David Pace, Indiana University
David Pace is an emeritus professor of European History at Indiana University and co-creator of the Decoding the Disciplines approach to increasing student learning. He has been a fellow in the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, has received the American Historical Association’s Eugene Asher Award for Distinguished Teaching, and he is currently serving as the president of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in History. In addition to his publications in intellectual history, he has published numerous articles in the scholarship of teaching and learning and is author or co-author of three books in the field, most recently The Decoding the Disciplines Paradigm: Seven Steps to Increased Student Learning.
Decoding Accounting: What We Are Hiding From Our Students
Expertise is a prerequisite for teaching, but the very skill of experts often means that they are not fully conscious of the steps that they themselves perform when they respond to basic challenges in their field. This can mean that mental operations that are essential to learning a discipline are never taught. The Decoding the Disciplines approach seeks to identify places where students get stuck and to make explicit the processes that students must master to succeed in the field. Participants in this session will explore the Decoding process and will have an opportunity to explore how it may be used to increase learning in accounting.