Message from Larry Crumbley
President, Gender Issue Worklife Balance
Each of you are starting a new semester, and I know we are all very busy. But the backbone of a strong voluntary group such as the Gender Issues and Worklife Balance section is a healthy leadership and a strong committee system. Please devote some thought and time to our GIWB section. Our new officers are listed elsewhere in the webpage. I would like to populate four committees to help grow our section. I still need volunteers. We especially need to revise our Bylaws, and hopefully we shall have a vote of these changes this year or early next year. Below I list the members of these four committees:
- Stanley Kratchman, Chairperson, retired TAMU
- Larry Crumbley, LSU
- Bambi Hora, Central Oklahoma University
- Murphy Smith, Murray State University
- Margaret Tanner, Arkansas-Fort Smith
- Royce D. Burnett, Chairperson, SIU
- Paul Ashcroft, MSU
- Amelia Baldwin, Arkansas-Fort Smith
- Cathy Duffy, Carthage
- Susanne O’Callaghan, Pace
- Wayne Bremser, Chairperson, Villanova
- Cynthia P. Guthrie, Bucknell
- Holly Rudolph, Murray State
- Paul F. Williams, North Carolina
- Marsha M. Huber, Chairperson, Youngstown
- Don Ariail, Kennesaw State
- Laurie Burney, Baylor
- Natalie Churyl, Northern Illinois
I wish to thank the past 2014-2015 officers, especially Margaret Tanner, our past president. We need, of course, to work on our membership. At $15, our dues are among the lowest of all sections. Please encourage your colleagues and practitioners to join our section. The papers in Chicago were excellent, and the breakfast meetings are always interesting. Each of you can make our section one of the best.
Dr. D. Larry Crumbley, CPA, CFF, Cr. FA, MAFF
GWIB Section President, 2015-2016
Louisiana State University
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To join the Gender Issues & Worklife Balance section you must first become a member of the American Accounting Association.
Click on the following link for more information on joining the Association: Membership