Before the election starts, please take a few minutes to get to know the candidates on the 2019 ballot for the following Board of Director offices:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice President-Finance-Elect
  • Director-Focusing on Academic/Practitioner Interaction
  • Director-Focusing on Intellectual Property

For each position on the ballot, the Board of Directors has provided guidance on the roles and responsibilities and key interests and capabilities for the position based on the Board's analysis of current projects, including ongoing Board positions and mission-related initiatives.

To view the Slate of Officers for the 2019-2020 Board of Directors, please CLICK HERE.

New officers will serve on the Board of Directors for three years beginning at the Annual Meeting in August 2019 in San Francisco, CA.


Brian J. Bushee is The Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor of Accounting at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, having served on its faculty since 2000. He previously served as Assistant Professor at Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, and as Visiting Assistant Professor at The University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business. Brian earned his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.

Brian currently serves on the Editorial Board of The Accounting Review (1998-present), as Department Editor for Management Science (2018-present), and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Accounting and Economics (2009-present). He has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Financial Reporting, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Business, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, and Investor Relations Quarterly. He has served as Associate Editor for Management Science, and on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Accounting Research and Review of Accounting Studies.

Brian currently serves the AAA as a member of AAA Council (2017-20), including the Council Advisory Review Committee (2017-19) and Council Committee on Awards Committee (2017-18), and AAA Doctoral Consortium Committee (2018-21).  He is a member of AAA’s FARS Section and has served FARS as President (2015-16).

He has served as Chair of the AAA Notable & Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Screening Committee (2000-01), and as a member (1999-2000), as a senior faculty presenter at AAA New Faculty Consortium (2015 and 2016), and in FARS as Midyear Meeting Program Coordinator (2016-17), Midyear Meeting-Research Sessions Chair (2013-14) and Midyear Meeting Paper Selection Committee (2006).

Brian has twenty-two years’ teaching experience and has received awards for excellence including the University of Pennsylvania Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching (2015), Teaching Commitment and Curricular Innovation Award (2014), Helen Kardon Moss Anvil Teaching Award (Top MBA teacher) (2009), Management Science Distinguished Service Award (2016, 2017), University of Michigan Ross School of Business Ph.D. Distinguished Alumni Award (2011), and AAA Competitive Manuscript Award (1998).

Elaine G. Mauldin is BKD Professor at the Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business at the University of Missouri, having served on its faculty since 1997.  She serves as Faculty Coordinator of the SAP University Alliance.  Elaine earned her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska. 

Elaine currently serves as Editor for The Accounting Review (2014-present) and has served as Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Systems (2003-08, 2010-14). She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Research in Accounting Regulation, Accounting Organizations and Society, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, and Strategic Finance.

Elaine currently serves AAA on the Board of Directors and Council as Director-Focusing on Intellectual Property (2016-19), and served on AAA Council in two previous terms (2012-15 and 2008-09).  She is a member of the AAA Intellectual Property Task Force III (2016-present), a member of AAA’s AIS and Auditing (AUD) Sections, serving as President of the Accounting Information Systems Section (2008-09).

She has served on the AAA Finance Committee (2009-12), AAA Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovative Research in Accounting Education Committee (2015-16), AAA New Faculty Consortium senior faculty presenter (2015), AAA Annual Meeting Program Committee (2012-13), AAA Sharpening Our Vision Task Force II (2013-14), participant at the Deloitte Trueblood Seminar (2012), AAA Doctoral Consortium senior faculty presenter (2010), and Bylaws Review Committee Chair (2006-07) and Annual Meeting Co-Coordinator (2004-05) for AIS.

Elaine has twenty-two years’ teaching experience, and has received a number of academic awards for excellence including Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award (2014), the AIS Section’s Outstanding Research Paper Award (2007), Best Reviewer Award (2001), and Outstanding Dissertation Award (1998). The University of Missouri has recognized her contributions with the Trulaske College of Business Distinguished Research Award (2017-18), the Winemiller Excellence Award (2018), and the Trulaske College of Business Miller/Smith Summer Scholar Award (2010-19). Elaine served as President of the Missouri Society of CPAs Mid-Missouri Chapter (2003-04).

Vice President Finance-Elect

Markus Ahrens is the Accounting Program Chair and a Professor of Accounting at St. Louis Community College-Meramec, having served on its faculty since 2001. He has also served for the past 13 years as an adjunct professor of graduate courses at St. Louis University. Prior to his teaching career, Markus had 15 years of accounting experience, as an Accountant, Controller, and Chief Financial Officer.  He received his BS and MBA from St. Louis University and is working on his doctoral degree in Higher Education Administration from St. Louis University. Markus is a CPA, CGMA, and member of the Institute of Management Accountants.

Markus has given several hundred academic presentations, mostly related to student engagement techniques, and has conducted faculty professional development workshops throughout the United States and in London. 

Markus currently serves AAA on Council as Past Chair (2018-19) and is a member of AAA’s APLG, Auditing (AUD), DIVFARS, MAS, TLC, and TYC Sections.  He served on AAA Council as Chair (2017-18) and Council member (2013-16).  He has served TYC as President (2014-16), Vice President (2012-14), and Secretary/Editor (2010-12), and TLC as Annual Meeting Program Committee Co-Chair (2015-17), Awards Committee member (2015-17), Midwest Region Meeting Coordinator (2014-17, and 2011-13), and Nominating Committee member (2014-15), and has served the Midwest Region as a member of the Sharpen Your Teaching Skills/CTLA Subcommittee (2015-16) and CPE Subcommittee Chair (2014-15), as Education Chairperson (2015-16), CTLA Co-Chair (2013-15) and member (2012-17) of the AAA Annual Meeting Program Committee. He has served as member of the AAA Council Committee on Awards Committee (2014-16), AAA Sharpening Our Vision Task Force (2014) and AAA Notable & Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Screening Committee (2013-14). 

Markus serves the Missouri Society of Certified Public Accountants (MOCPA) as a member of the Board of Directors, as Chair of the Education Foundation Board, and as Foundation Board Trustee. He served the AICPA as Foundation Board Trustee (2012-16), member of the Pre-Certification Education Executive Committee (2014-18) and Innovation Awards Committee Chair (2015 and 2016). Markus previously served as president (2010) and director (2005-09) of the Missouri Association of Accounting Educators.

Markus has over eighteen years’ teaching experience and has received a number of awards including The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize (2016), Missouri Society of CPAs Educator of the Year (2018), Bea Sanders/AICPA Innovation in Teaching Award (2018 and 2013), Innovation of the Year-League for Innovation in the Community College (2018 and 2007) for his co-creation of the Teaching and Learning Toolbox website (2018) and his VITA - A Workplace Experience (2007), and AAA’s Two-Year College Section Educator of the Year (2017).

Mark S. Beasley is Professor of Accounting, and Director of the Enterprise Risk Management Initiative at North Carolina State University, having served on its faculty since 1994. There he has advised NC State Chancellor’s Office on its launch of enterprise risk management (ERM), served on the Task Force to Revise the IT Governance Process, Task Force to Develop Data Analytics Program for Poole College of Management, and Dean’s Faculty Advisory Council.  He serves on the Advisory Council assisting the Deputy Controller of the Secretary General of the United Nations and on the Accounting Academic Sounding Board of the Center for Audit Quality. Mark is a CPA and earned his Ph.D. from Michigan State University.

Mark has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including Accounting Horizons, Auditing: A Journal of Theory & Practice, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Enterprise Risk Management, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Journal of Accountancy, and Strategic Finance. He has authored numerous research monographs, thought papers, books, and continuing education materials.

Mark represented the AAA on the Board of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) from 2005 through 2011 and he recently served on COSO’s Advisory Council working on an update revision to the 2004 ERM-Integrated framework. Before his service on the COSO Board, he served as an Advisory Council Member that assisted in the development of the 2004 ERM-Integrated Framework. He has made over 270 international, national, and local presentations related to ERM since 1994.

Mark serves the AAA as a member of the AAA COSO Committee (since 2011) having previously served as Chair (2007-11), and has served on AAA Council (2005-07).  He is a member of AAA’s Auditing (AUD) Section and has served Auditing (AUD) Section as Historian (2012-14), Nominations Committee Chair (2006-07), Outstanding Educator Award Selection Committee Chair (2006-07), Past President (2006-07), President (2005-06), Vice President-Academics (2004-05), and Treasurer (1999-2001), and as a member of the AAA Strategy Management Team (2008-10), AAA Nominations Committee (2008-09), AAA Environmental Scanning Task Force (2007-08), AAA Notable & Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Screening Committee (1998-99), and AAA Research Committee (2002-05).

Mark has twenty-five years’ teaching experience and has received a number of academic awards for excellence including the Poole College of Management Board of Governors Teaching Award (2018), Teaching Excellence Award (2014), Department of Accounting’s Research, Growth, and Innovation Award (2012), Actuarial Foundation ERM Research Excellence Award (2007), AAA Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award (2010), Auditing (AUD) Section Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award (2002), and AAA Competitive Manuscript Award (1995).

Marlene A. Plumee is a Professor and David Eccles Faculty Scholar at the David Eccles School of Business at The University of Utah, having served on its faculty since 1997.  There she is a member of the Accounting Department’s Recruiting Committee and was the David Eccles Faculty Fellow from 2005 to 2016.  In 2001, she developed and initiated the First Annual Utah Winter Accounting Conference and continues to serve as its Chair.  She has also served as an Academic Fellow with the Office of the Chief Accountant at the Securities and Exchange Commission (2006-07). Marlene is a CPA and earned her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.

Marlene has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, and Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting. She currently serves as an Editor for Contemporary Accounting Research and as a member of the Editorial Board of Accounting Horizons. She is an inaugural member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Financial Reporting (2015-present) and has served on the Editorial Board of The Accounting Review. She has presented at numerous national and international conferences, and at FASB’s Financial Reporting Issues Conferences (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, and 2009), INSEAD Accounting Symposiums, Review of Accounting Studies Conferences, Contemporary Accounting Research Conferences, and Journal of Accounting and Economics Conferences, among others. During her tenure on the FARS Financial Reporting Policy Committee, she co-authored numerous comment letters on proposed accounting standards and regulatory policy initiatives.

Marlene is a member of AAA’s FARS Section and serves as the Midyear Meeting Planning Committee Coordinator (2018-19).  She served on the AAA Council (2011-16). For FARS, she served as a member of the Financial Reporting Policy Committee (FRPC) (2011-13), Secretary/Treasurer (2009-11), Western Region Meeting Regional Coordinator (2008-09), and as a Steering Board member (2009-10 and 2005-07).  For AAA, she has served as member of AAA Doctoral Consortium Committee (2013-14), as a panel member for the AAA New Faculty Consortium (2012), Chair (2008-09) and member (2007-08) of the AAA Regulation Committee, and member of the AAA Trueblood Seminars Committee (1999-2000). 

Marlene has twenty-two years’ teaching experience and has received a number of academic awards for excellence including The Business School Distinguished Scholar at the University of New South Wales (2018), ADSA Annual Conference-Editor’s Panel (2018), Best Paper Award for Institutional Investors, Board Composition and the Quality of Voluntary Environmental Disclosure- at the Western Academy of Management meeting (2004), and The University of Utah Distinguished Service Award (2001).

Director-Focusing on Academic/Practitioner Interaction

John Hepp is Clinical Assistant Professor in the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and part-time Director of Technical Accounting for Reynolds Services, Inc., a large consumer food, beverage and foodservice packing company.  He serves on the Gies College of Business Educational Policy and the Specialized Faculty Advisory Committees, the School of Accountancy Technical Leadership Programs for Students Committee, and the Faculty Senate. For the ten years prior to July 2015, when he joined the faculty of the University of Illinois, John was a Partner in Grant Thornton LLP’s Professional Standards Group in Chicago where, among his other responsibilities, he developed and communicated firm policy and positions on accounting standards, served as liaison to university accounting programs, and participated in campus visits, outreach and recruiting activities.  From 1987-2004, John worked with Deloitte Emerging Markets and several global organizations on multi-year projects in Asia, Africa and Europe, providing advice and training on strategy, compliance, and other accounting issues. John earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

John’s publications have appeared in the Journal of Accounting Education, Financial Executive, and the Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance.  Recent presentations include: the SEC Institute, the China State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs (SAFEA), numerous trade conferences, state society of CPA meetings, FASB, IASB, IMA, FEI, and AAA national and region meetings on issues in accounting education, IFRS, lease accounting, standard setting process, and revenue recognition. His work has been quoted by Compliance Week, Accounting Today, Thomson Reuters, the New York Times, The Economist, and others. John also served on the AICPA Pre-Certification Education Executive Committee 2009-2013.

John currently serves the AAA as a member of the AAA Audit Committee (2016-19), and the FARS Section as Vice President-Practice (2017-19). He served as a member of the AAA Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Selection Committee (2015-17), and on the Pathways Commission Implementation Task Force (2012-13). With experience serving both Sections and Regions, John has been Midyear Meeting Panel Sessions Coordinator (2008-09) for IAS, and Vice President-Practice (2013-15) and Steering Committee Member (2013-14) of the Midwest Region

John has received a number of awards, including being recognized several times by the Illinois CPA Society with their Distinguished Service Award, and the Head’s Award for Excellence in Accountancy Education from the University of Illinois in 2017-2018. He is a CMA and CPA.

Sridhar (Sri) Ramamoorti is Associate Professor of Accounting in the School of Business Administration at the University of Dayton. He earned his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University and is a CPA, CIA, CFE, and CGFM. Sri holds additional specialty certifications in auditing and forensic accounting.  Throughout his 30-year career, both at academic institutions (University of Illinois, Kennesaw State University faculty) and at public accounting firms (Andersen, EY SOX Advisor, Grant Thornton corporate governance partner), Sri remained professionally engaged, serving on multiple boards and committees, including at AAA. Sri has made presentations and delivered keynote addresses at conferences and symposia in 16 countries.

A member of the AAA since 1988, Sri has served in numerous volunteer roles and capacities: Chair of the AAA Competitive Manuscript Award Committee (2012-2014); Member of AAH, Auditing (AUD), FAS, IAS, and SET Sections; Auditing Section, CPE Committee-Research Chairperson (2011-2013); GNP as Vice President-Practice (2006-2010); FAS as Professional Association Liaison Committee Chair (2012-2013); Vice President-Practice (2009-2010); and IFRS & Fraud Committee Chair (2009-2012).

Sri has published articles in several AAA journals: Accounting Horizons, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Journal of Information Systems, and Journal of Forensic Accounting Research. He has also published in Management Science, European Management Journal, Research in Accounting Regulation, The CPA Journal, and Internal Auditor, among others.  He serves on numerous editorial boards.

Sri is currently a Trustee of the Financial Executives Research Foundation and member of the Litigation Forensics Board of the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA). He was appointed to the Standing Advisory Group (SAG) of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) from 2014 - 2016. Previously, Sri co-chaired the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Global 2010 Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) Study, was Chairman of the Academy for Government Accountability (2005-2008), and a Board member of the IIA Research Foundation (2002-2008), Institute for Fraud Prevention (2006-2010), and the Institute for Business and Professional Ethics (2006-2010).

Sri was the co-recipient of the Max Block Award (2017) for The CPA Journal’s Outstanding Article, the Larry Sawyer/IIA Research Foundation Prize (2014), and the Coles College Publication Prize (2015) for being the lead author of A.B.C.’s of Behavioral Forensics (Wiley, 2013) on the psychology of fraud. 

Director-Focusing on Intellectual Property

Uday S. Murthy is Director & Quinn Eminent Scholar in the Lynn Pippenger School of Accountancy, University of South Florida (USF), having served on its faculty since 2002, where he chairs the Master of Accountancy Program Curriculum Committee. He previously taught at Texas A&M University. Uday is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in India and earned his Ph.D. from Indiana University.

Uday has published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Information Systems, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Journal of Management Information Systems, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Information & Management, and Journal of Information System Security. Uday served as coeditor of Journal of Information Systems (1998-2001). He currently serves on the Editorial Boards of Behavioral Research in Accounting, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, and International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, and previously served on the Editorial Board of The Accounting Review (2011-13) and Issues in Accounting Education (1998-2000). He is co-author of Accounting Information Systems: A Database Approach and author of Advanced Systems Analysis and Design

Uday is a member of AAA’s Auditing (AUD), APLG, and AIS Sections.  He has served as Vice President-Program and Organization Value (2016-18) of APLG, as Past President (2012-13), Nominating Committee Chair (2012-13), President (2011-12), Bylaws Review Committee Chair (2009-10), Initiatives for Research and Publications Committee Chair (2007-08), and Doctoral Consortium Coordinator (2005-06) of AIS. He served as a member of the AAA Notable & Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Screening Committee (2016-17) and AAA Doctoral Fellowship Committee (2000-01).

Uday has thirty years’ teaching experience and has received a number of academic awards for excellence including USF’s Muma College of Business Outstanding Research Achievement Award (2004 and 2010), Grant Thornton USF Faculty Research Award (2005 and 2006), and Distinguished Service in Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Section Research Award (2006). He received research funding including a DellSTAR Grant in 2001 and an Interdisciplinary Research Initiative Grant from the Office of the Vice-President for Research and Associate Provost for Graduate Studies at Texas A&M University (2000-01).

Mary Harris Stanford is Department Chair of the Accounting Department and the Duncan Fellow at the Neely School of Business at Texas Christian University (TCU), having served on its faculty since 2002. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. She previously taught at Syracuse University and Pennsylvania State University.  Mary is a CPA and a member of both the Board of Directors of the Texas Society of CPAs and the Fort Worth Chapter.

Mary has published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, The Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, and The Journal of Banking and Finance. She served as an Editor for Contemporary Accounting Research (2010-14) and was on the Editorial Board of The Accounting Review (2008-10). A synopsis of “The Market Valuation of IAS versus U.S. GAAP Accounting Measures of using Form 20-F Reconciliations” that she authored with Karl Muller III, was included in the Financial Accounting Series Research Supplement published by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (June 29,1999). It was one of four articles selected out of 10 academic accounting journals that address key issues in financial accounting.

Mary currently serves the AAA as a member of the AAA Intellectual Property Task Force III (2016-19) and the AAA’s APLG and FARS Sections. She served as a member of the FARS Steering Board (2008-12), as presenter at the AAA New Faculty Consortium (2005 and 2006), and as member of the AAA Nominations Committee (2011-12) and the AAA Notable & Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Screening Committee (2016-17 and 2000-01).

Mary has twenty-five years’ teaching experience and has received a number of academic awards for excellence including the TCU Neely School of Business Undergraduate Teaching Award (2010), The University of Texas at Arlington Alumni of the Year Award (2008), TCU Dean’s Research Award (2007), and the Neely School of Business Noble Faculty Research Fellowship (2004 and 2005).

Phillip C. Stocken is Jack Byrne Professor of Accounting at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, having served on its faculty since 2003, where he served as Associate Dean for the MBA Program and on the faculty-elected Executive Committee. He previously served on the faculty of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and was a visiting scholar at Stanford University. Phillip is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in South Africa and earned his BCom (Hons) and MCom degrees from the University of Witwatersrand and his Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University.

Phillip has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, American Economic Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting & Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, RAND Journal of Economics, and Review of Accounting Studies. He served as Editor of The Accounting Review (2011-14) and on the Editorial Board of Review of Accounting Studies (2003-13). As a member of the Financial Reporting Policy Committee of the AAA FARS Section, he was involved in the authorship of several responses to FASB and SEC proposals that were published in Accounting Horizons. Phillip has presented research papers and discussed scholarship at over 125 conferences and university workshops around the world.

Phillip is a member of AAA’s Auditing (AUD) and FARS Sections. He has served as Financial Reporting Policy Committee (FRPC) member (2007-11), Steering Board member (2001-03 and 2004-06), and as Best Paper Award Committee Chair (2003-04) of FARS, and on numerous other FARS committees. He served as a Distinguished Faculty member at the 2017 AAA Doctoral Consortium and senior faculty participant at the 2016 AAA New Faculty Consortium, as a member of AAA Financial Valuation Issues Task Force (2008-09), AAA Notable & Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Screening Committee (2006-07 and 2001-02), AAA Competitive Manuscript Award Committee (2004-05), AAA Research Committee (2002-04), and AAA Doctoral Consortium Committee (2001-02).

Phillip has twenty-two years’ teaching experience and has received a number of academic awards for excellence including the Tuck School Class of 2011 Award for Teaching Excellence and the Wharton School Graduate Division Miller-Sherrerd MBA Core Teaching Award (2002 and 2003).

Election Information

The ballot will open on or about Friday, March 1, 2019 and will close on or about Monday, April 1, 2019 at 11:59 pm EDT.

  • Regular and Life members of the Association are eligible to vote in this election.

  • Student members of the Association may not vote for AAA Board of Directors positions.

  • The election will be conducted by online ballot, and paper ballots will be mailed to members 1) without a valid email address, and 2) who have requested to be on the AAA "do not email" list.

If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Gutierrez, Governance Manager, at or 941-556-4117.