Stephen R. Moehrle
Statement of Interest
I am proud of the American Accounting Association. I am proud of the impact the members and the staff have had on the accounting profession for over a century. It has been my pleasure to serve the AAA as an author, conference presenter, conference reviewer, journal referee, region board member, committee member, task force chair, journal associate editor, and vice president. The experiences and lessons of these roles provides a foundation for serving the organization as president. If elected, I would strive to lead the organization in the tradition of especially four past Presidents with whom I worked closely - Christine Botosan, Karen Pincus, Gary Previts, and Marc Rubin. Each cared deeply about the organization and the accounting profession, maintained a positive disposition, was forward thinking, and treated the AAA professional staff with utmost respect. In my view, these are the most important qualities for the volunteer leaders of the organization.
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Steve Moehrle is Chair and Professor of Accounting at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. He received his Ph.D. from Indiana University in 1998. He is also a Certified Public Accountant. Steve has won several research and teaching awards including the Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award, the University of Missouri-St. Louis Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence, the Missouri Society of CPAs’ Outstanding Educator Award, and the AICPA’s Distinguished Accomplishment in Accounting Education. He has published articles in top journals including The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, and the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. He also co-authored the monograph “The CPA Profession: Opportunities, Responsibilities, and Services,” which is published by the AICPA. He currently serves as Associate Editor of Accounting Horizons and previously served as American Accounting Association Vice-President – Finance and Chair of the Board of the Missouri Society of CPAs’ (MOCPA) Education Foundation.
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Mark H. Taylor
Statement of Interest
Over my career I have been fortunate to serve in a wide variety of AAA roles, most recently as Vice President-Finance. I have also served the broader profession as a member of the Auditing Standards Board and as an SEC Academic Fellow, and served for nearly a decade as a Department Chair/Director. During my academic career, I have maintained close connections to practice, including 15 years of audit firm oversight serving as an Investment Company Audit Committee Chair. Although accounting education is facing unprecedented challenges, I see a bright future. I am humbled and deeply honored to have been nominated to serve as AAA President. Serving as President would provide the opportunity to “pay forward” the immense rewards I have received from AAA membership/service. If I am elected, I will invest my time, effort and energy in collaborating with all AAA stakeholders to address the challenges we face and to preserve, enhance and strengthen the AAA.
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Mark H. Taylor is Professor and holds the Dan and Tina Johnson Endowed Directorship in Accountancy at the Lynn Pippenger School of Accountancy, University of South Florida (USF). Previously he held appointments at Case Western Reserve, Creighton, the University of South Carolina, and the University of Nebraska. He earned a PhD in Accounting from the University of Arizona and holds MAcc and BS degrees from BYU. Mark has received the following awards: 2021 Best Paper in AJPT (with co-authors S. Glover and Y. Wu), 2020 USF Outstanding Research Achievement, 2019 Ohio Region/OSCPA Outstanding Educator, 2015 National Beta Alpha Psi Business Information Professional of the Year, and 2011 Weatherhead School of Management Graduate Student Outstanding Teacher. Mark’s research has been published in The Accounting Review; Contemporary Accounting Research; Accounting, Organizations & Society; Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory; Accounting Horizons; Behavioral Research in Accounting; International Journal of Auditing; Journal of Accountancy and other journals.
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