Sharpen Your Teaching Skills Sessions

Presented on Friday and Saturday at the meeting, sessions in this track will feature presentations by educators from across the country sharing valuable teaching tips that you can put to use immediately in your classes.

Friday 10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Creating Opportunities for Students to Explore and Utilize the SEC Website in Accounting Classes

In this session, participants will be provided examples of how to use the SEC website as a student resource in financial accounting, auditing, and financial statement analysis classes. The SEC website is one resource available to all at no cost. In introductory accounting classes, students can be introduced to the EDGAR database and use 10-K filings to find information on public companies, including state of incorporation, fiscal year, and common stock par value. Accounting students at every level can improve their ability to read financial statements and interpret accompanying notes. Auditing students can review and compare integrated audit reports from 10-K filings, and learn to use the 8-K, proxy, and other filings to find audit relevant information. For financial statement analysis, students can download public company information in excel ready formats for faster analysis.

In addition to the EDGAR database, the SEC’s website provides a wealth of information on accounting practice and enforcement issues. Learn in this session how to demonstrate the importance of the topics you cover by providing real world examples of SEC filings, actions, and guidance on accounting issues. Participants will learn how to find current material on the SEC website to share in class and serve as the basis for assignments. Participants will also aid their students by opening up the SEC website as a free, ongoing resource.

I could present this session in a 50-minute or 75-minute format. Participants should bring their laptop or tablet to access the SEC website during the session. I would need a projector and screen that connects to my laptop and internet access. Participants would also need internet access and power outlets for participation.

Presenter: Janice E. Rummell, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Friday 1:45 - 3:25 pm
Running a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Site on a College Campus.

Moderator: Steven Balsam, Temple University

Experiential learning is a buzzword in higher education these days. VITA is a way to involve your students in the community as well as provide them with that experiential learning. However, there are obstacles involved in running a VITA site, some that are unique to a university setting. Issues arise in balancing your educational role as a faculty member versus your commitment to your clients. This informative session will provide information on how to set up a site on your campus, as well as how to survive running it. Q&A is encouraged.

Panelist: Anita Carter, Internal Revenue Service

Friday 3:55 pm – 5:35 pm Session 3.01
The Accreditation Landscape:  Seeking the Best Outcomes for Your Programs
Susan Crosson, American Accounting Association

There are many players and interests in the accreditation landscape today. This session presents an overview of the landscape, shares assurance trends, and encourages faculty and program directors to utilize the best accreditation has to offer instead of just "checking the box."

Saturday 9:05 – 10:45 am
Navigating Your Homework Submission Package--Insights From the Publishers

Moderator: Kang Cheng, Morgan State University

Saturday 11:15 am – 12:30 pm Session 5.01
Accounting and Analytic Tools You Can Add Today to Your Classes
Susan Crosson, American Accounting Association

IBM Watson, Tableau, or SEC's New Inline Viewer are some of the free academics tools and resources available to you and your students. Which will you choose?

Sharpen Your Teaching Skills Sessions

Presented on Friday and Saturday at the meeting, sessions in this track will feature presentations by educators from across the country sharing valuable teaching tips that you can put to use immediately in your classes.

Friday 10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Creating Opportunities for Students to Explore and Utilize the SEC Website in Accounting Classes

In this session, participants will be provided examples of how to use the SEC website as a student resource in financial accounting, auditing, and financial statement analysis classes. The SEC website is one resource available to all at no cost. In introductory accounting classes, students can be introduced to the EDGAR database and use 10-K filings to find information on public companies, including state of incorporation, fiscal year, and common stock par value. Accounting students at every level can improve their ability to read financial statements and interpret accompanying notes. Auditing students can review and compare integrated audit reports from 10-K filings, and learn to use the 8-K, proxy, and other filings to find audit relevant information. For financial statement analysis, students can download public company information in excel ready formats for faster analysis.

In addition to the EDGAR database, the SEC’s website provides a wealth of information on accounting practice and enforcement issues. Learn in this session how to demonstrate the importance of the topics you cover by providing real world examples of SEC filings, actions, and guidance on accounting issues. Participants will learn how to find current material on the SEC website to share in class and serve as the basis for assignments. Participants will also aid their students by opening up the SEC website as a free, ongoing resource.

I could present this session in a 50-minute or 75-minute format. Participants should bring their laptop or tablet to access the SEC website during the session. I would need a projector and screen that connects to my laptop and internet access. Participants would also need internet access and power outlets for participation.

Presenter: Janice E. Rummell, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Friday 1:45 - 3:25 pm
Running a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Site on a College Campus.

Moderator: Steven Balsam, Temple University

Experiential learning is a buzzword in higher education these days. VITA is a way to involve your students in the community as well as provide them with that experiential learning. However, there are obstacles involved in running a VITA site, some that are unique to a university setting. Issues arise in balancing your educational role as a faculty member versus your commitment to your clients. This informative session will provide information on how to set up a site on your campus, as well as how to survive running it. Q&A is encouraged.

Panelist: Anita Carter, Internal Revenue Service

Friday 3:55 pm – 5:35 pm Session 3.01
The Accreditation Landscape:  Seeking the Best Outcomes for Your Programs
Susan Crosson, American Accounting Association

There are many players and interests in the accreditation landscape today. This session presents an overview of the landscape, shares assurance trends, and encourages faculty and program directors to utilize the best accreditation has to offer instead of just "checking the box."

Saturday 9:05 – 10:45 am
Navigating Your Homework Submission Package--Insights From the Publishers

Moderator: Kang Cheng, Morgan State University

Saturday 11:15 am – 12:30 pm Session 5.01
Accounting and Analytic Tools You Can Add Today to Your Classes
Susan Crosson, American Accounting Association

IBM Watson, Tableau, or SEC's New Inline Viewer are some of the free academics tools and resources available to you and your students. Which will you choose?