2021 AAA/Deloitte Foundation/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium

Nominations for the 2021 Doctoral Consortium closed on Tuesday, December 15.

The Fifty-first Annual American Accounting Association/Deloitte Foundation/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium will be held virtually June 23-25, 2021. We are planning for an in-person Consortium with a virtual option.

Consortium Objectives
The primary objective of the Consortium is to improve the quality of future accounting education and research by enriching the experience of selected doctoral candidates from U.S., Canadian and international universities. The Consortium provides a forum for examining accounting issues from different research perspectives. It will include formal presentations, panels and break out groups to provide opportunities for students to interact with today's leading teachers, researchers, and with their peers from other universities. Breakout groups will also allow participants to get feedback on ongoing research and presentation skills.

Criteria for Participation
Schools offering a doctoral program with a field of concentration in accounting are eligible to nominate ONE accounting doctoral candidate to participate. The nominee for participation must:

  1. be a current student member of the American Accounting Association,
  2. be enrolled in a Ph.D. or DBA program in acounting and have completed at least TWO YEARS of doctoral studies in that accounting program,
  3. have at least one more year remaining "in residence" at their university after the Consortium, and
  4. NOT have been a full-time faculty appointee at any rank during the current academic year.

Although not a formal criterion, it is strongly recommended that the nominated student has begun the process of conducting independent research and has passed the qualifying exam.

Please contact Beverly Collins (Beverly@aaahq.org) with any questions.

Sponsored by:

Funded by:

J. Michael Cook

2021 AAA/Deloitte Foundation/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium

Nominations for the 2021 Doctoral Consortium closed on Tuesday, December 15.

The Fifty-first Annual American Accounting Association/Deloitte Foundation/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium will be held virtually June 23-25, 2021. We are planning for an in-person Consortium with a virtual option.

Consortium Objectives
The primary objective of the Consortium is to improve the quality of future accounting education and research by enriching the experience of selected doctoral candidates from U.S., Canadian and international universities. The Consortium provides a forum for examining accounting issues from different research perspectives. It will include formal presentations, panels and break out groups to provide opportunities for students to interact with today's leading teachers, researchers, and with their peers from other universities. Breakout groups will also allow participants to get feedback on ongoing research and presentation skills.

Criteria for Participation
Schools offering a doctoral program with a field of concentration in accounting are eligible to nominate ONE accounting doctoral candidate to participate. The nominee for participation must:

  1. be a current student member of the American Accounting Association,
  2. be enrolled in a Ph.D. or DBA program in acounting and have completed at least TWO YEARS of doctoral studies in that accounting program,
  3. have at least one more year remaining "in residence" at their university after the Consortium, and
  4. NOT have been a full-time faculty appointee at any rank during the current academic year.

Although not a formal criterion, it is strongly recommended that the nominated student has begun the process of conducting independent research and has passed the qualifying exam.

Please contact Beverly Collins (Beverly@aaahq.org) with any questions.

Sponsored by:

Funded by:

J. Michael Cook