1:00 pm-6:00 pm
Doctoral Consortium
Program Click HERE
(accepted students only)
6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Welcome Reception
8:15 am-8:45 am
Coffee Break
8:45 am-10:00 am
Welcome and Plenary:
The Road Behind and the Path Ahead: An Armchair Chat with Katherine Schipper and Rob Bloomfield, hosted by the Editors of the Journal of Financial Reporting
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Welcome: Xuefeng (John) Jiang, FARS President, Michigan State University
Robert Bloomfield, Cornell University
Nicole Cade, University of Pittsburgh
Alan Jagolinzer, University of Cambridge
Katherine Schipper, Duke University
10:00 am-10:15 am
10:15 am-11:45 am
Concurrent Sessions
101: Connecting Research and Practice
Moderators: Rachel Geoffrey, The Ohio State University; Kurt Gee, The Ohio State University
Peter Easton, University of Notre Dame
Gord Graham, Ernst & Young, LLP
Scott Taub, Financial Reporting Advisors, LLC)
1.02: Audit Process and Quality
Auditing - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Stephanie Chen, Texas A&M University
The Value of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Identifying Critical Audit Matters
Nina Xu, University of Connecticut
Feng Guo, Iowa State University
Discussant: Robbie Moon, Georgia Institute of Technology
Organizational Distraction and Core Service Quality: Evidence from the Accounting Industry
Nathan Goldman, North Carolina State University
Andrew Imdieke, University of Notre Dame
Allison Koester, Georgetown University
Discussant: Hailey Ballew, Rice University
Internal Controls over Financial Reporting and Consumer Protection: Evidence from Retail Mortgage Lending
Beverly Larson, Arizona State University
Discussant: Millie Hutton, The University of Mississippi
1.03: Private Lending Markets
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jianxin Donny Zhao, Emory University
Your Money May Sting: The Effect of Extraterritorial FCPA Enforcement on Foreign Firmsʼ Borrowings from U.S. Banks
Ke Wang, University of Alberta
Bingyi Qin, City University of Hong Kong
Zheng Wang, City University of Hong Kong
Christopher Williams, University of Michigan
Discussant: Maria Loumioti, The University of Texas at Dallas
Non-Fundamental Loan Renegotiations
Matthew Phillips, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A.J. Chen, University of Southern California
Regina Wittenberg-Moerman, Northwestern University
Tiange Ye, University of Southern California
Discussant: Jianxin Donny Zhao, Emory University
Does Regulatory Scrutiny Affect Performance Metrics in Debt Contracts: Evidence from SEC Non-GAAP Comment Letters
Liang Tan, Virginia Tech
Qiang Wu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jasmine Wang, University of Virginia
Hanzhong Shi, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Discussant: Peter Demerjian, Georgia State University
1.04: Analysts’ Information Acquisition
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Thomas Ruchti, Office of Financial Research
Do Analysts Learn from the News Media? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Rong (Irene) Zhong, University of Illinois at Chicago
Somnath Das, University of Illinois at Chicago
Discussant: Thomas Ruchti, Office of Financial Research
Hop on! Bus Tours and Corporate Access
Daniel Bradley, University of South Florida
Russell Jame, University of Kentucky
Jared Williams, University of South Florida
Discussant: John Heater, University of Minnesota
Beyond the Research Department: Brokerage Branchesʼ Local Information Advantage and Analyst Forecast Quality
An-Ping Lin, Singapore Management University
Xia Chen, Singapore Management University
Yajing Tian, Singapore Management University
Discussant: Alex Kim, The University of Chicago
1.05: Earnings Characteristics and Earnings Quality
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Katie Lem, The Ohio State University
Identifying the Timing of Revenue Recognition and the Effects of ASC 606
Waqar Ali, HEC Paris
Ayung Tseng, University of California, Davis
Discussant: Derek Christensen, Financial Accounting Standards Board
Reassessed Earnings with Capitalized Intangibles
Anup Srivastava, University of Calgary
Aneel Iqbal, Thunderbird School of Global Management
Shivaram Rajgopal, Columbia University
Elnaz Basirianmahabadi, University of Calgary
Discussant: Clay Partridge, The Ohio State University
Do Income-Statement Line Items and Their Comparability Mitigate Classification Shifting?
Steve Lin, The University of Memphis
Lidong Cui, The University of Memphis
Discussant: Katie Lem, The Ohio State University
1.06: Climate Disclosure
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Aneesh Raghunandan, Yale University
Climate Disclosures and Decarbonization Along the Supply Chain
Pietro Bonetti, IESE Business School
Yang En, University of Navarra
Igor Kadach, University of Navarra
Gaizka Ormazabal, University of Navarra
Discussant: Emma Wang, Cornell University
The Net Zero Party: Antitrust Risk and Climate Disclosure
Yi-Chun Chen, City University of Hong Kong
Chuxuan (Erin) Wang, City University of Hong Kong
Donghe Yang, Fuzhou University
Discussant: Thomas Ruchti, Office of Financial Research
Climate Disclosure in Financial Statements
Victor Wagner, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Thorsten Sellhorn, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Gaizka Ormazabal, University of Navarra
Maximilian Mueller, University of Cologne
Discussant: Maria Loumioti, The University of Texas at Dallas
1.07: Strategic Disclosure Timing
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jessica Watkins, University of Notre Dame
Preemptive Disclosure
Irina Luneva, University of Pennsylvania
Matthew Bloomfield, University of Pennsylvania
Mirko Heinle, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Charles McClure, The University of Chicago
Do Firms Strategically Plan Consecutive Information Events? The Case of Earnings Press Releases and Conference Calls
Jinseo Kang, The University of Arizona
Yuan Zhang, The University of Texas at Dallas
Mei Cheng, The University of Arizona
Discussant: Alina Lerman, University of Connecticut
Optimal Disclosure Timing
Seung Lee, University of Southern Denmark
Ivan Marinovic, Stanford University
Discussant: Henry Friedman, University of California, Los Angeles
1.08: Securities Regulation and Enforcement
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Bokhyeon Baik, Seoul National University
The SEC Enforcement of Environmental Disclosures: Evidence from the SEC Comment Letter Review Process
Rachel Geoffroy, The Ohio State University
Svenja Dube, Baruch College–CUNY
Discussant: Aliya Korganbekova, Harvard University
Regulators as Whistleblowers: Evidence from the SEC Sunshine Speech on Private Equity
Zeyu Ou, University of Miami
Discussant: Enshuai Yu, Boston College
(Semi-) Regulatory Transparency of Nonpublic SEC Investigations
Danye Wang, The University of Iowa
Ying Zhou, University of Connecticut
Discussant: Yanrong Jia, Baruch College–CUNY
12:00 pm-1:15 pm
Lunch with the Lifetime Achievement Award and Distinguished PhD Mentoring Award Presentations
1:30 pm-3:00 pm
Concurrent Sessions
2.01: FASB Update
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Speakers: Christine Botosan, Financial Accounting Standards Board
Derek Christensen, Financial Accounting Standards Board
2.02: Voluntary Human Capital Disclosures
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Bryce Schonberger, University of Colorado Boulder
The Effect of Human Capital Management Disclosures on Professional Investorsʼ Valuation Decisions
Ethan Rouen, Harvard University
Robert Jennings, The University of Arizona
Lisa LaViers, Tulane University
Jason Sandvik, The University of Arizona
Discussant: Jung Ho Choi, Stanford University
Strategic Salary Disclosure in Talent Acquisition: Evidence from the AI Labor Market
Rebecca Hann, University of Maryland–College Park
Jingwen Yang, University of Maryland-College Park
Il-Horn Hann, University of Maryland
Sung Hyun Kwon, University of Maryland
Discussant: Danye Wang, The University of Iowa
Decoding Social Disclosure Decisions: A Field Experiment with Workforce Diversity Data
Jung Ho Choi, Stanford University
Maximilian Muhn, The University of Chicago
Maureen McNichols, Stanford University
Discussant: David Volant, Indiana University Bloomington
2.03: Fair Value Accounting
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Barrett Wheeler, Tulane University
Using Approximate Entropy to Detect Financial Advisor Misconduct
Pinky Rusli, Western Kentucky University
Jonathan Ross, Western Kentucky University
Rui-Zhong (R.Z.) Zhang, Kent State University
Charles Kile, Western Kentucky University
Discussant: Andrew Bird, Chapman University
Cost Anchoring in Fair Value Estimation
Thomas Hagenberg, Northwestern University
Spencer Anderson, Indiana University Bloomington
Leslie Hodder, Indiana University Bloomington
Yuze Xia, Northwestern University
Discussant: Brent Schmidt, The Pennsylvania State University
Fair Value and Bank Liability Structure—Should we Adopt Mark-to-Funding Accounting?
Xu Jiang, Duke University
Lucas Mahieux, Tilburg University
Discussant: Zhenghao Zhang, Arizona State University
2.04: Investors' information processing
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Gabriel Voelcker, Dartmouth College
What Moves Stock Prices Around Information Releases?
Andrew Stephan, University of Colorado Boulder
Nathan Marshall, University of Colorado Boulder
Discussant: Chongho Kim, Seoul National University
Public Information, Relative Overconfidence, and Capital Flows
Darren Bernard, University of Washington
Blake Steenhoven, Queen’s University
Kristina Rennekamp, Cornell University
Karthik Balakrishnan, Rice University
Discussant: Charles Downing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Another Piece of the Supply Chain Puzzle: The Role of Media Coverage
Alyssa Moore, Indiana University Bloomington
Bruce Billings, Florida State University
Zahn Bozanic, Florida State University
Spencer Pierce, Florida State University
Discussant: William Docimo, University of Connecticut
2.05: Valuation and Fundamental Analysis I
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Kevin Standridge, Duke University
Inflation in the Cross-Section: Separating Winners from Losers
Jian Feng, University of Hong Kong
Shiyang Huang, University of Hong Kong
Charles Lee, University of Washington
Yang Song, University of Washington
Discussant: Jose Carabias, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Disclosure Level, Idiosyncratic Volatility, and Implied Cost of Capital
Jun Chen, University of California, San Diego
John Hughes, University of California, Los Angeles
Jun Liu, University of California, San Diego
Dan Yang, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Discussant: Kevin Standridge, Duke University
Technical Analysis Is Fundamental Analysis
Chase Potter, Washington State University
Zachary Kaplan, Washington University in St. Louis
Atif Ellahie, The University of Utah
Discussant: Eric Weisbrod, The University of Kansas
2.06: Social Media and Managerial Ability
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Nina Xu, University of Connecticut
Executive Protection and Personal Risk
Sarah Kroechert, University of Cambridge
Alan Jagolinzer, University of Cambridge
Shane Heitzman, University of Southern California
Discussant: Nina Xu, University of Connecticut
Social Media Analysts, Managerial Learning, and Corporate Innovation
Christoph Sextroh, Tilburg University
Tim Martens, Bocconi University
Jeroen Koenraadt, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Discussant: Ruikai Ji, Temple University
Social Media Livestreaming: Investor Information or Persuasion?
Ed deHaan, Stanford University
Allen Huang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Srijith Kannan, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Lu Qiu, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Discussant: Elizabeth Tori, Oklahoma State University
2.07: Usefulness of Corporate Disclosure in the Options and Equity Markets
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jessica Watkins, University of Notre Dame
Investor Engagement on Corporate Earnings Conference Calls: Evidence from Social Media Investor Comments
Lucile Faurel, Arizona State University
Partha Mohanram, University of Toronto
Artur Hugon, Arizona State University
Discussant: James Warren, University of Arkansas
Corporate Voluntary Disclosure and Retail Option Trading
Nicolas Reinhart, University of Zurich
David Oesch, University of Zurich
Discussant: Badryah Alhusaini, Arizona State University
Equity Options Trading and Firm Non-GAAP Reporting
Haoyan Wang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Kurt Gee, The Ohio State University
2.08: Political Considerations and Regulatory Action
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Alice Lee, Temple University
Public Employee Complaints, Whistleblowing, and Regulatory Activity: Evidence from Workplace Safety Inspections
Aneesh Raghunandan, Yale University
Jeroen Koenraadt, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Thomas Ruchti, Office of Financial Research
Discussant: Marco Errico, Esade Business School
Public Firms and Regulatory Challenges: Implications for Cross-Country Shareholder-Stakeholder Conflicts
Lisa Liu, Columbia University
Sonakshi Agrawal, Columbia University
Anthony Le, Columbia University
Discussant: Rachel Geoffroy, The Ohio State University
Partisan Regulatory Actions: Evidence from the SEC
Vivek Pandey, University of Rochester
Xingyu Shen, University of Rochester
Joanna Wu, University of Rochester
Discussant: Anthony Joffre, Rice University
3:00 pm-3:30 pm
3:30 pm-5:00 pm
Concurrent Sessions
3.01: FARS Mentoring Program Kick-Off Session
Personal Development - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Steve Stubben, University of Utah
3.02: Financial Reporting Properties I
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Andrew Leone, Northwestern University
Sample Heterogeneity in Archival Accounting Research: Evidence from Pooling Knowledge and Traditional Firms
Patrick Hopkins, Texas Christian University
Karen Nelson, Texas Christian University
Stephen Lusch, University of Kentucky
Discussant: Andrew Leone, Northwestern University
What Makes the Impairment Rules under IFRS Better Than US GAAP? Insights from Quarterly Impairment and Reversal Data
Chang Woo Hong, Arizona State University
Maria Rykaczewski, Arizona State University
Matthew Baugh, Arizona State University
Phillip Lamoreaux, Arizona State University
Discussant: Rucsandra Moldovan, Concordia University
The Inherent Nature of Accruals: Implications for the Statement of Cash Flows
William Gonzalez, Rice University
Petrus Ferreira, Rice University
Discussant: Ayung Tseng, University of California, Davis
3.03: AI’s Influence on Investments and Market Dynamics
Information Technology - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Aaron Roeschley, University of Kentucky
Does Generative AI Facilitate Investor Trading? Evidence from ChatGPT Outages
Pengkai Lin, Singapore Management University
Qiang Cheng, Singapore Management University
Yue Zhao, Singapore Management University
Discussant: Betty Liu, Indiana University Bloomington
The Impact of Financial Education Resources on Novice Investors
Lauren Frederick, Cornell University
Kristina Rennekamp, Cornell University
Xinyu Zhang, Cornell University
Discussant: Nicole Cade, University of Pittsburgh
AI Democratization, Return Predictability, and Trading Inequality
Xi Dong, Baruch College–CUNY
Yanru Chang, Baruch College–CUNY
Xiumin Martin, Washington University in St. Louis
Changyun Zhou, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Discussant: Jun Oh, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
3.04: Advanced Methods and Models in Financial Analysis
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Chenqi Zhu, University of California, Irvine
Financial Statement Analysis with Large Language Models
Alex Kim, The University of Chicago
Maximilian Muhn, The University of Chicago
Valeri Nikolaev, The University of Chicago
Discussant: Chenqi Zhu, University of California, Irvine
Towards a New Financial Statement Analysis
Stephen Penman, Columbia University
Discussant: Thomas Ruchti, Office of Financial Research
Time and Tone: Detecting Deceptive Disclosures Using Response Latency
John Heater, University of Minnesota
Doron Reichmann, Goethe University Frankfurt
Discussant: Min Park, The University of Kansas
3.05: Executive Compensation
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Sarah Kroechert, University of Cambridge
Executive Incentives and Strategic Talent Acquisition: Evidence from Poaching
Guoman She, The University of Hong Kong
Matthew Bloomfield, University of Pennsylvania
Thomas Bourveau, Columbia University
Xuanpu Lin, The University of Hong Kong
Haoran Zhu, Southern University of Science and Technology
Discussant: Andrea Pawliczek, University of Colorado Boulder
Internal Information Quality and Performance Measure Selection
Chongho Kim, Seoul National University
Wayne Guay, University of Pennsylvania
Oscar Timmermans, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Discussant: Frances Tice, University of Colorado Boulder
Front-Loaded Equity Awards: An Efficient Contracting or Rent Extraction Tool?
Rafael Copat, The University of Texas at Dallas
Sunil Parupati, The University of Texas at Dallas
Discussant: Sarah Kroechert, University of Cambridge
3.06: Environmental Regulation
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jasmine Wang, University of Virginia
Interactive Rulemaking for Environmental Regulations and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from Energy Conservation Standards
Xiaoli Tian, Georgetown University
Yuxiang Zheng, Rutgers University-Camden
Zhe (Michael) Guo, Fordham University
Discussant: Maria Correia, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Does Transparency Enhance Environmental Justice?
Trung Nguyen, Harvard University
Haoqing Fan, Singapore Management University
Xi Wu, University of California, Berkeley
Discussant: Jasmine Wang, University of Virginia
Does Recognition Reduce Pollution? Evidence from Environmental Remediation Liabilities
Sara Malik, The University of Utah
Zimeng Cui, The University of Utah
Edward Owens, The University of Utah
Discussant: Jesse Chan, Boston University
3.07: Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Interests
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Heedong Kim, Baruch College–CUNY
Pressing Concerns: Local Newspaper Closures and Their Impact on Hospital Performance
John (Xuefeng) Jiang, Michigan State University
Isabel Wang, Michigan State University
Cong Shang, Michigan State University
Discussant: Claudia Imperatore, Bocconi University
Every Emission You Create—Every Dollar You’ll Donate: The Effect of Regulation-Induced Pollution on Corporate Philanthropy
Simon Xu, Harvard University
Seungho Choi, Queensland University of Technology
Raphael Park, University of Technology, Sydney
Discussant: Heedong Kim, Baruch College–CUNY
Media Coverage of Employment Discrimination
Elizabeth Tori, Oklahoma State University
Devin Shanthikumar, University of California, Irvine
Aneesh Raghunandan, Yale University
Discussant: Anthony Joffre, Rice University
3.08: Corporate Disclosure and Litigation Risks
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Heemin Lee, Baruch College–CUNY
How Does Management Guidance Affect Investorsʼ Responses to Earnings Announcements
Zitong Zeng, University of California, Los Angeles
Henry Friedman, University of California, Los Angeles
Kanyuan Huang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Kaiwen Wu, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Discussant: Mei Feng, University of Pittsburgh
Corporate Ambulance Chasing? Plaintiffʼs Attorney Marketing as a Signal of Corporate Litigation Risk
Eric Weisbrod, The University of Kansas
Adi Masli, The University of Kansas
Steven Kaplan, Arizona State University
Matthew Peterson, The University of Kansas
Discussant: Madeline Thompson, University of Notre Dame
How Do Multiple Regulators Regulate? Evidence from Fairness Opinion Providersʼ Conflict of Interest Disclosures
Claudia Imperatore, Bocconi University
Philip Berger, The University of Chicago
Rachel Geoffroy, The Ohio State University
Lisa Liu, Columbia University
Discussant: Disen Huang, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
5:00 pm-5:15 pm
5:15 pm-5:45 pm
FARS Business Meeting
5:45 pm-7:15 pm
8:00 am-8:45 am
Ladies' Coffee Reception
Sponsored by: FASB, Rice University, SMU Cox, University of Washington
9:15 am-10:45 am
Concurrent Sessions
4.01: Credit Ratings and Debt Contracting
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jianxin Donny Zhao, Emory University
The Effect of Solicitation on Sovereign Domestic Ratings
Reining Petacchi, Georgetown University
Marion Boisseau-Sierra, University of Cambridge
Joseph Weber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Discussant: Ilene Lee, University of Missouri
Does Credit Rating Inflation Influence Loan Contract Design?
Matias Sokolowski, The University of New Mexico
Peter Demerjian, Georgia State University
Edward Owens, The University of Utah
Ling Zhou, The University of New Mexico
Discussant: Matthew Phillips, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Determinants and Consequences of Financial Thresholds in Credit Ratings
Allen H. Huang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Bugra Naim Ozel, University of Texas at Dallas
Shiheng Wang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Discussant: Mei Cheng, The University of Arizona
4.02: Accruals and Earnings Management
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Katie Lem, The Ohio State University
Alternative Book-Based Taxes and Earnings Management
Sean Kemsley, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Robert Hills, The Pennsylvania State University
Re-Examining the Timing Role of Accrual Accounting
Petrus Ferreira, Rice University
William Gonzalez, Rice University
Brian Rountree, Rice University
Shiva Sivaramakrishnan, Rice University
Discussant: Jalal Sani, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
An Examination of the Exercise of Reporting Discretion under the Current Expected Credit Loss Model
Matthew Oakes, The University of Mississippi
Brett Cantrell, The University of Mississippi
Barrett Wheeler, Tulane University
Discussant: Brent Schmidt, The Pennsylvania State University
4.03: Corporate Responses to AI Technologies
Information Technology - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Botir Kobilov, The University of Texas at Dallas
Employer and Employee Responses to Generative AI: Early Evidence
Philip Berger, The University of Chicago
Wei Cai, Columbia University
Lin Qiu, Purdue University
Cindy Xinyi Shen, Stanford University
Discussant: Ryan Johnson, Indiana University Bloomington
The Value of AI Innovations
Wilbur Chen, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Suraj Srinivasan, Harvard University
Terrence Tianshuo Shi, Harvard University
Discussant: Lauren Vollon, University of Notre Dame
Artificially Intelligent or Artificially Inflated? Determinants and Informativeness of Corporate AI Disclosures
Ryan Johnson, Indiana University Bloomington
John Campbell, University of Georgia
John Barrios, Washington University in St. Louis
Christine Liu, University of Toronto
Discussant: Alibek Korganbekov, Boston University
4.04: Corporate Disclosure Decisions
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Chongho Kim, Seoul National University
Different Types of Information Processing Costs and Voluntary Disclosure
Chongho Kim, Seoul National University
Jung Min Kim, Northwestern University
Discussant: Ying Liang, Georgia State University
The Primacy Effect in Information Acquisition: Evidence from 10-K Exhibits
Yimeng Li, Tulane University
Stephanie Cheng, Tulane University
Pengkai Lin, Singapore Management University
Discussant: Heedong Kim, Baruch College–CUNY
The Effect of Information Processing Cost on Corporate Disclosure Decisions
Sebastian Fleer, Dartmouth College
Discussant: Rishabh Aggarwal, Indian School of Business
4.05: Financial Reporting Properties II
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Roman Chychyla, University of Miami
Employee Health and Financial Reporting Quality
Alyssa Moore, Indiana University Bloomington
Will Anding, Florida State University
Truc Do, Nanyang Technological University
Discussant: Sebastian Tideman-Frappart, Syracuse University
Late Trade Credit Payments to Meet Cash Flow Forecasts
Chuchu Liang, University of California, Irvine
Daniel Cohen, Vanderbilt University
Ben Lourie, University of California, Irvine
Alexander Nekrasov, University of Illinois at Chicago
Discussant: Oussema El Ajel, University of Miami
Context or Complexity? The Effects of Financial Statement Disaggregation on the Operating Profitability Anomaly
Xin Jiang, University of Waterloo
Kai Du, The Pennsylvania State University
Steven Huddart, The Pennsylvania State University
Discussant: Roman Chychyla, University of Miami
4.06: Human Capital Disclosures and Labor Markets
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Flora Sun, Binghamton University, SUNY
Human Capital Disclosure and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Regulation S-K
Dan Li, University of Miami
Jung Ho Choi, Stanford University
Daniele Macciocchi, University of Miami
Discussant: Elisha Yu, Baruch College–CUNY
Employee Use of Financial Reporting in Labor Market Decisions: Survey Evidence
Charles Ham, Indiana University Bloomington
David Volant, Indiana University Bloomington
Christian Hutzler, The University of Iowa
Joseph Pacelli, Harvard University
Discussant: Flora Sun, Binghamton University, SUNY
Organized Labor and Strategic Disclosure through Online Job Postings
Liwei Weng, Northeastern University
Daniel Aobdia, The Pennsylvania State University
Lin Cheng, China Europe International Business School
Meiling Zhao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Scarlett Song, University of New Hampshire
4.07: Private Firm Investment and Disclosures
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Andrew Stephan, University of Colorado Boulder
The Role of Accounting in Microenterprises
Marcela Aguilar, Rice University
Gary Lind, University of Pittsburgh
Kris Ramesh, Rice University
Discussant: Rimmy Tomy, The University of Chicago
Mandatory Carbon Disclosure and New Business Creation
Chenchen Li, Yale University
Raphael Duguay, Yale University
Frank Zhang, Yale University
Discussant: Emma Wang, Cornell University
Private Equity Press Releases
Lisa Tiplady, University of Notre Dame
Rachel Flam, London Business School
Elizabeth Tori, Oklahoma State University
Discussant: Caleb Rawson, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
4.08: Corporate Governance Bodies
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Pietro Bonetti, IESE Business School
Minority Representation at Work
Matthias Breuer, Columbia University
Wei Cai, Columbia University
Anthony Le, Columbia University
Felix Vetter, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Discussant: Gabriel Voelcker, Dartmouth College
Endogenous Social Norms In the Boardroom: Evidence from Insider Trading Activity
Irina Luneva, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Fischer, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Igor Kadach, IESE Business School
Do Trade Associations Matter to Corporate Strategies?
Ekaterina Neretina, Bocconi University
Gerard Hoberg, University of Southern California
Discussant: Luminita Enache, University of Calgary
Research Roundtable Session
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
Table 1: Political Influence
Political Ideology Alignment on Supply Chain
Yonghao Zhai, Singapore Management University
Zhihong Chen, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ting Dai, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Monetary Policy Exposure Uncertainty and Voluntary Disclosure
Rishabh Aggarwal, Indian School of Business
Table 2: Big Data, Fintech, and AI
The Wealth of Perceptions: Algorithmic Trading on Consumer Perception
Michael Kimbrough, University of Maryland–College Park
Bidisha Chakrabarty, Saint Louis University
Xu Wang, Saint Louis University
Sijing Wei, Creighton University
Registered Report Proposal: Generative AI in Financial Reporting
Ed deHaan, Stanford University
Elizabeth Blankespoor, University of Washington
Qianqian Li, Stanford University
Table 3: Corporate Social Responsibility
Geographic Disciplinary Effect of Firm Entry: Evidence from Facility-Level Misconduct
Yaping Zheng, University of Alberta
Yongoh Roh, McGill University
Yuxiang Zheng, The University of Akron
ESG Ratings and Sustainability Data Disclosures: Evidence from Refinitivʼs Methodology Recalibration
Emily Jing Wang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ming Yi Hung, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Table 4: Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
The Effect of Environmental Affinity and Environment-Related Disclosure Nature on Investor Perceptions and Judgments
Peina Liu, Washington State University
Risk Sharing Value of Disclosure: A Real-time Market Response Approach to Hedge Climate Change Risk
Yang Cao, Boston College
Miao Liu, Boston College
Rachel Zhang, National University of Singapore
Table 5: Climate Regulation and Disclosure
Real, Disclosure and Spillover Effects of U.S. State-Level Climate Change Regulations
Aliya Korganbekova, Harvard University
Corporate Disclosures for Green Supply Chains: Evidence from Scope 3 Emissions Disclosure
Holly Yang, Singapore Management University
Young Jun Cho, Singapore Management University
Jungbae Kim, Singapore Management University
Mengjie Yang, Singapore Management University
Table 6: Financial Institutions and Credit Loss
Textual Analysis of CECL Adoption: Effects on Bank Disclosure Uncertainty and Lending Patterns Under Stress
Qiuhong Zhao, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi
Colin Wooldridge, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi
The Implementation of Expected Credit Loss Models: Evidence on Lending Risk and Reporting Discretion
Frederik Kohl, University of Mannheim
Jannis Bischof, University of Mannheim
Rainer Haselmann, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Oliver Schlüter, Deutsche Bundesbank
Table 7: Disclosure and Financial Markets
Who Will Win this Horse Race: Robo-Analysts or Human Analysts?
Dan Palmon, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark
Qian Yu, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Do Mutual Fund Managers Care About Proposed Accounting Standard Changes?
Rucsandra Moldovan, Concordia University
Luminita Enache, University of Calgary
Zhongwei Huang, Fudan University
Paul Griffin, University of California, Davis
The Informational Role of Corporate Disclosure in Commodity Markets
Berk Yayvak, The University of Texas at Dallas
Table 8: Securities Regulation and Enforcement
Does SEC Workforce Diversity Matter?
Jasmine Wang, University of Virginia
Frank Heflin, University of Georgia
Yelin Hu, University of Georgia
Trust and SEC Investigations
Francois Brochet, Boston University
Meiling Zhao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Kelvin Yeung, City University of Hong Kong
Table 9: Taxes and Financial Reporting
The Effect of Private Country-by-Country Reporting on Mergers and Acquisitions
Anh Persson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Farzana Afrin, California State University, Fullerton
Novia (Xi) Chen, University of Houston
Sabrina Chi, California State University, Fullerton
Does Country-by-Country Reporting Make Multinational Firms Smarter?
Michelle Nessa, Michigan State University
Ryan Wilson, The University of Iowa
Amy Haojie Yang, The University of Iowa
Table 10: Valuation and Fundamental Analysis
Re-Standardized Financial Statement Data
Federico Siano, The University of Texas at Dallas
Matthew Lyle, Emory University
Teri Yohn, Emory University
Aggregate Corporate Savings, Economic Uncertainty and Future Stock Returns
Yuanzhen Lyu, Peking University
Decomposing Firms’ Revenue into Price and Quantity
Sriniwas Mahapatro, Rochester Institute of Technology
Prateek Manikpuri, Indian School of Business
Shivaram Rajgopal, Columbia University
Prasanna Tantri, Indian School of Business
Table 11: Financial Reporting and Regulation
Long-Run Economic Consequences of Firm Avoidance in the Threshold Regulation for Financial Reporting
Lisa Liu, Columbia University
Yu Cao, World Bank
A Demotion in Disguise? the Real Effects of Relocating Pension Smoothing from Operating Income to Non-Operating Income
Divya Anantharaman, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark
Elizabeth Chuk, University of California, Irvine
Saipriya Kamath, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Impacts of Disclosure Channel Consistency on Firmʼs Information Environment
Stacey Ritter, Santa Clara University
Tina Lang, California State University, East Bay
Satish Sahoo, City University of Hong Kong
12:30 pm-1:45 pm
Lunch with Awards
1:45 pm-2:00 pm
2:00 pm-3:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
5.01: Audit Labor Market
Auditing - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Daniel Gillespie, Texas A&M University
Accounting Talent Gap: Implications for the Audit Market
Yiwen Li, Villanova University
Ruiting Dai, Drexel University
Xiumin Martin, Washington University in St. Louis
Qin Tan, Yale University
Discussant: Young Hoon Kim, George Mason University
Honing Versatile Skills Through Auditing? Evidence from Employer-Employee Matches
Jingwen Yang, University of Maryland–College Park
Discussant: William Docimo, University of Connecticut
The Effect of CPA Firm Mobility on Audit Market Competition
Ping Gong, Yale University
Hao Ma, ESSEC Business School
Daniel Aobdia, The Pennsylvania State University
Discussant: Matt Glendening, University of Missouri
5.02: Investors and Climate Change
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Aneesh Raghunandan, Yale University
Climate Solutions, Transition Risk, and Stock Returns
Edward Riedl, Boston University
George Serafeim, Harvard University
Shirley Lu, Harvard University
Simon Xu, Harvard University
Discussant: Aneesh Raghunandan, Yale University
Exploiting Social Funds’ Desire for Impact through Imprecise Financial Climate-Risk Information
Lucas Mahieux, Tilburg University
Volker Laux, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Irina Luneva, University of Pennsylvania
Environmental Mergers and Acquisitions
Wei Wang, Temple University
Sudipta Basu, Temple University
Alice Lee, Temple University
Discussant: Shirley Lu, Harvard University
5.03: Debt Trading and Contracting
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Sang Woo Sohn, City University of Hong Kong
Does Allowing the Public to Request Information Lower Government Financing Costs? Evidence from the Municipal Bond Market
Qiru Zhang, Santa Clara University
Yongtae Kim, Santa Clara University
Lixin Nancy Su, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mengdi (Mendy) Zhang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Discussant: Collin Rabe, University of Georgia
Real Effects of Overconfidence and Debt Covenants
Zijun Liu, Rice University
Shiva Sivaramakrishnan, Rice University
George Drymiotes, Texas Christian University
Discussant: Lucas Mahieux, Tilburg University
Managerial Learning from Bond Prices: Evidence from a Market Transparency Regulation
Vivek Pandey, University of Rochester
Sudarshan Jayaraman, University of Rochester
Joanna Wu, University of Rochester
Discussant: Jedson Pinto, The University of Texas at Dallas
5.04: Analyst Behavior, Competition, and Effort Allocation
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Alex Kim, The University of Chicago
Analystsʼ Forecasting Models and Uncertainty About the Past
Min Park, The University of Kansas
Tzachi Zach, The Ohio State University
Discussant: Brian Rountree, Rice University
Analyst Competition in the Presence of Differential Private Information
Brian Rountree, Rice University
Leila Peyravan, Rice University
Shiva Sivaramakrishnan, Rice University
Discussant: Thomas Ruchti, Office of Financial Research
Inter-Firm Network and Analyst Effort Allocation
Sung-Han (Sam) Lee, Iowa State University
Feng Guo, Iowa State University
Minsup Song, Sogang University
Nhat Nguyen, Colorado State University
Discussant: Riddha Basu, The George Washington University
5.05: Issues in Bank Accounting and Regulation
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Barrett Wheeler, Tulane University
How Does Recognition of Forward-Looking Estimates Affect Learning about the Macroeconomy? Evidence from CECL
Xin Lin, ESMT European School of Management and Technology
Matthew Phillips, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Oliver Binz, ESMT European School of Management and Technology
Discussant: Barrett Wheeler, Tulane University
Positive Externalities of Accounting Standard Change: The Case of CECL Adoption
Xiao Liu, Southern Methodist University
Shiva Sivaramakrishnan, Rice University
Hailey Ballew, Rice University
Discussant: Matthew Oakes, The University of Mississippi
How (In)Active was Bank Supervision During the 2022 Monetary Tightening?
Joao Granja, The University of Chicago
Yadav Gopalan, Indiana University Bloomington
Discussant: Hailey Ballew, Rice University
5.06: Labor Markets and Employee Information
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Wilbur Chen, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Market for Accountants
Frank Zhou, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Christine Liu, Bentley University
Within-Firm Information Inequality and Employee Wage Disparity
Philip Berger, The University of Chicago
Yifan Jia, Xiamen University
Yuqing Zhou, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Haoran Zhu, Southern University of Science and Technology
Discussant: Wilbur Chen, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Occupational Licensing of Corporate Accountants and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China
John (Xuefeng) Jiang, Michigan State University
Guanmin Liao, Renmin University of China
Belinda Yau, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Yizhuo Zhao, Renmin University of China
Discussant: Francis Ding, Virginia Tech
5.07: Unexpected Information Sources and Market Consequences
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Andrew Stephan, University of Colorado Boulder
Local-Thinking Bias
Ed deHaan, Stanford University
Charles Lee, University of Washington
Wei Ting Loh, Singapore Management University
Discussant: Jesse Glaze, The University of Texas at El Paso
Employee Non-Disclosure Agreements and Corporate News
Jedson Pinto, The University of Texas at Dallas
June Huang, The University of Texas at Dallas
Cameron Holstead, The University of Texas at Dallas
Discussant: Brandon Lock, Baruch College–CUNY
From Transcripts to Insights: Uncovering Corporate Risks Using Generative AI
Alex Kim, The University of Chicago
Maximilian Muhn, The University of Chicago
Valeri Nikolaev, The University of Chicago
Discussant: Christine Liu, Bentley University
5.08: Accounting and Disclosure Rules in the Modern Economy
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Stefan Huber, Rice University
Behind the Corporate Veil: How Business Groups Arbitrage ESG Disclosure Mandates
Stefano Cascino, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Maria Correia, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Discussant: Stefan Huber, Rice University
From FASB to Retail Shelves: ASC 606, Promotions, and Prices
Zitong Zeng, University of California, Los Angeles
Discussant: Furkan Cetin, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Accounting for Data Assets
Junhao Liu, The University of Melbourne
Xingchao Gao, University of Toronto
Hai Lu, University of Toronto
Discussant: Petrus Ferreira, Rice University
3:30 pm-4:00 pm
4:00 pm-5:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
6.01: (Proxy) Voting and Trust
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Marion Boisseau-Sierra, University of Cambridge
In Some CEOs We Trust, All Others Must Disclose
John Heater, University of Minnesota
Kevin Chen, Duke University
Mohan Venkatachalam, Duke University
Discussant: Alexandra Scherf, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Exposure to Retail Investor Voting Apathy and Corporate Governance
Christian Hutzler, The University of Iowa
Discussant: Yu Ting Forester Wong, City University of Hong Kong
Decentralizing Proxy Voting Power
Nathan Herrmann, The University of Texas at Austin
John McInnis, The University of Texas at Austin
Brian Monsen, The Ohio State University
Laura Starks, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Rafael Copat, The University of Texas at Dallas
6.02: Information environment and spillovers
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Ying Liang, Georgia State University
Investor Relations for the Rest of Us: Engaging with Retail Investors
Yue Zheng, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jin Kyung Choi, City University of Hong Kong
Allen Huang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Lu Qiu, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Discussant: David Volant, Indiana University Bloomington
Capital Market-Related Agglomeration Spillovers: Evidence from Million Dollar Plant Expansions
Yaping Zheng, University of Alberta
Dawn Matsumoto, University of Washington
Yuxiang Zheng, Rutgers University-Camden
Yongoh Roh, McGill University
Discussant: Ilona Bastiaansen, University of Notre Dame
Technology-Enabled Enforcement
Botir Kobilov, The University of Texas at Dallas
Discussant: Wilbur Chen, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
6.03: Evolving Technologies in Corporate Disclosures
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Junhao Liu, The University of Melbourne
Contextualizing Profitability
Alex Kim, The University of Chicago
Valeri Nikolaev, The University of Chicago
Discussant: Nargess Golshan, Indiana University Bloomington
Blockchain Supply Chain Technology and Corporate Disclosure
Alyssa Moore, Indiana University Bloomington
Discussant: Jedson Pinto, The University of Texas at Dallas
Do Machine-Readable Disclosures Facilitate Regulatory Scrutiny? Evidence from SEC Comment Letters
Liwei Weng, Northeastern University
Ben Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Qiang Wu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Emma Xu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Discussant: Gregory Burke, Indiana University Bloomington
6.04: Corporate Social Responsibility and Information Disclosure
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Sonakshi Agrawal, Columbia University
Do Investors Respond to Mechanical Changes in ESG Ratings?
Seungju Choi, University of Miami
Fabrizio Ferri, University of Miami
Daniele Macciocchi, University of Miami
Discussant: Sonakshi Agrawal, Columbia University
Investorsʼ Reactions to Disclosure of Sustainability Performance: The Role of the Control Environment
Mandy Ellison, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Eva (Yifan) Yan, Emory University
Doing Good on the Down Low: Corporate Philanthropy and Public Disclosure Decisions
Taylor James, University of Southern California
Discussant: Wendy Wen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
6.05: Valuation and Fundamental Analysis II
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jesse Gardner, Clemson University
Evaluating Nature of Expense Classifications: Evidence from Labor Costs
Nan Li, University of Toronto
Kalash Jain, Columbia University
Shivaram Rajgopal, Columbia University
Yue Chen, Columbia University
Discussant: Elia Ferracuti, Duke University
Cash Flow Hedges in Other Comprehensive Income
Tharindra Ranasinghe, American University
Christina Synn, American University
Lin Yi, University of Houston–Clear Lake
Discussant: Waqar Ali, HEC Paris
Private Employee Stock Ownership Plan Returns
John Aland, University of Notre Dame
Heidi Packard, University of Michigan
Douglas Stockbridge, Boston College
Discussant: Jesse Gardner, Clemson University
6.06: Economic Impact of Securities Disclosure Regulation
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Chongho Kim, Seoul National University
Distribution Discontinuities and Managed Pay Ratios
Peng-Chia Chiu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Wenyi Dong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Hoyoun Kyung, University of Missouri
Innovation and Welfare Impacts of Disclosure Regulation: A General Equilibrium Approach
Li Azinovic-Yang, University of Chicago
Discussant: Frank Zhou, University of Pennsylvania
Enforcement Policy, Disclosure Regulation, and Investment Efficiency
Yiying Chen, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Li Azinovic-Yang, University of Chicago
6.07: Corporate Disclosure Strategy
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jessica Watkins, University of Notre Dame
The Effect of ASC 606 on Management Forecasts: A Lesson for Principles-Based Accounting Standard
Michael Kimbrough, University of Maryland–College Park
Yue Chen, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Kyungran Lee, NEOMA Business School
ShinWoo Lee, Hong Kong Baptist University
Discussant: Brian Monsen, The Ohio State University
The Cult of Corporate Disclosure
Rachel Flam, London Business School
Lisa Anderson, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Melissa Lewis-Western, Brigham Young University
Discussant: James Moon, Georgia Institute of Technology
Cooperative Strategic Disclosure
Hunter Pearson, University of Oregon
Discussant: Zhejia Ling, California State University, Fullerton
6.08: Responding to Tax Loopholes, News, and Disclosures
Taxes - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Matthew Holt, University of Georgia
Do Firms Incur Tax-Related Reputation Costs? New Evidence from Retail Consumers
Allison Koester, Georgetown University
Preetika Joshi, McGill University
Discussant: Zhiyan (Jane) Song, University of Missouri
ETFs and the Wash Sale Loophole
Phillip Quinn, University of Washington
Michael Dambra, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Andrew Glover, University of Washington
Charles Lee, University of Washington
Discussant: Mary Cowx, Arizona State University
Voluntary Tax Forecasts as a Signal of Future Firm Performance
Erik Beardsley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Youkun Huang, The University of Arizona
Stefan Richter, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Nathan Goldman, North Carolina State University