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2020
Mahendra Gujarathi, Bentley University

"Diamond Foods, Inc.: A Comprehensive Case in Financial Analysis and Valuation,” Issues in Accounting Education, Vol. 34 Issue 1 (February 2019), pp. 13-33.  

Two Year College Section

TYC Lifetime Achievement Award
Andy Williams, Edmonds Community College

TYC Two-Year College Educator of the Year Award
Jill Mitchell, Northern Virginia Community College - Annandale

TYC Service Award - President
Cathy Scott