January 11-12, 2019 • Seattle, Washington

The 2019 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Midyear Meeting of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) was held in Seattle, Washington with nearly 600 members in attendance. Special thanks to Lisa Koonce, Past President, who planned the meeting; Mary Ellen Carter and Marlene Plumlee, the Midyear Coordinators; and Rick Mergenthaler who coordinated the research sessions.

Lifetime Service Award 2019 - Katherine Schipper, Duke University

Distinguished PhD Mentoring Award 2019 - Russell J. Lundholm, The University of British Columbia

We hope to see you next year in Nashville, Tennessee!




Photo Credit Howard Frisk Photography





We would like to thank the Grant Thornton LLP for its generous support in sponsoring the 2019 FARS Midyear Meeting.