• Please mark your calendar!

    The 2016 International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, at Le Méridien Hotel on February 18-20, 2016.

  • We gratefully acknowledge KPMG and the KPMG Foundation for their generous support of the 2016 International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting and PhD/New Faculty Consortium.


Workshop 1: Making Professional Judgments and Applying Skepticism in Financial Reporting and Auditing

Presenters: Dr. Paul Munter, Senior Partner, KPMG LLP
David A. Simko, Partner, EY Global Assurance Standards, Methodology, and
Dr. Sridhar Ramamoorti, Associate Professor of Accounting, and Director,
Corporate Governance Center, Kennesaw State University
Catherine Banks, EY, Director, EY Foundation and ARC Resources

Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Field of Study:  Accounting
Program Level:  Basic
Method of Delivery:  Group-Live
Credit Hours:  3.0

Intended Audience:  Accounting Professors, Ph.D. Students, Practitioners

Learning Objectives: This workshop will provide insights into forces driving the need for enhanced professional judgment and appropriate application of professional skepticism by the global accounting profession including:

  • The shift towards more principles orientation of U.S. and global accounting standards.
  • The increasing complexity of business transactions, including greater use of estimates and fair value.
  • The stronger desire for advancements in audit quality to gain public trust.
  • The growing sophistication of financial reporting fraud.

Concomitantly, there is increased importance of teaching future practitioners the means and manners in which judgment can be effectively exercised, skepticism be operationalized and fraud identified.  This session will focus on providing attendees with a framework and tools for applying and teaching these fundamental skill sets. A well-received video from the ICAEW will be presented during the workshop.

Prerequisites:  None

Advanced Preparation Required: None


Workshop 1: Making Professional Judgments and Applying Skepticism in Financial Reporting and Auditing

Presenters: Dr. Paul Munter, Senior Partner, KPMG LLP
David A. Simko, Partner, EY Global Assurance Standards, Methodology, and
Dr. Sridhar Ramamoorti, Associate Professor of Accounting, and Director,
Corporate Governance Center, Kennesaw State University
Catherine Banks, EY, Director, EY Foundation and ARC Resources

Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Field of Study:  Accounting
Program Level:  Basic
Method of Delivery:  Group-Live
Credit Hours:  3.0

Intended Audience:  Accounting Professors, Ph.D. Students, Practitioners

Learning Objectives: This workshop will provide insights into forces driving the need for enhanced professional judgment and appropriate application of professional skepticism by the global accounting profession including:

  • The shift towards more principles orientation of U.S. and global accounting standards.
  • The increasing complexity of business transactions, including greater use of estimates and fair value.
  • The stronger desire for advancements in audit quality to gain public trust.
  • The growing sophistication of financial reporting fraud.

Concomitantly, there is increased importance of teaching future practitioners the means and manners in which judgment can be effectively exercised, skepticism be operationalized and fraud identified.  This session will focus on providing attendees with a framework and tools for applying and teaching these fundamental skill sets. A well-received video from the ICAEW will be presented during the workshop.

Prerequisites:  None

Advanced Preparation Required: None