Brian J. Bushee is The Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor of Accounting at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, having served on its faculty since 2000. He previously served as Assistant Professor at Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, and as Visiting Assistant Professor at The University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business. Brian earned his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.
Brian currently serves on the Editorial Board of The Accounting Review (1998-present), as Department Editor for Management Science (2018-present), and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Accounting and Economics (2009-present). He has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Financial Reporting, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Business, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, and Investor Relations Quarterly. He has served as Associate Editor for Management Science, and on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Accounting Research and Review of Accounting Studies.
Brian currently serves the AAA as a member of AAA Council (2017-20), including the Council Advisory Review Committee (2017-19) and Council Committee on Awards Committee (2017-18), and AAA Doctoral Consortium Committee (2018-21). He is a member of AAA’s FARS Section and has served FARS as President (2015-16).
He has served as Chair of the AAA Notable & Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Screening Committee (2000-01), and as a member (1999-2000), as a senior faculty presenter at AAA New Faculty Consortium (2015 and 2016), and in FARS as Midyear Meeting Program Coordinator (2016-17), Midyear Meeting-Research Sessions Chair (2013-14) and Midyear Meeting Paper Selection Committee (2006).
Brian has twenty-two years’ teaching experience and has received awards for excellence including the University of Pennsylvania Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching (2015), Teaching Commitment and Curricular Innovation Award (2014), Helen Kardon Moss Anvil Teaching Award (Top MBA teacher) (2009), Management Science Distinguished Service Award (2016, 2017), University of Michigan Ross School of Business Ph.D. Distinguished Alumni Award (2011), and AAA Competitive Manuscript Award (1998).
Elaine G. Mauldin is BKD Professor at the Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business at the University of Missouri, having served on its faculty since 1997. She serves as Faculty Coordinator of the SAP University Alliance. Elaine earned her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska.
Elaine currently serves as Editor for The Accounting Review (2014-present) and has served as Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Systems (2003-08, 2010-14). She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Research in Accounting Regulation, Accounting Organizations and Society, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, and Strategic Finance.
Elaine currently serves AAA on the Board of Directors and Council as Director-Focusing on Intellectual Property (2016-19), and served on AAA Council in two previous terms (2012-15 and 2008-09). She is a member of the AAA Intellectual Property Task Force III (2016-present), a member of AAA’s AIS and Auditing (AUD) Sections, serving as President of the Accounting Information Systems Section (2008-09).
She has served on the AAA Finance Committee (2009-12), AAA Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovative Research in Accounting Education Committee (2015-16), AAA New Faculty Consortium senior faculty presenter (2015), AAA Annual Meeting Program Committee (2012-13), AAA Sharpening Our Vision Task Force II (2013-14), participant at the Deloitte Trueblood Seminar (2012), AAA Doctoral Consortium senior faculty presenter (2010), and Bylaws Review Committee Chair (2006-07) and Annual Meeting Co-Coordinator (2004-05) for AIS.
Elaine has twenty-two years’ teaching experience, and has received a number of academic awards for excellence including Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award (2014), the AIS Section’s Outstanding Research Paper Award (2007), Best Reviewer Award (2001), and Outstanding Dissertation Award (1998). The University of Missouri has recognized her contributions with the Trulaske College of Business Distinguished Research Award (2017-18), the Winemiller Excellence Award (2018), and the Trulaske College of Business Miller/Smith Summer Scholar Award (2010-19). Elaine served as President of the Missouri Society of CPAs Mid-Missouri Chapter (2003-04).