Before the election starts, please take a few minutes to get to know the candidates on the 2021 ballot for the following Board of Director offices:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice President-Finance-Elect
  • Vice-President-Research & Publications
  • Director-Focusing on Segments

For each position on the ballot, the Board of Directors has provided guidance on the roles and responsibilities and key interests and capabilities for the position based on the Board's analysis of current projects, including ongoing Board positions and mission-related initiatives.

To view the Slate of Officers for the 2021-2022 Board of Directors, please CLICK HERE.

New officers will serve on the Board of Directors for three years beginning at the Annual Meeting in August 2021.


Mark C. Dawkins

Statement of Interest

I have been a AAA member since completing my accounting doctorate in 1994, and during my 26 years as an accounting educator, I have served in multiple AAA leadership roles on various AAA committees. I am exceptionally passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion, and adamantly believe that the richly deserved time and opportunity exist now for the AAA to make a substantively genuine effort to embrace and serve its diverse membership. I  am a professor at the University of North Florida (regional institution), and was  previously an associate professor at the University of Georgia (R1 institution), and taught at a community college during my doctoral program, and so I have substantial insight and experience about both challenges and opportunities that accounting faculty face at various types of institutions. I completed a 5-year term as Dean this past June and thus am able to offer both an administrative and faculty perspective to the AAA President-Elect position.

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Mark Dawkins is Professor of Accounting in the Coggin College of Business at the University of North Florida (he completed a 5-year term as Dean in June). He served on the accounting faculty at the University of Georgia from 1994-2015 and was the Associate Dean for Academic Programs from 2008-2014. He received his Ph.D. in Accounting from Florida State University, MBA (finance) and M.Acc. (auditing) degrees from the University of Florida, and a BS in Management (accounting) from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

He was the recipient of Outstanding Teacher of the Year Awards in 2006 and 2003 and was one of five inaugural recipients of the EY Inclusive Excellence Award for Accounting and Business School Faculty. His research interests span bankruptcy, accounting information and the capital markets, and accounting education. He has published in The Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting, Journal of Banking and Finance, Advances in Accounting, and other journals. 

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Mark Higgins

Statement of Interest

To be nominated to be the President of the American Accounting Association is a great honor, and it would clearly be the highlight of my academic career if I were chosen to serve. I have been involved in the Association as well as its sections and regions for over 30 years, serving in a variety of roles as a committee member, a chair, a region and section President as well as on the Council and Executive Committee, all with the purpose of advancing accounting education and research. I have had the pleasure to be part of the Pathways Commission and Co-chair of its implementation. Through those experiences and the people with whom I have worked, I have the background and knowledge to lead and help shape this outstanding organization in these challenging times.  The future of accounting education and our broad profession are at a critical juncture where all stakeholders need to work together in a collaborative environment to advance accounting as a learned profession. This is why I am interested in serving the American Accounting Association as President.

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Mark Higgins is a Professor of Accounting at Saint Louis University.  From January 2015 through August 2019 he served as Dean. From 2006 through 2014, he was the Dean at the University of Rhode Island.  Prior to his tenure at URI (1988-2014), he was a Tax Manager for EY in New York City. He served as President of the ATA and on the Executive Committee of the AAA. He was part of the Pathways Commission including co-chairing its implementation phase. He is chair of the Accounting Accreditation Policy Committee of the AACSB.  In 2006, he was inducted into the Northeast Region Hall of Fame. He has received the ATA Outstanding Service Award and the AAA Outstanding Service Award.  He is the co-author with Kevin Murphy of Concepts in Taxation, which is in its 27th edition. His research has been published in the Journal of Accounting Education, Critical Perspectives in Accounting, The Accounting Historians Journal, Journal of Legal Tax Research, and Tax Notes.

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Vice President-Finance-Elect

Eric D. Bostwick

Statement of Interest

In an organization comprised of accountants, there are numerous highly-qualified individuals who could serve in the position of Vice President Finance-Elect.  My own experiences include responsibility as treasurer for a regional not-for-profit organization, administrative positions as associate dean and dean, and AAA service at both the regional and national levels.

In each of these positions, getting to know and work with terrific people has been my greatest reward, and I would be honored to continue to work with and serve our AAA members as Vice President Finance-Elect.

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Eric D. Bostwick has taught accounting for 26 years, and he is currently professor of accounting at the University of West Florida where he has taught since 2010.  While at UWF, Eric served 5 years as associate dean and 8 months as interim dean during a successful dean search.  Prior to teaching at UWF, Eric was a faculty member, chair, assistant dean, and dean at Pensacola Christian College.  Eric is a CPA, and he earned his Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi.

Although his research has been published in top accounting journals and he has received awards for research and service, Eric values most highly the teaching excellence awards from both students and peers which underscore that his primary calling and passion has always been, and always will be, teaching. 

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Anne M. Farrell 

Statement of Interest

More years ago than I’ll count, I joined the AAA as a doctoral student; since then it’s been an important home. The relationships forged through the AAA impacted my vision of and growth as the scholar I strive to be. I can’t repay AAA members for all they’ve given me, but serving as VP-Finance-Elect is a way to try.

In my leadership roles in the Management Accounting and ABO sections and as Chair of the Segment Reporting Task Force, I gained important insights into the AAA’s operations and finances. I understand the challenges facing the AAA from both the overall organization’s and sections’ perspectives – attracting and retaining members, rising costs, volunteers who are stretched. But new AAA leadership and the pandemic have created opportunities for a different vision and different ways to serve members. I’m eager to help AAA leadership and so many talented volunteers reimagine the AAA’s future. 

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Anne M. Farrell is the PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor of Accountancy at Miami University’s Farmer School of Business. She earned her Ph.D. from Michigan State, her M.S. from George Mason, and her B.B.A. from Notre Dame. Anne has served the AAA, MAS, and ABO in many roles, including MAS President and MAS and ABO Secretary/Treasurer. She chaired the AAA Task Force for Segment Financial Reporting and received the AAA Outstanding Service Award for that work.

Anne’s teaching and research focus on how management accounting influences and facilitates decision-making. Her research is published in top accounting, finance, and neuroscience journals and practitioner publications. She is an associate editor at Management Accounting Research and a former associate editor at Behavioral Research in Accounting. Prior to her doctoral program, Anne spent 14 years in practice in Washington, DC and New York. She is a CPA (inactive) and CGMA, and a member of AAA, CAAA, EAA, Society for Neuroeconomics, Ohio-Miami Valley Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, AICPA, and IMA.

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Vice President-Research & Publications

Jonathan Glover 

Statement of Interest

I see this nomination as an opportunity to support the AAA and its members by encouraging and facilitating the dissemination of research and pedagogy, including fostering engagements with the practice of accounting and management, standard setting, regulation, and other policy making. I have been an editor of The Accounting Review (2017-2020) and serve or have served on the editorial boards of Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium (as an editor), Contemporary Accounting Research (as an ad hoc editor), Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Management Accounting Research, Management Science (as an associate editor), and Review of Accounting Studies. I have also been an ad hoc reviewer for the European Accounting Review, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, and leading journals in related fields. I have served on a variety of AAA committees, including the Publications Committee. I am a co-organizer of the International Yuji Ijiri Memorial Lecture Series on the Foundations of Accounting.

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Jonathan Glover is the James L. Dohr Professor of Accounting and Chair of the Accounting Division at Columbia Business School. His research interests include financial and managerial accounting, public policy, and accounting history. Prior to joining Columbia in 2015, he served on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University. Jonathan was an academic fellow in the Office of the Chief Accountant at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from 2004-2005. He has published more than 50 research papers, including publications in Accounting Horizons, The Accounting Review, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting ResearchReview of Accounting Studies, Contemporary Accounting Research, and Management Science. Jonathan has been the advisor or co-advisor of 11 PhD students and has served on the dissertation committees of another 24 PhD students. Jonathan graduated from the Accounting Honors Program at The Ohio State University in 1988 (summa cum laude) and from Ohio State’s PhD Program in Accounting in 1992. Ohio State’s Omicron Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi awarded him their Alumnus of the Year Award in 2016. Jonathan’s great-grandfather, Henry Rand Hatfield, was one of the founders of the AAA.

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Sarah E. McVay

Statement of Interest

I am honored to be a candidate for Vice President-Research & Publications. Should I be elected, it is my hope that my background both as a AAA volunteer and as an editor will benefit the AAA and its constituents.  Although I have not served on the Board, I am the past-president of the FARS Section of the AAA and have served in various other volunteer roles such as the planning committee of the New Faculty Consortium. I also bring experience as an editor for both a AAA journal, the Journal of Financial Reporting where I am in my final year of a three-year term, and a CAAA journal, Contemporary Accounting Research where I am serving my third three-year term. If elected, I look forward to contributing to the research mission of our academic community.

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Sarah McVay is the Deloitte and Touche Professor of Accounting at the University of Washington. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and has also taught at New York University and the University of Utah. She was the president of FARS last year and has served in many other volunteer roles at the AAA. She serves as an Editor of Contemporary Accounting Research and Journal of Financial Reporting and serves on four other editorial boards. Her research focuses on earnings quality including transitory items, non-GAAP earnings, and the net benefits of internal controls. Some of her published articles appear in Accounting Horizons, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, and Review of Accounting Studies. Prior to earning her PhD, Sarah worked for Arthur Andersen and she is a CPA; she teaches financial accounting and financial statement analysis.

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Director-Focusing on Segments

Timothy J. Rupert

Statement of Interest

For many AAA members, the segments are the heart of the organization.  They are the place where we make connections with other members with similar interests. When I was asked if I would be willing to be nominated to run for the Director-Focusing on Segments, I agreed because the sections and regions have been critical to my professional development and I want to see them continue to serve this important function for our members. I’ve been involved most extensively with the American Taxation Association and the Northeast region.  But, at various times during my career, I have been involved with the ABO section, the TLC section, the Diversity section, the APLG section and the Public Interest section.  My hope is that my experience with these different segments will help me better understand the different needs of the segments and help ensure that they continue to provide the support and development opportunities that our members expect from them.

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Tim Rupert is a Professor in the Accounting Group of the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University. He also has an honorary appointment at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. He received his B.S. in Accounting and his Master of Taxation from the University of Akron, and his Ph.D. from Penn State University.  He is active in the American Accounting Association and has served as president, vice president and secretary of the American Taxation Association and as president and program chair of the Northeast Region of the AAA. He has published his research in a variety of journals including The Accounting Review, The Journal of the American Taxation Association, and Behavioral Research in Accounting. He currently serves as an editor of The Journal of the American Taxation Association and previously served as a co-editor of Advances in Accounting Education

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David M. Stott

Statement of Interest

It is an honor to be nominated for this position. I have served the Association at both the Region and Section level. In addition to my service in these Segments, I also served on Council for many years culminating in my service as Council Chair. Through this experience, I learned the value that Segments serve in advancing the overall mission of the Association. To quote an old phrase, the Segments are “where the love is” in the Association.  I am sure that you all have your favorite Section or Region meeting that you look forward to attending each year. Hopefully more than one!

It is with all of this in mind that I look forward to the opportunity to serve in this role. This Director should be a strong advocate for the 31 Segments and I believe that my experience at both the Segment and national levels make me uniquely qualified to serve in this role. I am truly excited and energized about the opportunity.

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David M. Stott joined Ohio University in 2016 and serves as the Director of the School of Accountancy and the O’Bleness Professor of Accountancy. He previously served as Department Chair at Bowling Green State University where he held the Maurer Family Distinguished Professorship in Accounting.

David received his undergraduate degree from Texas State University and both his MAcc and Ph.D. degrees from Washington State University. He initially received his CPA in Texas and is currently certified in Ohio. David’s research and teaching interests are primarily in financial accounting, auditing, and the conceptual framework. 

David is active in both academic and professional organizations. He is a member of the AAA (recently completing service as Council Chair), the AICPA and the Ohio Society of CPAs. 

Before returning to academia, he spent several years working for Arthur Andersen & Co. in Houston (leaving well before the Enron debacle!). David and his wife Ann have two wonderful adult children – Randi and Michael.

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Election Information

The ballot will open on or about Tuesday, February 16, 2021 and will close on or about Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 11:59 pm EDT.

  • Regular and Life members of the Association are eligible to vote in this election.

  • Student members of the Association may not vote for AAA Board of Directors positions.

  • The election will be conducted by online ballot, and paper ballots will be mailed to members 1) without a valid email address, and 2) who have requested to be on the AAA "do not email" list.

If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Gutierrez, Governance Manager, at or 941-556-4117.