• 2016 Southwest Region Meeting

    Join us in Oklahoma City, at the beautiful and very accessible Renaissance Oklahoma City Convention Center Hotel & Spa!

  • Call for Submissions

    All paper and poster submissions will be blind peer-reviewed. Papers submitted to a regional meeting may have been submitted to the American Accounting Association national meeting or midyear sectional meetings, but must NOT have been published elsewhere before our regional meeting. Papers may have an academic, practitioner or pedagogical focus. Student papers (doctoral, masters and undergraduate) are especially encouraged.

The Southwest Region of the American Accounting Association consists of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas


  1. To hold regional meetings for the presentation and discussion of subjects in accounting and allied fields of interest to members of the Southwest Regional Association and the national Association.
  2. To support the national Association in the accomplishment of certain of its announced objectives:
    1. To initiate, encourage and sponsor research in accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services, and to publish or aid in the publication of the results of research;
    2. To advance accounting instruction and to encourage qualified individuals to enter careers in the teaching of accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services; and
    3. To advance a widespread knowledge of accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services among qualified students and the public, generally.


Amelia Baldwin
College of Business
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
P. O. Box 3649
Fort Smith, AR 72913-3649
Office: 479.788.7745
Email: Amelia.baldwin@uafs.edu
Program Chair (President Elect)
Katherine Boswell
College of Business Administration
University of Louisiana at Monroe
700 University Avenue
Monroe, LA 71209
Office: 318.342.1114
Email: boswell@ulm.edu
Past President
Thomas Carment
Rogers State University
1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd.
Claremore, OK 74017
Office: 918.343.7522
Email: tcarment@rsu.edu
Shani Robinson
Department of Accounting
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
Office: 936.294.4241
Email: Snr001@shsu.edu
Elaine Sanders
University of Texas – San Antonio
1 UTSA Circle
Department of Accounting
College of Business
San Antonio, TX 78249
Phone: 210.458.5787
Edward Walker
University of Central Oklahoma
2009 Bodega Way
Edmond, OK 73003
Phone: 405.974.5312
Coordinating Committee
Member At Large

Robert Tepper
University of New Mexico
ASM Academic Department of Accounting
MSC 05 3090
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: 505.277.5413
Coordinating Committee
Member At Large

Roxanne Gooch
Cameron University
2800 Gore Blvd.
Lawton, OK 73505
Office: 580.581.2844
Email: rgooch@cameron.edu
Program Chair-Elect
Derek K. Oler
Rawls College of Business
School of Accounting
Texas Tech University
Box 42101
Lubbock, TX 79409-2101
Office: 806.834.2354
Email: derek.oler@ttu.edu
Council Representative
Bambi Hora
University of Central Oklahoma
Dept Of Accounting
100 N. University Dr.
Edmond, OK 73034
Phone: 405.974.2156

The Southwest Region of the American Accounting Association consists of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas


  1. To hold regional meetings for the presentation and discussion of subjects in accounting and allied fields of interest to members of the Southwest Regional Association and the national Association.
  2. To support the national Association in the accomplishment of certain of its announced objectives:
    1. To initiate, encourage and sponsor research in accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services, and to publish or aid in the publication of the results of research;
    2. To advance accounting instruction and to encourage qualified individuals to enter careers in the teaching of accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services; and
    3. To advance a widespread knowledge of accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services among qualified students and the public, generally.


Katherine Boswell
University of Louisiana - Monroe
700 University Avenue
College Of Business
Monroe, LA 71209-0110
Phone: 318-342-1114
Email: boswell@ulm.edu
Program Chair (President Elect)
Derek K. Oler
Rawls College of Business
School of Accounting
Texas Tech University
Box 42101
Lubbock, TX 79409-2101
Office: 806.834.2354
Email: derek.oler@ttu.edu
Past President
Amelia Baldwin
University of Arkansas Fort Smith
College of Business
Dept of Acct., Finance & Economics
5210 Grand Avenue
BII 213
Fort Smith, AR 72913
Phone: 479-788-7745
Email: amelia.baldwin@uafs.edu
Shani Robinson
Department of Accounting
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
Office: 936.294.4241
Email: Snr001@shsu.edu
Elaine Sanders
University of Texas – San Antonio
1 UTSA Circle
Department of Accounting
College of Business
San Antonio, TX 78249
Phone: 210.458.5787
Email: elaine.sanders@utsa.edu
Edward Walker
University of Central Oklahoma
2009 Bodega Way
Edmond, OK 73003
Phone: 405.974.5312
Email: erwcpa@aol.com
Coordinating Committee
Member At Large

Roxanne Gooch
Cameron University
2800 Gore Blvd.
Lawton, OK 73505
Office: 580.581.2844
Email: rgooch@cameron.edu
Program Chair-Elect
Robert Cornell
Oklahoma State University
401 School of Business
Stillwater, OK 74078
Phone: (405) 744-6377
Email: robert.cornell@okstate.edu
Council Representative
Mary Fischer
University of Texas-Tyler
1920 Raveneaux
Tyler, TX 75703
Phone: (903) 566-7433
Email: mfischer@uttyler.edu
  • Past President 2013–14: Thomas Carment
    Rogers State University, Claremore, OK 74017
    Phone: 918-343-7522, Email: tcarment@rsu.edu

  • Past President 2012–13: Carolyn Conn
    St Edward's University, Austin, TX 78704
    Phone: 512-233-1422, Email: caroltc@stedwards.edu

  • Past President 2011–12: Robert Walsh
    University of Dallas, Irving, TX 75062
    Phone: 972-721-5361, Email: rwalsh@gsm.udallas.edu

  • Past President 2010–11: Dennis Togo, Robert O. Anderson School of Management
    University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131
    Phone: 505-277-7106, Fax: 505-277-7108, Email: togo@unm.edu

  • Past President 2009–10: Treba Marsh, Gerald W. Schlief School of Accountancy
    Stephen F. Austin State University, Box 13005 SFA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962
    Phone: 936-468-1744, Fax: 936-468-1482, EMail: tmarsh@sfasu.edu

  • Past President 2008–09: Bambi Hora, Department of Accounting
    University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034
    Phone: 405-974-2156, Email: bhora@uco.edu

  • Past President 2007–08: Roselyn Morris, College of Business Administration
    Texas State University-San Marcos, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, TX 78666-4616
    Phone: 512-245-2566, Fax: 512-245-7973, Email: rmorris@txstate.edu

  • Past President 2006–07: Robert Webster, Hickingbotham School of Business
    Ouachita Baptist University, Department of Accounting Box 3689, 410 Ouachita Street, Arkadelphia, AR 71998-0001
    Phone: 870-245-5254, Fax: 870-245-5061, Email: websterb@obu.edu

The Southwest Region of the American Accounting Association consists of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas


  1. To hold regional meetings for the presentation and discussion of subjects in accounting and allied fields of interest to members of the Southwest Regional Association and the national Association.
  2. To support the national Association in the accomplishment of certain of its announced objectives:
    1. To initiate, encourage and sponsor research in accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services, and to publish or aid in the publication of the results of research;
    2. To advance accounting instruction and to encourage qualified individuals to enter careers in the teaching of accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services; and
    3. To advance a widespread knowledge of accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services among qualified students and the public, generally.


Amelia Baldwin
College of Business
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
P. O. Box 3649
Fort Smith, AR 72913-3649
Office: 479.788.7745
Email: Amelia.baldwin@uafs.edu
Program Chair (President Elect)
Katherine Boswell
College of Business Administration
University of Louisiana at Monroe
700 University Avenue
Monroe, LA 71209
Office: 318.342.1114
Email: boswell@ulm.edu
Past President
Thomas Carment
Rogers State University
1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd.
Claremore, OK 74017
Office: 918.343.7522
Email: tcarment@rsu.edu
Shani Robinson
Department of Accounting
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
Office: 936.294.4241
Email: Snr001@shsu.edu
Elaine Sanders
University of Texas – San Antonio
1 UTSA Circle
Department of Accounting
College of Business
San Antonio, TX 78249
Phone: 210.458.5787
Edward Walker
University of Central Oklahoma
2009 Bodega Way
Edmond, OK 73003
Phone: 405.974.5312
Coordinating Committee
Member At Large

Robert Tepper
University of New Mexico
ASM Academic Department of Accounting
MSC 05 3090
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: 505.277.5413
Coordinating Committee
Member At Large

Roxanne Gooch
Cameron University
2800 Gore Blvd.
Lawton, OK 73505
Office: 580.581.2844
Email: rgooch@cameron.edu
Program Chair-Elect
Derek K. Oler
Rawls College of Business
School of Accounting
Texas Tech University
Box 42101
Lubbock, TX 79409-2101
Office: 806.834.2354
Email: derek.oler@ttu.edu
Council Representative
Bambi Hora
University of Central Oklahoma
Dept Of Accounting
100 N. University Dr.
Edmond, OK 73034
Phone: 405.974.2156

The Southwest Region of the American Accounting Association consists of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas


  1. To hold regional meetings for the presentation and discussion of subjects in accounting and allied fields of interest to members of the Southwest Regional Association and the national Association.
  2. To support the national Association in the accomplishment of certain of its announced objectives:
    1. To initiate, encourage and sponsor research in accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services, and to publish or aid in the publication of the results of research;
    2. To advance accounting instruction and to encourage qualified individuals to enter careers in the teaching of accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services; and
    3. To advance a widespread knowledge of accounting, auditing, taxation and management advisory services among qualified students and the public, generally.


Katherine Boswell
University of Louisiana - Monroe
700 University Avenue
College Of Business
Monroe, LA 71209-0110
Phone: 318-342-1114
Email: boswell@ulm.edu
Program Chair (President Elect)
Derek K. Oler
Rawls College of Business
School of Accounting
Texas Tech University
Box 42101
Lubbock, TX 79409-2101
Office: 806.834.2354
Email: derek.oler@ttu.edu
Past President
Amelia Baldwin
University of Arkansas Fort Smith
College of Business
Dept of Acct., Finance & Economics
5210 Grand Avenue
BII 213
Fort Smith, AR 72913
Phone: 479-788-7745
Email: amelia.baldwin@uafs.edu
Shani Robinson
Department of Accounting
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
Office: 936.294.4241
Email: Snr001@shsu.edu
Elaine Sanders
University of Texas – San Antonio
1 UTSA Circle
Department of Accounting
College of Business
San Antonio, TX 78249
Phone: 210.458.5787
Email: elaine.sanders@utsa.edu
Edward Walker
University of Central Oklahoma
2009 Bodega Way
Edmond, OK 73003
Phone: 405.974.5312
Email: erwcpa@aol.com
Coordinating Committee
Member At Large

Roxanne Gooch
Cameron University
2800 Gore Blvd.
Lawton, OK 73505
Office: 580.581.2844
Email: rgooch@cameron.edu
Program Chair-Elect
Robert Cornell
Oklahoma State University
401 School of Business
Stillwater, OK 74078
Phone: (405) 744-6377
Email: robert.cornell@okstate.edu
Council Representative
Mary Fischer
University of Texas-Tyler
1920 Raveneaux
Tyler, TX 75703
Phone: (903) 566-7433
Email: mfischer@uttyler.edu
  • Past President 2013–14: Thomas Carment
    Rogers State University, Claremore, OK 74017
    Phone: 918-343-7522, Email: tcarment@rsu.edu

  • Past President 2012–13: Carolyn Conn
    St Edward's University, Austin, TX 78704
    Phone: 512-233-1422, Email: caroltc@stedwards.edu

  • Past President 2011–12: Robert Walsh
    University of Dallas, Irving, TX 75062
    Phone: 972-721-5361, Email: rwalsh@gsm.udallas.edu

  • Past President 2010–11: Dennis Togo, Robert O. Anderson School of Management
    University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131
    Phone: 505-277-7106, Fax: 505-277-7108, Email: togo@unm.edu

  • Past President 2009–10: Treba Marsh, Gerald W. Schlief School of Accountancy
    Stephen F. Austin State University, Box 13005 SFA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962
    Phone: 936-468-1744, Fax: 936-468-1482, EMail: tmarsh@sfasu.edu

  • Past President 2008–09: Bambi Hora, Department of Accounting
    University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034
    Phone: 405-974-2156, Email: bhora@uco.edu

  • Past President 2007–08: Roselyn Morris, College of Business Administration
    Texas State University-San Marcos, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, TX 78666-4616
    Phone: 512-245-2566, Fax: 512-245-7973, Email: rmorris@txstate.edu

  • Past President 2006–07: Robert Webster, Hickingbotham School of Business
    Ouachita Baptist University, Department of Accounting Box 3689, 410 Ouachita Street, Arkadelphia, AR 71998-0001
    Phone: 870-245-5254, Fax: 870-245-5061, Email: websterb@obu.edu