2024 Call for Submissions


Submission Steps

1. Pay your submission fee:

Submission Fee

2. Once you have paid your fee, visit the:

Submission System
Meeting may take several minutes to appear in system dropdown.

3.Doctorial Students:
See instructions in paragraph

Submission and Volunteer Information
The Accounting, Behavior, and Organizations (ABO) Section is now accepting submissions of research papers to the 2024 ABO Research Conference! The conference will be held October 18-19, 2024, in Montreal, Canada at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Montreal. Papers may encompass any topical area involving human or organizational behavior. 

The deadline for submissions is Monday, June 3, 2024, 11:59 pm Eastern Time.

Submission Fee Information
There is a submission fee of $50 for faculty members. To pay the fee, please click here. Once the submission fee is paid, you may submit your paper through the electronic submissions system. NOTE: Doctoral students are not required to pay the submission fee.

Doctoral Student Submission Information
-    Doctoral Students do not have to pay the submission fee. 
-    Before you submit, please contact Jennifer Tucker at jennifer.tucker@aaahq.org. She will be able to assist in making sure your submission fee is taken care of. 
-    Once complete, she will let you know when you can log into to the system to complete your submission. 

Paper Session Information:
Paper sessions provide an opportunity for researchers to present and discuss complete, but unpublished papers. Sessions will include three research papers with discussants. Each presenter will have no more than 15 minutes and each discussant will have no more than 10 minutes.

Emerging Scholars
Emerging Scholars (i.e., doctoral students and faculty who have graduated within the past three years) are encouraged to designate their work as an Emerging Scholar paper within the system. A limited group of Emerging Scholar papers selected for the conference will be assigned to a session with senior discussants. Papers designated as Emerging Scholar papers that are not assigned to this session will be considered for regular sessions.

The ABO Section awards two outstanding paper awards for the conference: Outstanding Manuscript and Outstanding Emerging Scholar Manuscript.

NOTE: Anyone who submits a paper is implicitly volunteering to review a paper for this conference, if requested. We also need additional volunteers to review, and to act as discussants and moderators. To sign up to volunteer, follow the steps below.

Volunteer Instructions 

  • Go to the Submission site, https://ww4.aievolution.com/aaameetings 
  • Login with your AAA username and password
  • If you do not have a AAA username and password, the site will direct you to make one.
  • Once logged in, under forms select Volunteer Form -ABO Research Conference

We look forward to seeing you in Montreal!