• Please mark your calendar!

    The 2016 ABO Research Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque on October 6-8, 2016.

  • A limited number of rooms have been set aside for conference participants at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque at the rate of $189 per night, single or double occupancy. If you are planning on attending, we suggest that you reserve a room early.

The Accounting, Behavior, and Organizations Section of the AAA is pleased to announce its eleventh Doctoral Consortium. The Consortium will be held in conjunction with the Annual ABO Research Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico on October 6 and 7, 2016. The Consortium is designed for PhD students interested in conducting behavioral research. New faculty (i.e., those less than three years post PhD) also will be considered for attendance at the Consortium, space permitting.

The Consortium will begin with a reception on Thursday, October 6 from 5-7 pm. The Consortium will take place the morning of Friday, October 7 (immediately prior to the ABO Research Conference). Expert researchers will present talks on how to conduct and publish high-quality research as well as on how to manage academic careers. Participants also will have opportunities to ask questions and interact with the presenters.

The Consortium is free for student members of the AAA (although students need not be members of the ABO section). Conference registration is $50 and includes breakfast and lunch Friday and Saturday, as well as early-evening receptions on Thursday and Friday. In addition, the ABO section will pay for two nights at the conference hotel (Thursday and Friday nights) for up to 30 PhD student participants. Preference will be given to students who did not receive free hotel rooms at the 2015 ABO conference. Students receiving free rooms will share a room with another student participant (hotel pairings will be made by ABO). For students receiving the hotel subsidy, the cost of the Consortium and Conference will be $50 plus the cost of transportation and dinner on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and possibly hotel accommodations for Saturday night if needed. Thus, attending the Consortium and Conference is a very affordable opportunity for students.

PhD students interested in attending the Consortium should send the completed Application via email to Jennifer Winchel (winchel2016abo@gmail.com) by Monday, August 8. We will process qualifying applications in the order they are received. If you qualify, please apply early since space is limited. You will be notified on August 15 whether you have been accepted for the Consortium.

I am excited about this opportunity to bring together new and established behavioral researchers to exchange ideas and experiences. I hope that you will be able to attend.

Jennifer Winchel
2016 ABO Doctoral Consortium Coordinator

The Accounting, Behavior, and Organizations Section of the AAA is pleased to announce its eleventh Doctoral Consortium. The Consortium will be held in conjunction with the Annual ABO Research Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico on October 6 and 7, 2016. The Consortium is designed for PhD students interested in conducting behavioral research. New faculty (i.e., those less than three years post PhD) also will be considered for attendance at the Consortium, space permitting.

The Consortium will begin with a reception on Thursday, October 6 from 5-7 pm. The Consortium will take place the morning of Friday, October 7 (immediately prior to the ABO Research Conference). Expert researchers will present talks on how to conduct and publish high-quality research as well as on how to manage academic careers. Participants also will have opportunities to ask questions and interact with the presenters.

The Consortium is free for student members of the AAA (although students need not be members of the ABO section). Conference registration is $50 and includes breakfast and lunch Friday and Saturday, as well as early-evening receptions on Thursday and Friday. In addition, the ABO section will pay for two nights at the conference hotel (Thursday and Friday nights) for up to 30 PhD student participants. Preference will be given to students who did not receive free hotel rooms at the 2015 ABO conference. Students receiving free rooms will share a room with another student participant (hotel pairings will be made by ABO). For students receiving the hotel subsidy, the cost of the Consortium and Conference will be $50 plus the cost of transportation and dinner on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and possibly hotel accommodations for Saturday night if needed. Thus, attending the Consortium and Conference is a very affordable opportunity for students.

PhD students interested in attending the Consortium should send the completed Application via email to Jennifer Winchel (winchel2016abo@gmail.com) by Monday, August 8. We will process qualifying applications in the order they are received. If you qualify, please apply early since space is limited. You will be notified on August 15 whether you have been accepted for the Consortium.

I am excited about this opportunity to bring together new and established behavioral researchers to exchange ideas and experiences. I hope that you will be able to attend.

Jennifer Winchel
2016 ABO Doctoral Consortium Coordinator