Thursday, February 26, 2015 |
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7:30 AM - 6:30 PM | Teaching & Curriculum Conference Sponsored by the KPMG Foundation  |
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM | Doctoral Consortium Sponsored by the KPMG Foundation  |
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Friday, February 27, 2015 |
| Support for the 2015 Midyear Meeting from our Platinum Sponsors is gratefully acknowledged. | | | | |
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7:00 AM - 8:30 AM | Continental Breakfast |
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Taxes - 1.0 CH | Research Forum & Effective Learning Strategies Negative Media Coverage and Corporate Tax Avoidance Shannon Chen, University of Texas at Austin Kathleen Powers, University of Texas at Austin Bridget Stomberg, University of Georgia The Cost of Compliance: FIN 48 and Audit Fees Matthew Erickson, University of Arizona-Tucson Nathan C. Goldman, University of Arizona-Tucson James Stekelberg, University of Arizona-Tucson Deferred Compensation: Alignment or Agency? Sarah Fulmer, Cal State Fullerton James Ang, Florida State University Yingmei Cheng, Florida State University An Examination of the Readability of Tax Footnotes Kerry Inger, Auburn University Michele Meckfessel, Case Western Reserve University Weiguo (Patrick) Fan, Virginia Tech University Jamie Zhou, Virginia Tech University Firm Tax Uncertainty, Cash Holdings, and the Timing of Large Investment Martin Jacob, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management Kelly Wentland, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Scott Wentland, Longwood University Why Do Firms Leave the U.S. and How Does the Market View Them? The Case of Corporate Inversions Inder K. Khurana, University of Missouri-Columbia Stevanie S. Neuman, University of Missouri-Columbia Splitting the Difference: Acquisition Premiums and Investment Income Taxes Paul Mason, University of Texas at Dallas Plickers Use in the Classroom Ramon P. Rodriguez, Murray State University Wayne A. Tervo, Murray State University Firm Diversification, Corporate Governance and Tax Avoidance Suyan Zheng, University of Cincinnati |
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Taxes - 1.5 CH | Plenary Session A Discussion of Tax Policy: A Glimpse into the Future Moderator: Martin A. Sullivan, Tax Analysts Panelists: Thomas A. Barthold, Joint Committee on Taxation Mark J. Mazur, Treasury Department |
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Break |
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Taxes - 1.5 CH | Panel Session Base Erosion and Profit Sharing (BEPS) and International Tax Reform Moderator: Tom Neubig, OECD Panelists: Mindy Herzfeld, Tax Analysts David Lenter, Joint Committee on Taxation Victoria Perry, International Monetary Fund |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Taxes - 1.0 CH | Lunch Guest Speaker: Ed Karl, AICPA |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Taxes - 1.0 CH | Concurrent Sessions New Faculty Research Moderator: Tom Schulz, Western Michigan University The Impact of Large Tax Settlements on Firms' Subsequent Tax and Financial Reporting Andrew Finley, University of Arizona-Tucson Discussant: Luke Watson, University of Florida The Economic Effects of Special Purpose Entities on Corporate Tax Avoidance Paul Demere, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Michael P. Donohoe, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Petro Lisowsky, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Discussant: Jaron Wilde, University of Iowa IRS Attention Zahn Bozanic, The Ohio State University Jeffrey Hoopes, Ohio State University Jacob Thornock, University of Washington-Seattle Braden Williams, University of Washington-Seattle Discussant: Alex Edwards, University of Toronto Connecting Tax Practice Professionals with Academics Moderator: Hughlene Burton, UNC-Charlotte Panelists: Lisa Cines, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP Wayne Corini, Grant Thornton LLP Mark Hellmer, EY LLP Troy Lewis, Heritage Bank and BYU |
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Break |
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Taxes - 1.5 CH | Concurrent Sessions Ongoing Research Moderator: Charles Enis, Penn State University The Market for Political Favors: Evidence from Congressional Hearings Vishal Baloria, Boston College Discussant: Katherine Drake, University of Arizona Income Shifting under Losses Arnt Hopland, Norwegian School of Economics Petro Lisowsky, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Mohammed Mardan, ETH Zurich Dirk Schindler, Norwegian School of Economics Discussant: Kevin Markel, University of Iowa Trade-Offs between Tax and Financial Reporting Benefits: Evidence from Taxable Acquisitions Daniel P. Lynch, University of Wisconsin-Madison Miles A. Romney, Michigan State University Bridget Stomberg, University of Georgia Daniel D. Wangerin, Michigan State University Discussant: Stevie Neuman, University of Missouri Innovations and Challenges in Teaching Tax Moderator: Megan Burke, Texas A&M University-Commerce Creating an Executive Compensation Plan: Three Corporate Tax Planning Cases* G. Ryan Huston, Arizona State University Janet M. Huston, Arizona State University Janell L. Blazovich, University of St. Thomas-Minneapolis *Winner of the 2014 ATA/Deloitte Teaching Innovation Award Life's Two Certainties: An Estate and Gift Taxation Case G. Ryan Huston, Arizona State University Janet M. Huston, Arizona State University *Winner of the 2013 ATA/Deloitte Teaching Innovation Award To Convert or Not Convert: A Multi-Level Tax Analysis of S-Corporation Conversion with Excel Allison L. Evans, University of North Carolina-Wilmington William D. Brink, Miami University of Ohio Lorraine S. Lee, University of North Carolina-Wilmington Cherie J. Hennig, University of North Carolina-Wilmington To Amend or Not to Amend: A Tax Consulting Case Megan Burke, Texas A&M University-Commerce Sandra K. Gates, Texas A&M University-Commerce |
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Committee Meetings |
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Reception |
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Taxes - 1.0 CH | Research Forum for PhD Students from Austria, Belgium, and Germany The Effect of Taxes on Corporate Financing Decisions - Evidence from the German Interest Barrier Stephan Alberternst, University of Paderborn, Germany To Shift or Not to Shift? Intertemporal Income Shifting as a Response to the Introduction of the Risk Capital Allowance in Belgium Kathleen Andries, KU Leuven, Antwerp, Belgium Do Transfer Pricing Rules Distort R&D Investments? Tobias Bornemann, WU, Austria Shifting of Functions and Risks - The Main Drivers of BEPS? Markus Gamm, University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt, Germany CCCTB or Separate Accounting? Tax-Induced Distortions of Multinationals' Locational Decisions Regina Ortmann, University of Paderborn, Germany |
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Saturday, February 28, 2015 |
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7:00 AM - 8:30 AM | Continental Breakfast |
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Taxes - 1.0 CH | Concurrent Sessions Ongoing Research Moderator: Rebekah (McCarty) Moore, Northeastern University The Role of Revenue-Expense Mismatching in Explaining the Tax Fundamental's Ability to Predict Earnings Growth Sangwan Kim, University of Massachusetts-Boston Allison Koester, Georgetown University Steve C. Lim, Texas Christian University Discussant: Brad Lindsey, NC State University Discretionary Cost Classification and the R&D Tax Credit Stacie K. LaPlante, University of Wisconsin-Madison Hollis Ashbaugh Skaife, University of California-Davis Laura Swenson, Georgia State University Daniel D. Wangerin, Michigan State University Discussant: Erin Towery, University of Georgia |
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Taxes - 1.5 CH | BEPS and Its Impact on the International Tax Environment for Multinational Groups - Insights from European Research and Teaching Moderator: Caren Sureth, University of Paderborn Panelists: Christof Beuselinck, IESEG School of Management Eva Eberhartinger, Vienna University of Economics and Business Reinald Koch, Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt Jacco Wielhouwer, VU University Amsterdam |
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | Break |
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Concurrent Sessions |
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Taxes - 3.0 CH | JATA Conference Session I Moderator: Ken Klassen, University of Waterloo Competition, Taxes and Organizational Form Michael Donohoe, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Petro Lisowsky, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Michael Mayberry, University of Florida Discussant: Bryan Cloyd, Virginia Tech University CEO Narcissism and Corporate Tax Sheltering Kari Olsen, University of Southern California James Stekelberg, University of Arizona-Tucson Discussant: Jennifer Brown, Arizona State University Cost Sharing Arrangements and Income Shifting Lisa De Simone, Stanford University Richard Sansing, Dartmouth College Discussant: Scott Dyreng, Duke University |
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Taxes - 2.0 CH | JLTR Conference Session I Moderator: Blaise Sonnier, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs The Kiddie Tax and Scholarship Income: An Analysis of the Unforeseen Tax Consequences Resulting from the Evolution and Execution of IRC 1(g) and a Roadmap for Reform Thomas F. Madison, St. Mary's University Kent W. Royalty, St. Mary's University Rachael E. Rubenstein, St. Mary's University A Historical Review and Prospective Modern-Day Assessment of the Non-Itemizer Charitable Contribution Deduction Eric S. Smith, Weber State University |
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Lunch Guest Speaker: Bruce Behn, AAA President-Elect, University of Tennessee |
1:45 PM - 3:45 PM | Concurrent Sessions |
1:45 PM - 3:25 PM Taxes - 2.0 CH | JATA Conference Session II Moderator: Ken Klassen, University of Waterloo The Effects of a Shared Interest and Regret Salience on Tax Evasion William D. Brink, Miami University of Ohio Richard A. White, University of South Carolina Discussant: Amy Hageman, Kansas State University The Effects of Regulatory Scrutiny on Tax Avoidance: An Examination of SEC Comment Letters Thomas Kubick, University of Kansas Daniel Lynch, University of Wisconsin-Madison Michael Mayberry, University of Florida Thomas Omer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Discussant: Jeffrey Hoopes, Ohio State University |
1:45 PM - 3:45 PM Taxes - 2.0 CH | JLTR Conference Session II Moderator: Tad Ransopher, Georgia State University Whistleblower Determinations as a Ticket in to Tax Court Sarah Webber, University of Dayton The Controversy over Social Welfare Organizations and Political Campaigns Kenton D. Swift, University of Montana |
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM | Break |
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Taxes - 1.0 CH | Concurrent Sessions Ongoing Research Moderator: Sean McGuire, Texas A&M University How is Expertise Acquired and Shared by Professional Accountants? Evidence from Italian Statutory Auditors' Networks and Tax Avoidance Pietro A. Bianchi, University of Miami Diana Falsetta, University of Miami Miguel A. Minutti-Meza, University of Miami Eric H. Weisbrod, University of Miami Discussant: G. Ryan Huston, Arizona State University Ownership Structure and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Agency Costs of State Ownership in China Mark T. Bradshaw, Boston College Guanmin Liao, Central University of Finance and Economics Shuai Ma, American University Discussant: Andrew Bauer, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Teaching Resources: Effective Learning Strategies Moderator: Cathalene Bowler, University of Northern Iowa The Use of Online Quizzes in an Introductory Tax Course Amy M. Hageman, Kansas State University Dann G. Fisher, Kansas State University Investigation of the Impact of Student Learning Preferences (VARK) on an Active-Learning Project Judith A. Sage, Texas A&M International University Lloyd G. Sage, Texas A&M International University Flipping the Tax Classroom to Engage Students and Increase Interest in Tax as a Profession Mitchell Franklin, Syracuse University |