Preliminary Program 


Thank you to The University of Memphis Crews School of Accountancy for sponsoring this Conference!


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

8:00 am-11:00 am EDT

Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium (Group A)

7:00 pm-10:00 pm EDT  

Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium (Group B)

Thursday, June 24, 2021

8:00 am -8:50 am EDT 

Plenary Session 1
Accounting - 1.0 CH

Moderator: Linda Myers, The University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Business Strategy, Financial Reporting Violations, and Audit Pricing in an Emerging Market – Evidence from China
Lily Chen, University of Auckland
Fang Hu, Griffith University 
Ananya Krishnan, University of Auckland
Lina Li, University of Auckland
Discussant: Lauren Cunningham, The University of Tennessee

8:50 am-9:00 am EDT


9:00 am-10:45 am EDT  

Welcome and Panel: What Should Accounting and Auditing Standard Setter Priorities Be?
Accounting - 1.8 CH

The panel will discuss factors to be considered in setting near-term and medium-term auditing and accounting standard-setting priorities. Including whether those priories should involve information outside the financial statements such as information on ESG (environmental, social and governance information).

Steve Lin, The University of Memphis
Damon Fleming, The University of Memphis
Kenneth Lambert, The University of Memphis

Moderator: Katherine Schipper, Duke University

Panelists: David Madon, Public Policy and Regulation Principal at IFAC (International Federation of Accountants)
Linda Mezon-Hutter, Chair of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB)
Paul Munter, Acting Chief Accountant of the SEC
Tom Seidenstein, Chair of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

10:45 am-11:00 am EDT


11:00 am-12:00 pm EDT 

Social Hour

12:00 pm-1:30 pm EDT 

Concurrent Sessions

1.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Aleksandra Zimmerman, Florida State University

How Do Leadership Roles Influence the Quality of Audit Partners’ Engagements?
Michael J. Mowchan, Baylor University
Timothy A. Seidel, Brigham Young University
Aleksandra Zimmerman, Florida State University

Certification of Audit Committee Effectiveness: Evidence from a One-Time Regulatory Event in China
Hsihui Chang, Drexel University
Xin Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Agnes Cheng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Nan Zhou, University of Cincinnati

Audit Firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility and Auditor Ethics: Evidence from Chinese Audit Firms
Yu Zhou, Guangdong University of Economics and Finance
Jiaxin Liu, Morgan State University
Dongliang Lei, William Paterson University of New Jersey

Do Chief Audit Executives Matter? Evidence from Turnover Events
Gerald J. Lobo, University of Houston
Meng Lyu, Fudan University
Bing Wang, Nanjing University
Joseph H. Zhang, The University of Memphis

1.02: Financial Accounting-Textual Analysis
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Changjiang Wang, University of Cincinnatti

Analyst Reactions to Accounting and Finance Jargon in Management Disclosure
Till Munster, University of Münster
Fabian Schmal, University of Münster
Christoph Watrin, University of Münster

Integrated Reporting Quality, Content Nature, and Value Relevance
Silvia Panfilo, Cattaneo University
Luigi Vena, Cattaneo University
Salvatore Sciascia, Cattaneo University
Alessandro Cortesi, Cattaneo University

Earnings Disclosure Activity via Twitter of the S&P 500 Firms: An Analysis of Information Content and  Audience Response
Jamie Johnston, University of St. Galen

Relative Peer Quality and the Readability of 10_K
Xiaohua Wu, Queensland University of Technology
Yuyu Zhang, Queensland University of Technology
Elisabeth Sinnewe, Queensland University of Technology

1.03: Corporate Governance
Accounting - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Elizabeth Gutierrez, National University of Chile

The UK’s Progress Towards the Goal Of Having 33 Percent of Women on Boards of  Directors and Its Impact on Performance
Ana Marques, University of East Anglia
Olga Pascaru, Oxford Risk 

Characteristics of Compensation Committees and Non-Executive Compensation
Yu-Ling Tsai, National Cheng Kung University
Hua-Wei Huang, National Cheng Kung University
Mai Dao, The University of Toledo

On the Dual Role of Foreign Directors: New Insights from the Russian Boards
Oksana Kim, Minnesota State University, Mankato

Corporate Governance Reforms and Voluntary Disclosure: International Evidence on  Management Earnings Forecasts
Chih-Hsien Liao, National Taiwan University
Ziyao San, York University
Albert Tsang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1:30 pm-1:45 pm EDT


1:45 pm-3:15 pm EDT

Plenary Session 2
Accounting - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Thomas Omer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Effect of Tax System Characteristics on Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Jodi M Henley, University of Alabama
Discussant: Jaron Wilde, The University of Iowa

The Impact of Changes in Pension Accounting under IAS 19R on Shareholder Wealth
Tzu-Ting Chiu,Norwegian School of Economics 
David Ogudugu, Norwegian School of Economics 
Discussant: David Godsell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

3:15 pm-6:00 pm EDT 


6:00 pm-7:30 pm EDT 

Concurrent Sessions

2.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Xi Ai, The University of Tennessee

Auditor Legal Liability and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from Organizational Transformation of Chinese Audit Firms
Jian Chu, Nanjing University
Chia-Hsiang Weng, National Chengchi University

Auditor Fees between ACC Fraud firms and FCPA Firms with Restatements, Executive Turnovers, and Auditor Changes
Jui-Chin Chang, Texas A&M International University
Li-Jen Chen,Drexel University

Do Female Signing Partners Improve Audit Quality? Evidence from Japan
Noriyuki Tsunogaya, Hitotsubashi University
Masaki Kusano, Kyoto University
Yoshihiro Sakuma, Tohoku Gakuin University

Who Selects the Wrong Person? Evidence of Chief Accounting Officer Unqualification from Taiwan
Shih-Bin Wu, National Cheng Kung University
Wu-Po Liu, National Cheng Kung University

2.02: Financial Accounting—Tax and Others
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Hannah Smith, The University of Memphis

Does Corporate Culture Matter in Corporate Tax Planning? Evidence from Textual Analysis
Tahseen Hasan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Haimeng Teng, The Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg
Qiang Wu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Do Intangible Assets Foster Corporate Tax Avoidance?
Kai Wu, Central University of Finance and Economics

Minority Shareholders and Tax Avoidance: Taking Evidence Global
Antonio De Vito, IE University

Tax-Related Words in 10-Ks and the Relationship with Tax Avoidance
Yicheng Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University

2.03: Financial Accounting—Compensation
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Ya Wen Yang, Wake Forest University

CEO Compensation Convexity and Meeting or Just Beating Earnings Expectations through Expectation Management
Eli Bartov, New York University
Hua Cheng, Nankai University
Gang Hu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jingran Zhao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

I Thought We Were Friends! the Effects of Social Connections and Clarity of the Bonus Determination Criteria on Subordinates’ Compensation
Joanna L Ho, University of California, Irvine
Cody Lu, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Anne Wu, National Chengchi University Taipei

National Culture and CEO Pay-Performance Link: An International Perspective
Mitchell Free, Queensland University of Technology
Daifei Yao, Queensland University of Technology
Pamela Kent, Queensland University of Technology
Xin Qu, Queensland University of Technology

Do All CEO Pay Regulations Backfire? Evidence from China
Weijie Wang, London Business School
Yaowu Liu, The University of Hong Kong
Xiaochuan Tong, University of Massachusetts Boston

7:30 pm-7:45 pm EDT


7:45 pm-9:15 EDT 

Concurrent Sessions

3.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Ahrum Choi, Hong Kong Baptist University

Book-Tax Conformity and the Demand for Auditor-Provided Tax Services: European Evidence
Xuan Sean Sun, Massey University
Ahsan Habib, Massey University

Consequences of Employee Turnover in Audit Firms
Christophe Van Linden, Illinois State University
Marie-Laure Vandenhaute, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Aleksandra Zimmerman, Florida State University

The Effect of National Audit Office Oversight on Auditor Replacement and Audit Quality in China
Jingjing Huang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Abnormal Audit Fees and Financial Reporting Quality: A Meta-Analysis
Xuelian Li, University of Macau
Ming Liu, University of Macau

3.02: Social Responsibility Reporting and ESG
Accounting - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Qiang Wu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Effect of Mandatory CSR Disclosure on Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Juno Cao, Curtin University
Abdifatah Ahmed Haji, Deakin University
Jinshuai Hu, Xiamen University

The Evolution of Sustainability Reporting Textual Disclosure: Evidence from the Largest U.S. Corporations
Sunita Rao, Washburn University
Karthik Srinivasan, The University of Kansas

Disclosures of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities and Internal Control Effectiveness: Evidence from China
Yi-Hung Lin, University of Monash
Ting-Chiao Huang, University of Monash

The Effects of Social Value Generation on Stock Price Synchronicity and Firm Performance: Evidence from Chinese Stock Markets
Ruopiao Zhang, University of Macau
Teresa Chu, Macau University of Macau
Carlos Noronha, University of Macau
Jieqi Guan, Macau Institute for Tourism Studies

3.03: Financial Accounting Issues 1
Finance - 1.8 

Moderator: Christo Karuna, Monash University

The Consequences of Media-Initiated Reports in an Emerging Market
Shuo Yang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Can Text-Mining Analysis Detect Accounting Fraud? Evidence from Construction and Retail Industries in Japan
Masumi Nakashima, Bunkyo Gakuin University
Yuka Nose, Bunkyo Gakuin University
Hiromi Ujiie, Bunkyo Gakuin University

The Heterogeneous Corporate Use of Social Media
Minjae Koo, University of Houston

3.04: Financial Accounting Textual Analysis and Others
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Helen Kang, UNSW Sydney

Cost Asymmetry and Linguistic Complexity of Annual Reports
Nishant Agarwal, The University of Western Australia
Sanjay Kallapur, Indian School of Business
Abdul Khizer, Indian School of Business

Does Founder Ownership Impact the Readability of Financial Reports
Somya Arora, Indian Institute of Management
Yogesh Chauhan, Indian Institute of Management

The Explanatory Power of Explanatory Variables
Erik Johannesson, Baruch College–CUNY
James Ohlson, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Weihuan Zhai, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Effect of Local Private Information on Intra-Industry Information Transfer
Liu Beibei, Henan University
Sonia Wong, Lingnan University
Rita Yip, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Friday, June 25, 2021

8:00 am -8:50 am EDT

Plenary Session 3
Accounting - 1.0 CH

Modeartor: Inder Khurana, University of Missouri Columbia

Political Stability, Board Tenure and Corporate Cash Holding
Akmalia M. Ariff, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Khairul Anuar Kamarudin, University of Wollongong in Dubai FZ-LLC
Aziz Jaafar, Bangor University
Discussant: Michael Tang, Florida International University 

8:50 am-9:15 am EDT


9:15 am-10:45 am EDT 

Escape from the Ivory Tower: Conducting Research that Matters

Accounting - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Agnes Cheng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Keynote Speaker, Charles Lee, Stanford University 

10:45 am-12:00 pm EDT 


12:00 pm-1:30 pm EDT

Concurrent Sessions

4.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Joseph Zhang, The University of Memphis

Anticipation of Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation and Audit Quality
Christian Friedrich, Technical University of Darmstadt
Nicolas Pappert, Technical University of Darmstadt
Reiner Quick, Technical University of Darmstadt

Audit Firm and Audit Partner Style in Non-Big 4 Firms
Matthew Baugh, Arizona State University
Lauren Matkaluk, Arizona State University
Aleksandra Zimmerman, Florida State 

Effect of IFRS and Audit Opinion on Earnings Quality: An Emerging Market Perspective
Hamanshu, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
J. P. Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Pramahender and KM Govt. College

Audit Committees’ Oversight Role in Developing Countries: Evidence from Jordan
Salem Alhababsah, Coventry University

4.02: Financial Accounting—Textual Analysis and Others
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Maria Vulcheva, Florida International University

Earnings Quality and Product Market Competition: Real Effects During Economic Recessions
Jiayin Li, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Regulatory Comment Letters in Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from China
Junzi Zhang, University of London
Pawel Bilinski, University of London
Ivana Raonic, University of London
James Ryans, London Business School

Implementation of ISA 240 for Fraud Detection and Resolution in Developing Countries: An Exploratory Study
Arizona Mustikarini, University of Agder
Basil Abeifaa Der, University of Agder
Iris Stuart, University of Agder

The Role of Management Control Systems in Reconciling Sustainability and Market Logic
Meer Abhaurrahman, Universite Cote d’ Azur
Marc Journeault, Universite Laval
Eric Cauvin, Universite Cote d’ Azur

4.03: Financial Accounting Non-Financial Disclosure
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Joe Johnston, Illinois State University

Stock Exchange Demutualization and Reporting Quality of Listed Firms
Shawn Huang, Arizona State University
Min Kim, Central Connecticut State University
Maria Rykaczewski, Arizona State University
Maria Valcheva, Florida International University

The Influence of the CSR Committee in Firms’ Financial and Non-Financial Performance:Evidence from France, Germany, and the UK
Ana Lopes, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Inês Jorge, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Non-IFRS Earnings Information in Financial Highlights of Annual Report Evidence from Australia
Chang Zhao, University of St. Gallen

The Effect of the EU Directive on Non-Financial Information Disclosures of the Oil and Gas Industry
Mona Al-Dosari, University of East Anglia
Ana Marques, University of East Anglia
Jenny Fairbrass, University of East Anglia

1:30 pm-1:45 pm EDT


1:45 pm-3:15 pm EDT 

Concurrent Sessions

5.01: Finance
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Charles Teague, East Michigan University

Accelerated Share Repurchases: Value Creation or Extraction
Tao-Hsien Dolly King, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Charles Teague, Eastern Michigan University

Who Invests in and What Drives Equity Ownership around the World
Ines Chaieb, University of Geneva

Understanding Foreign Institutional Investor’s Investment Decisions in the Stock Markets of an Emerging Economy: A Case of Pakistan
Shahid Khan, The Pennsylvania State University
Waqar Ghani, Saint Joseph’s University
Harun Rashid, California State University, Dominguez Hills

A Structured Literature Review of Two Decades of African Accounting Research (2000–2019)
Nelson M. Waweru, York University
Songlan Peng, York University

5.02: Financial Accounting Issues 2
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Joanna Golden, The University of Memphis

Financial Reporting Flexibility and Comparability: Evidence from IFRS Convergence in China
Lihua Yuan, Chongqing Technology and Business University
Jinyu Yang, Southwest University
Joseph Johnston, Illinois State University
Bin Liu, Chongqing University

The (In) Difference between Historical Cost and Fair Value for Biological Assets: A Cross-Country Study
Ricardo Luiz Menezes Silva, University of Sao Paulo
Paula Carolina Ciampaglia Nardi, University of Sao Paulo

Integrity Environments and Earnings Attributes: International Evidence
S. Erdogan, The University of Texas at El Paso
D. Folsom, The University of Texas at El Paso
G. Gotti, The University of Texas at El Paso

Fair Value Accounting for Property, Plant & Equipment: Impact of IFRS 1 Adoption
Yan Jin, University of Central Oklahoma
Flora Niu, Wilfrid Laurier University
Leo Sheng, York University

5.03: Financial Accounting—Earnings Management
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Lucy Chen, Vilanova University

How Do Accruals Differ for Physical versus Knowledge Firms?
Aneel Iqbal, University of Calgary
Anup Srivastava, University of Calgary

Individual Stock Investor Sentiment and Earnings Management. Evidence from Brazil
Alexandre Esteves, Pontifical Catholic University
Pedro Piccoli, Pontifical Catholic University

Audit Quality, Earnings Management and Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from a Developing Market
Ben Le, The University of Tennessee at Martin
Paula Hearn Moore, The University of Tennessee at Martin

Earnings Management, Market Liquidity, and Ownership Structure of Seasoned Equity Firms in a Transition Economy
Ben Le, The University of Tennessee at Martin
Nischala P. Reddy, University of Central Missouri
Paula H. Moore, The University of Tennessee at Martin

3:15 pm-5:45 pm EDT 


5:45 pm-7:15 pm EDT 

Plenary Session 4
Accounting- 1.8 CH

Moderator: Steve Lin, University of Memphis 

Religious Tradition and Employee Compensation
Henry Huang, Yeshiva University
Shangkun Liang, Central University of Finance and Economics
Jindan Zhang, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics
Gan Zhao, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics
Discussant: Shawn Huang, Arizona State University

The Effect of Communicating Key Audit Matters on Audit Fees and Audit Quality: Evidence from Hong Kong
Reza Espahbodi, Newport University
Jiarong Lin, Zheshang Securities Co., Ltd
Nan Liu,Peking University
Mohan Song, Beijing Longrising Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Discussant: Lauren Reid, Wake Forest University 

7:15 pm-7:30 pm EDT  


7:30 pm-9:00 pm EDT

Concurrent Sessions

6.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Szu-Jung Wu, National Cheng Kung University

Audit Partner Industry Specialization and Cost of Debt around the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from Thailand
Kanyarat Sanoran, Chulalongkorn University

Auditor Political Connections and SEC Enforcement Against Auditor
Yangyang Fan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Internal Control Opinion Shopping and Initial Audit Fee Discounting: Evidence from U.S. Domestic and Cross-Listed Foreign Firms
Wu-Po Liu, National Cheng Kung University
Hua-Wei Huang, National Cheng Kung University

Carbon Management System and Firm Operational Efficency: An International Study
Pramila Shrestha, University of Newcastle

6.02: Financial Accounting Issues 3
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Jingran Zhao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Foreign Cash Holdings and Shareholder-Debtholder Agency Costs
Dan S. Dhaliwal, The University of Arizona
Matthew J. Erickson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Nathan C. Goldman, North Carolina State University
Linda K. Krull, University of Oregon

The Effect of IAS 41 on Stock Price Crash Risk
Audrey Wen-Hsin Hsu, National Taiwan University
Sophia Liu, National Taiwan University

Cultural Tightness and Earnings Management around the World
Ahrum Choi, Hong Kong Baptist University
Jingyi Jia, Hong Kong Baptist University
Byron Y. Song, Hong Kong Baptist University
Gaoquang Zhou, Hong Kong Baptist University

Do Shifting Practices Vary over Firm Life Cycle Stages? Evidence from IFRS Adoption
Manish Bansal, Indian Institute of Management

6.03: Financial Accounting Issues 4
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Chengwei Wang, Sungkyunkwan University

Do Short Sellers Target Firms with High Climate Risks? International Evidence
Haiyan Jiang, Macquarie University
Le Luo, Macquarie University  

Trust in Fair Value Accounting: Evidence from the Field
Chu Yeong Lim, Nanyang Technological University
Jeffrey Ng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Gary Pan, Singapore Management University
Kevin Ow Yong, Singapore Institute of Technology

Assessing Earnings Surprise Measures to Minimize PEAD
Daniel Maroney, Independent

Unconditional Conservatism and Subsequent Real Earnings Management
Debarati Basu, XLRI, Xavier School of Management
Kaustav Sen, Pace University

6.04: Financial—Nonprofit Organization and AIS
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Wenyun Shi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Organization Ability of Nonprofit Organizations
Rajiv D. Banker, Temple University
Hsihui Chang, Drexel University
Zhiming Ma, Peking University
Wenyun Shi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Organizational Identity, Fixed Contract, and Financial Performance in Local Governments: Theory and Evidence
Makoto Kuroki, Yokohama City University
Toshiaki Wakabayashi, Sophia University

The Effect of Culture on the Adoption of Accounting Information Systems and Tools
Davood Askarany, The University of Auckland
Umesh Sharma, University of Waikato
Hassan Yazdifar, Bournemouth University

9:00 pm-10:00 pm EDT 

Social Hour

Note: The CPE Fields of Study curriculum is divided into twenty subject matter areas. These fields represent the primary knowledge and skill areas needed by accounting licensees to perform professional services in all fields of employment. Sessions that offer CPE credit have the Field of Study and Credit Hours (CH) in red. Each Credit Hour is based on 50 minutes. The Program Level for each of these sessions is Basic, unless otherwise stated. Delivery Method: Group Internet Based

American Accounting Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its

To register for this course, visit the Web site and register online or contact (941)-921-7747. For more information regarding refund, complaint and program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (941)-921-7747.

Preliminary Program 


Thank you to The University of Memphis Crews School of Accountancy for sponsoring this Conference!


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

8:00 am-11:00 am EDT

Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium (Group A)

7:00 pm-10:00 pm EDT  

Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium (Group B)

Thursday, June 24, 2021

8:00 am -8:50 am EDT 

Plenary Session 1
Accounting - 1.0 CH

Moderator: Linda Myers, The University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Business Strategy, Financial Reporting Violations, and Audit Pricing in an Emerging Market – Evidence from China
Lily Chen, University of Auckland
Fang Hu, Griffith University 
Ananya Krishnan, University of Auckland
Lina Li, University of Auckland
Discussant: Lauren Cunningham, The University of Tennessee

8:50 am-9:00 am EDT


9:00 am-10:45 am EDT  

Welcome and Panel: What Should Accounting and Auditing Standard Setter Priorities Be?
Accounting - 1.8 CH

The panel will discuss factors to be considered in setting near-term and medium-term auditing and accounting standard-setting priorities. Including whether those priories should involve information outside the financial statements such as information on ESG (environmental, social and governance information).

Steve Lin, The University of Memphis
Damon Fleming, The University of Memphis
Kenneth Lambert, The University of Memphis

Moderator: Katherine Schipper, Duke University

Panelists: David Madon, Public Policy and Regulation Principal at IFAC (International Federation of Accountants)
Linda Mezon-Hutter, Chair of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB)
Paul Munter, Acting Chief Accountant of the SEC
Tom Seidenstein, Chair of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

10:45 am-11:00 am EDT


11:00 am-12:00 pm EDT 

Social Hour

12:00 pm-1:30 pm EDT 

Concurrent Sessions

1.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Aleksandra Zimmerman, Florida State University

How Do Leadership Roles Influence the Quality of Audit Partners’ Engagements?
Michael J. Mowchan, Baylor University
Timothy A. Seidel, Brigham Young University
Aleksandra Zimmerman, Florida State University

Certification of Audit Committee Effectiveness: Evidence from a One-Time Regulatory Event in China
Hsihui Chang, Drexel University
Xin Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Agnes Cheng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Nan Zhou, University of Cincinnati

Audit Firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility and Auditor Ethics: Evidence from Chinese Audit Firms
Yu Zhou, Guangdong University of Economics and Finance
Jiaxin Liu, Morgan State University
Dongliang Lei, William Paterson University of New Jersey

Do Chief Audit Executives Matter? Evidence from Turnover Events
Gerald J. Lobo, University of Houston
Meng Lyu, Fudan University
Bing Wang, Nanjing University
Joseph H. Zhang, The University of Memphis

1.02: Financial Accounting-Textual Analysis
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Changjiang Wang, University of Cincinnatti

Analyst Reactions to Accounting and Finance Jargon in Management Disclosure
Till Munster, University of Münster
Fabian Schmal, University of Münster
Christoph Watrin, University of Münster

Integrated Reporting Quality, Content Nature, and Value Relevance
Silvia Panfilo, Cattaneo University
Luigi Vena, Cattaneo University
Salvatore Sciascia, Cattaneo University
Alessandro Cortesi, Cattaneo University

Earnings Disclosure Activity via Twitter of the S&P 500 Firms: An Analysis of Information Content and  Audience Response
Jamie Johnston, University of St. Galen

Relative Peer Quality and the Readability of 10_K
Xiaohua Wu, Queensland University of Technology
Yuyu Zhang, Queensland University of Technology
Elisabeth Sinnewe, Queensland University of Technology

1.03: Corporate Governance
Accounting - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Elizabeth Gutierrez, National University of Chile

The UK’s Progress Towards the Goal Of Having 33 Percent of Women on Boards of  Directors and Its Impact on Performance
Ana Marques, University of East Anglia
Olga Pascaru, Oxford Risk 

Characteristics of Compensation Committees and Non-Executive Compensation
Yu-Ling Tsai, National Cheng Kung University
Hua-Wei Huang, National Cheng Kung University
Mai Dao, The University of Toledo

On the Dual Role of Foreign Directors: New Insights from the Russian Boards
Oksana Kim, Minnesota State University, Mankato

Corporate Governance Reforms and Voluntary Disclosure: International Evidence on  Management Earnings Forecasts
Chih-Hsien Liao, National Taiwan University
Ziyao San, York University
Albert Tsang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1:30 pm-1:45 pm EDT


1:45 pm-3:15 pm EDT

Plenary Session 2
Accounting - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Thomas Omer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Effect of Tax System Characteristics on Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Jodi M Henley, University of Alabama
Discussant: Jaron Wilde, The University of Iowa

The Impact of Changes in Pension Accounting under IAS 19R on Shareholder Wealth
Tzu-Ting Chiu,Norwegian School of Economics 
David Ogudugu, Norwegian School of Economics 
Discussant: David Godsell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

3:15 pm-6:00 pm EDT 


6:00 pm-7:30 pm EDT 

Concurrent Sessions

2.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Xi Ai, The University of Tennessee

Auditor Legal Liability and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from Organizational Transformation of Chinese Audit Firms
Jian Chu, Nanjing University
Chia-Hsiang Weng, National Chengchi University

Auditor Fees between ACC Fraud firms and FCPA Firms with Restatements, Executive Turnovers, and Auditor Changes
Jui-Chin Chang, Texas A&M International University
Li-Jen Chen,Drexel University

Do Female Signing Partners Improve Audit Quality? Evidence from Japan
Noriyuki Tsunogaya, Hitotsubashi University
Masaki Kusano, Kyoto University
Yoshihiro Sakuma, Tohoku Gakuin University

Who Selects the Wrong Person? Evidence of Chief Accounting Officer Unqualification from Taiwan
Shih-Bin Wu, National Cheng Kung University
Wu-Po Liu, National Cheng Kung University

2.02: Financial Accounting—Tax and Others
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Hannah Smith, The University of Memphis

Does Corporate Culture Matter in Corporate Tax Planning? Evidence from Textual Analysis
Tahseen Hasan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Haimeng Teng, The Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg
Qiang Wu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Do Intangible Assets Foster Corporate Tax Avoidance?
Kai Wu, Central University of Finance and Economics

Minority Shareholders and Tax Avoidance: Taking Evidence Global
Antonio De Vito, IE University

Tax-Related Words in 10-Ks and the Relationship with Tax Avoidance
Yicheng Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University

2.03: Financial Accounting—Compensation
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Ya Wen Yang, Wake Forest University

CEO Compensation Convexity and Meeting or Just Beating Earnings Expectations through Expectation Management
Eli Bartov, New York University
Hua Cheng, Nankai University
Gang Hu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jingran Zhao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

I Thought We Were Friends! the Effects of Social Connections and Clarity of the Bonus Determination Criteria on Subordinates’ Compensation
Joanna L Ho, University of California, Irvine
Cody Lu, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Anne Wu, National Chengchi University Taipei

National Culture and CEO Pay-Performance Link: An International Perspective
Mitchell Free, Queensland University of Technology
Daifei Yao, Queensland University of Technology
Pamela Kent, Queensland University of Technology
Xin Qu, Queensland University of Technology

Do All CEO Pay Regulations Backfire? Evidence from China
Weijie Wang, London Business School
Yaowu Liu, The University of Hong Kong
Xiaochuan Tong, University of Massachusetts Boston

7:30 pm-7:45 pm EDT


7:45 pm-9:15 EDT 

Concurrent Sessions

3.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Ahrum Choi, Hong Kong Baptist University

Book-Tax Conformity and the Demand for Auditor-Provided Tax Services: European Evidence
Xuan Sean Sun, Massey University
Ahsan Habib, Massey University

Consequences of Employee Turnover in Audit Firms
Christophe Van Linden, Illinois State University
Marie-Laure Vandenhaute, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Aleksandra Zimmerman, Florida State University

The Effect of National Audit Office Oversight on Auditor Replacement and Audit Quality in China
Jingjing Huang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Abnormal Audit Fees and Financial Reporting Quality: A Meta-Analysis
Xuelian Li, University of Macau
Ming Liu, University of Macau

3.02: Social Responsibility Reporting and ESG
Accounting - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Qiang Wu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Effect of Mandatory CSR Disclosure on Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Juno Cao, Curtin University
Abdifatah Ahmed Haji, Deakin University
Jinshuai Hu, Xiamen University

The Evolution of Sustainability Reporting Textual Disclosure: Evidence from the Largest U.S. Corporations
Sunita Rao, Washburn University
Karthik Srinivasan, The University of Kansas

Disclosures of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities and Internal Control Effectiveness: Evidence from China
Yi-Hung Lin, University of Monash
Ting-Chiao Huang, University of Monash

The Effects of Social Value Generation on Stock Price Synchronicity and Firm Performance: Evidence from Chinese Stock Markets
Ruopiao Zhang, University of Macau
Teresa Chu, Macau University of Macau
Carlos Noronha, University of Macau
Jieqi Guan, Macau Institute for Tourism Studies

3.03: Financial Accounting Issues 1
Finance - 1.8 

Moderator: Christo Karuna, Monash University

The Consequences of Media-Initiated Reports in an Emerging Market
Shuo Yang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Can Text-Mining Analysis Detect Accounting Fraud? Evidence from Construction and Retail Industries in Japan
Masumi Nakashima, Bunkyo Gakuin University
Yuka Nose, Bunkyo Gakuin University
Hiromi Ujiie, Bunkyo Gakuin University

The Heterogeneous Corporate Use of Social Media
Minjae Koo, University of Houston

3.04: Financial Accounting Textual Analysis and Others
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Helen Kang, UNSW Sydney

Cost Asymmetry and Linguistic Complexity of Annual Reports
Nishant Agarwal, The University of Western Australia
Sanjay Kallapur, Indian School of Business
Abdul Khizer, Indian School of Business

Does Founder Ownership Impact the Readability of Financial Reports
Somya Arora, Indian Institute of Management
Yogesh Chauhan, Indian Institute of Management

The Explanatory Power of Explanatory Variables
Erik Johannesson, Baruch College–CUNY
James Ohlson, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Weihuan Zhai, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Effect of Local Private Information on Intra-Industry Information Transfer
Liu Beibei, Henan University
Sonia Wong, Lingnan University
Rita Yip, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Friday, June 25, 2021

8:00 am -8:50 am EDT

Plenary Session 3
Accounting - 1.0 CH

Modeartor: Inder Khurana, University of Missouri Columbia

Political Stability, Board Tenure and Corporate Cash Holding
Akmalia M. Ariff, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Khairul Anuar Kamarudin, University of Wollongong in Dubai FZ-LLC
Aziz Jaafar, Bangor University
Discussant: Michael Tang, Florida International University 

8:50 am-9:15 am EDT


9:15 am-10:45 am EDT 

Escape from the Ivory Tower: Conducting Research that Matters

Accounting - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Agnes Cheng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Keynote Speaker, Charles Lee, Stanford University 

10:45 am-12:00 pm EDT 


12:00 pm-1:30 pm EDT

Concurrent Sessions

4.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Joseph Zhang, The University of Memphis

Anticipation of Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation and Audit Quality
Christian Friedrich, Technical University of Darmstadt
Nicolas Pappert, Technical University of Darmstadt
Reiner Quick, Technical University of Darmstadt

Audit Firm and Audit Partner Style in Non-Big 4 Firms
Matthew Baugh, Arizona State University
Lauren Matkaluk, Arizona State University
Aleksandra Zimmerman, Florida State 

Effect of IFRS and Audit Opinion on Earnings Quality: An Emerging Market Perspective
Hamanshu, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
J. P. Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Pramahender and KM Govt. College

Audit Committees’ Oversight Role in Developing Countries: Evidence from Jordan
Salem Alhababsah, Coventry University

4.02: Financial Accounting—Textual Analysis and Others
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Maria Vulcheva, Florida International University

Earnings Quality and Product Market Competition: Real Effects During Economic Recessions
Jiayin Li, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Regulatory Comment Letters in Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from China
Junzi Zhang, University of London
Pawel Bilinski, University of London
Ivana Raonic, University of London
James Ryans, London Business School

Implementation of ISA 240 for Fraud Detection and Resolution in Developing Countries: An Exploratory Study
Arizona Mustikarini, University of Agder
Basil Abeifaa Der, University of Agder
Iris Stuart, University of Agder

The Role of Management Control Systems in Reconciling Sustainability and Market Logic
Meer Abhaurrahman, Universite Cote d’ Azur
Marc Journeault, Universite Laval
Eric Cauvin, Universite Cote d’ Azur

4.03: Financial Accounting Non-Financial Disclosure
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Joe Johnston, Illinois State University

Stock Exchange Demutualization and Reporting Quality of Listed Firms
Shawn Huang, Arizona State University
Min Kim, Central Connecticut State University
Maria Rykaczewski, Arizona State University
Maria Valcheva, Florida International University

The Influence of the CSR Committee in Firms’ Financial and Non-Financial Performance:Evidence from France, Germany, and the UK
Ana Lopes, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Inês Jorge, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Non-IFRS Earnings Information in Financial Highlights of Annual Report Evidence from Australia
Chang Zhao, University of St. Gallen

The Effect of the EU Directive on Non-Financial Information Disclosures of the Oil and Gas Industry
Mona Al-Dosari, University of East Anglia
Ana Marques, University of East Anglia
Jenny Fairbrass, University of East Anglia

1:30 pm-1:45 pm EDT


1:45 pm-3:15 pm EDT 

Concurrent Sessions

5.01: Finance
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Charles Teague, East Michigan University

Accelerated Share Repurchases: Value Creation or Extraction
Tao-Hsien Dolly King, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Charles Teague, Eastern Michigan University

Who Invests in and What Drives Equity Ownership around the World
Ines Chaieb, University of Geneva

Understanding Foreign Institutional Investor’s Investment Decisions in the Stock Markets of an Emerging Economy: A Case of Pakistan
Shahid Khan, The Pennsylvania State University
Waqar Ghani, Saint Joseph’s University
Harun Rashid, California State University, Dominguez Hills

A Structured Literature Review of Two Decades of African Accounting Research (2000–2019)
Nelson M. Waweru, York University
Songlan Peng, York University

5.02: Financial Accounting Issues 2
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Joanna Golden, The University of Memphis

Financial Reporting Flexibility and Comparability: Evidence from IFRS Convergence in China
Lihua Yuan, Chongqing Technology and Business University
Jinyu Yang, Southwest University
Joseph Johnston, Illinois State University
Bin Liu, Chongqing University

The (In) Difference between Historical Cost and Fair Value for Biological Assets: A Cross-Country Study
Ricardo Luiz Menezes Silva, University of Sao Paulo
Paula Carolina Ciampaglia Nardi, University of Sao Paulo

Integrity Environments and Earnings Attributes: International Evidence
S. Erdogan, The University of Texas at El Paso
D. Folsom, The University of Texas at El Paso
G. Gotti, The University of Texas at El Paso

Fair Value Accounting for Property, Plant & Equipment: Impact of IFRS 1 Adoption
Yan Jin, University of Central Oklahoma
Flora Niu, Wilfrid Laurier University
Leo Sheng, York University

5.03: Financial Accounting—Earnings Management
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Lucy Chen, Vilanova University

How Do Accruals Differ for Physical versus Knowledge Firms?
Aneel Iqbal, University of Calgary
Anup Srivastava, University of Calgary

Individual Stock Investor Sentiment and Earnings Management. Evidence from Brazil
Alexandre Esteves, Pontifical Catholic University
Pedro Piccoli, Pontifical Catholic University

Audit Quality, Earnings Management and Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from a Developing Market
Ben Le, The University of Tennessee at Martin
Paula Hearn Moore, The University of Tennessee at Martin

Earnings Management, Market Liquidity, and Ownership Structure of Seasoned Equity Firms in a Transition Economy
Ben Le, The University of Tennessee at Martin
Nischala P. Reddy, University of Central Missouri
Paula H. Moore, The University of Tennessee at Martin

3:15 pm-5:45 pm EDT 


5:45 pm-7:15 pm EDT 

Plenary Session 4
Accounting- 1.8 CH

Moderator: Steve Lin, University of Memphis 

Religious Tradition and Employee Compensation
Henry Huang, Yeshiva University
Shangkun Liang, Central University of Finance and Economics
Jindan Zhang, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics
Gan Zhao, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics
Discussant: Shawn Huang, Arizona State University

The Effect of Communicating Key Audit Matters on Audit Fees and Audit Quality: Evidence from Hong Kong
Reza Espahbodi, Newport University
Jiarong Lin, Zheshang Securities Co., Ltd
Nan Liu,Peking University
Mohan Song, Beijing Longrising Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Discussant: Lauren Reid, Wake Forest University 

7:15 pm-7:30 pm EDT  


7:30 pm-9:00 pm EDT

Concurrent Sessions

6.01: Auditing
Auditing - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Szu-Jung Wu, National Cheng Kung University

Audit Partner Industry Specialization and Cost of Debt around the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from Thailand
Kanyarat Sanoran, Chulalongkorn University

Auditor Political Connections and SEC Enforcement Against Auditor
Yangyang Fan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Internal Control Opinion Shopping and Initial Audit Fee Discounting: Evidence from U.S. Domestic and Cross-Listed Foreign Firms
Wu-Po Liu, National Cheng Kung University
Hua-Wei Huang, National Cheng Kung University

Carbon Management System and Firm Operational Efficency: An International Study
Pramila Shrestha, University of Newcastle

6.02: Financial Accounting Issues 3
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Jingran Zhao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Foreign Cash Holdings and Shareholder-Debtholder Agency Costs
Dan S. Dhaliwal, The University of Arizona
Matthew J. Erickson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Nathan C. Goldman, North Carolina State University
Linda K. Krull, University of Oregon

The Effect of IAS 41 on Stock Price Crash Risk
Audrey Wen-Hsin Hsu, National Taiwan University
Sophia Liu, National Taiwan University

Cultural Tightness and Earnings Management around the World
Ahrum Choi, Hong Kong Baptist University
Jingyi Jia, Hong Kong Baptist University
Byron Y. Song, Hong Kong Baptist University
Gaoquang Zhou, Hong Kong Baptist University

Do Shifting Practices Vary over Firm Life Cycle Stages? Evidence from IFRS Adoption
Manish Bansal, Indian Institute of Management

6.03: Financial Accounting Issues 4
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Chengwei Wang, Sungkyunkwan University

Do Short Sellers Target Firms with High Climate Risks? International Evidence
Haiyan Jiang, Macquarie University
Le Luo, Macquarie University  

Trust in Fair Value Accounting: Evidence from the Field
Chu Yeong Lim, Nanyang Technological University
Jeffrey Ng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Gary Pan, Singapore Management University
Kevin Ow Yong, Singapore Institute of Technology

Assessing Earnings Surprise Measures to Minimize PEAD
Daniel Maroney, Independent

Unconditional Conservatism and Subsequent Real Earnings Management
Debarati Basu, XLRI, Xavier School of Management
Kaustav Sen, Pace University

6.04: Financial—Nonprofit Organization and AIS
Finance - 1.8 CH

Moderator: Wenyun Shi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Organization Ability of Nonprofit Organizations
Rajiv D. Banker, Temple University
Hsihui Chang, Drexel University
Zhiming Ma, Peking University
Wenyun Shi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Organizational Identity, Fixed Contract, and Financial Performance in Local Governments: Theory and Evidence
Makoto Kuroki, Yokohama City University
Toshiaki Wakabayashi, Sophia University

The Effect of Culture on the Adoption of Accounting Information Systems and Tools
Davood Askarany, The University of Auckland
Umesh Sharma, University of Waikato
Hassan Yazdifar, Bournemouth University

9:00 pm-10:00 pm EDT 

Social Hour

Note: The CPE Fields of Study curriculum is divided into twenty subject matter areas. These fields represent the primary knowledge and skill areas needed by accounting licensees to perform professional services in all fields of employment. Sessions that offer CPE credit have the Field of Study and Credit Hours (CH) in red. Each Credit Hour is based on 50 minutes. The Program Level for each of these sessions is Basic, unless otherwise stated. Delivery Method: Group Internet Based

American Accounting Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its

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