
This year the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) of the American Accounting Association is pleased to announce that we will offer a limited number of travel grants to junior accounting faculty to help defray the costs of attendance at the January 11-12, 2019 midyear meeting in Seattle, WA.

We will award up to three research grants to faculty for whom attendance is meant primarily to boost the attendee’s research productivity and enhance the attendee’s visibility in the FARS research community. We will award up to three teaching grants to faculty for whom attendance is meant primarily to improve the attendee’s ability to disseminate cutting-edge research findings in the classroom. Please specify in your email subject, if you are applying for a research or teaching grant.

For the research and teaching grants, the faculty member must have received his/her Ph.D. within the last six years, be a member of FARS, and have limited discretionary funds at their institution to attend conferences. The scholarship recipient must be able to attend the entire conference to be eligible for reimbursement.

The awards cover the cost of an economy class round trip airfare from the recipient’s home city to Seattle) (maximum of $400) and two nights at the conference hotel. The award also includes waiver of the meeting registration fee (including luncheon tickets).

Current eligible FARS members must complete an application form available at

Applications are due by November 24, 2018. Faculty who receive grants will be notified by December 3, 2018.

Please contact the Midyear Meeting Scholarship Committee Chair, Katharine Drake at with questions.


This year the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) of the American Accounting Association is pleased to announce that we will offer a limited number of travel grants to junior accounting faculty to help defray the costs of attendance at the January 11-12, 2019 midyear meeting in Seattle, WA.

We will award up to three research grants to faculty for whom attendance is meant primarily to boost the attendee’s research productivity and enhance the attendee’s visibility in the FARS research community. We will award up to three teaching grants to faculty for whom attendance is meant primarily to improve the attendee’s ability to disseminate cutting-edge research findings in the classroom. Please specify in your email subject, if you are applying for a research or teaching grant.

For the research and teaching grants, the faculty member must have received his/her Ph.D. within the last six years, be a member of FARS, and have limited discretionary funds at their institution to attend conferences. The scholarship recipient must be able to attend the entire conference to be eligible for reimbursement.

The awards cover the cost of an economy class round trip airfare from the recipient’s home city to Seattle) (maximum of $400) and two nights at the conference hotel. The award also includes waiver of the meeting registration fee (including luncheon tickets).

Current eligible FARS members must complete an application form available at

Applications are due by November 24, 2018. Faculty who receive grants will be notified by December 3, 2018.

Please contact the Midyear Meeting Scholarship Committee Chair, Katharine Drake at with questions.