• Welcome to the Auditing Section

    The Auditing section fosters excellence in the teaching, research and practice of auditing and assurance services.

Distinguished Service Award

Kenneth Stringer, Deloitte Haskins & Sells

Robert K. Mautz, University of Michigan

Robert K. Elliott, Peat Marwick Main

William W. Cooper, University of Texas-Austin

James K. Loebbecke, University of Utah

Donald A. Leslie, Clarkson Gordon

John J. Willingham, Peat Marwick Main

Jay M. Smith, Jr., Brigham Young University

William R. Kinney, Jr., University of Texas at Austin

Frederick L. Neumann, University of Illinois at Urbana

Robert J. Sack, University of Virginia

Jerry D. Sullivan, Public Oversight Board

David L. Landsittel, Arthur Andersen

Robert S. Roussey, University of Southern California

1999–2000 (MYM 2000)
Practice Advisory Council, PAC formed, Thomas Powell, Chair

2000-2001 (MYM 2001)
Dan M. Guy, American Institute of CPAs

2001-2002 (MYM 2002)
Lynford Graham, BDO Seidman

2002-2003 (MYM 2003)
Zoe-Vonna Palmrose, University of Southern California

2003-2004 (MYM 2004)
Andrew "Andy" D. Bailey, Jr., University of Illinois at Urbana

2004-2005 (MYM 2005)
Timothy B. Bell, KPMG, LLP

2005-2006 (MYM 2006)
William "Bill" L. Felix, University of Arizona

2006-2007 (MYM 2007)
Ira Solomon, University of Illinois at Urbana

2007-2008 (MYM 2008)
William F. Messier, Jr., University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2008-2009 (MYM 2009)
Gary Holstrum

2009-2010 (MYM 2010)
Morley Lemon
, University of Waterloo

2010-2011 (MYM 2011)
John Fogarty, D&T Partner in Charge of Auditing Standards and Policies, Deputy Chair of IAASB

2011-2012 (MYM 2012)
Douglas R. Carmichael, CUNY-Baruch College

2012-2013 (MYM 2013)
Robert H. Colson, CUNY-Baruch College

2013-14 (MYM 2014)
Scott Showalter, North Carolina State University

2014-15 (MYM 2015)
Julia Higgs, Florida Atlantic University

Outstanding Auditing Educator Award

Alvin A. Arens, Michigan State University

William L. Felix, University of Arizona

Howard F. Stettler, University of Kansas

Frederick L. Neumann, University of Illinois at Urbana

R. Glen Berryman, University of Minnesota

Jack L. Krogstad, Creighton University

James K. Loebbecke, University of Utah

William R. Kinney, Jr., University of Texas at Austin

Ira Solomon, University of Illinois at Urbana

Andrew D. Bailey, Jr., University of Illinois at Urbana

1999–2000 (MYM 2000)
Nicholas Dopuch, Washington University

2000-2001 (MYM 2001)
Ken T. Trotman, University of New South Wales

2001-2002 (MYM 2002)
Barry Cushing, University of Utah

2002-2003 (MYM 2003)
Theodore J. Mock, University of Southern California

2003-2004 (MYM 2004)
Dan Simunic, University of British Columbia

2004-2005 (MYM 2005)
Steve Albrecht, Brigham Young University

2005-2006 (MYM 2006)
Jane Mutchler, Georgia State University

2006-2007 (MYM 2007)
Larry Rittenberg, University of Wisconsin at Madison

2007-2008 (MYM 2008)
Michael Gibbins, University of Alberta

2008-2009 (MYM 2009)
Stanley F Biggs, University of Connecticut
William F. Messier, Jr., University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2009-2010 (MYM 2010)
Arnold Wright, Northeastern University

2010-2011 (MYM 2011)
Jere Francis, University of Missouri

2011-2012 (MYM 2012)
Jean C. Bedard, Bentley University

2012-2013 (MYM 2013)
E. Michael Bamber, University of Georgia
Philip Reckers, Arizona State University

2013-14 (MYM 2014)
Linda McDaniel, University of Kentucky

2014-15 (MYM 2015)
Robert Knechel, University of Florida

Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award*

Mary T. Washington, Chair University of Southern California
Theodore J. Mock,

Vicky Heiman, University of Michigan
Robert Libby, Chair

Frank Buckless, Michigan State University
D. Dewey Ward, Chair

Martha K. Nelson, University of Pittsburgh
Jacob G. Birnberg, Chair

Charles E. Davis, University of North Carolina
Edward Blocher, Chair

Kathleen D. Mills, University of Arizona
William S. Waller, Chair

Timothy J. Louwers, Florida State University
Stephen W. Wheeler, Chair

Robert L. Braun, Louisiana State University
Ed Arrington, Chair

Cynthia Williams Turner, Ohio State University
Eric Spires, Chair

Kathryn Kadous, University of Illinois at Urbana
Ira Solomon, Chair

Karla Johnstone, University of Connecticut
Stanley E. Biggs, Chair

1999–2000 (MYM 2000)
Jay Rich, University of Illinois at Urbana
Ira Solomon, Chair

2000-2001 (MYM 2001)
Kevan Jansen, University of Florida
Bill Messier,Co-Chair
W.Robert Knechel,Co-Chair

2001-2002 (MYM 2002)
Jeffrey Wilks, Cornell University
Dr. Robert Libby, Chair

2002-2003 (MYM 2003)
KinYew Low
Ira Solomon, Chair University of Illinois at Urbana

2003–2004 (MYM 2004)
Kathryn K. Epps, Georgia State University
William F. Messier, Jr., Chair

2004–2005 (MYM 2005)
Shawn M. Davis, Washington University
Ronald R. King, Chair

2005–2006 (MYM 2006)
Tina D. Carpenter, Florida State University
Jane L. Reimers, Chair

2006–2007 (MYM 2007)
Gary Hecht, University of Illinois at Urbana
Mark Peecher, Chair

2007–2008 (MYM 2008)
Elizabeth Carson, University of New South Wales
Roger Simnett, Chair

2008-2009 (MYM 2009)
Jonathon Stanley, University of Alabama
Todd DeZoort, Chair

2009-2010 (MYM 2010)
Michael Yu, University of Missouri
Jere Francis, Chair

2010-2011 (MYM 2011)
Bradley Pomeroy, University of Alberta
Michael Gibbins, Chair

2011-2012 (MYM 2012)
Jeremy B. Griffin, University of Georgia
E. Michael Bamber, Chair

2012-2013 (MYM 2013)
Regan N. Schmidt, Queen's University
Steven E. Salterio, Chair

2013-14 (MYM 2014)
Paul Michas,
Jere Francis, Chair

2014-15 (MYM 2015)
Matthew Ege, University of Florida
Urton Anderson, John Robinson, Co-Chairs

* The Outstanding Dissertation Chair Award was first presented in 1995-96 in conjunction with the Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award.

Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award

First awarded 1999-2000

1999-2000 (MYM 2000)
Blackwell, David W. (Coopers & Lybrand), Thomas R. Noland (University of Houston), and Drew B. Winters (University of Central Florida). 1998. “The value of auditor assurance: Evidence from loan pricing, Journal of Accounting Research, vol. 36, no. 1 (Spring) 57-70.

2000-2001 (MYM 2001)
Koonce, Lisa (University of Texas at Austin) and D. Eric Hirst (University of Texas at Austin). 1996. “Audit analytical procedures: A field investigation,” Contemporary Accounting Research, vol. 13, no. 2 (Fall) 457-487.

2001-2002 (MYM 2002)
Beasley, Mark S. (North Carolina State University). 1996. "An empirical analysis of the relation between the board of director composition and financial statement fraud," vol. 71, no. 4, (October) 443-465.

2002-2003 (MYM 2003)
Tim Bell (KPMG) and Arnie Wright (Boston College), Editors, 1996. "Auditing Practice, Research, and Education: A Productive Collaboration."

2003-2004 (MYM 2004)
Michael Gibbins (University of Alberta) and James D. Newton, "An Exploration Of Complex Accountability In Public Accounting", The Journal of Accounting Research. Autumn 1994: 165-186.

2004-2005 (MYM 2005)
Kathryn Kadous (Emory University), "The Effects of Audit Quality and Consequence Severity on Juror Evaluations of Auditor Responsibility for Plaintiff Losses", The Accounting Review, 75(3): 327-341.

2005-2006 (MYM 2006)
Connie Becker (University of Washington), Mark DeFond (University of Southern California), Jim Jiambalvo (University of Washington), and K. R. Subramanyam (University of Southern California), "The Effects of Audit Quality on Earnings Management", Contemporary Accounting Research, 15(1): 1-24.

2006-2007 (MYM 2007)
Jere Francis (University of Missouri at Columbia), Ed Maydew (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Charlie Sparks (University of Alaska at Fairbanks), "The Role of Big 6 Auditors in the Credible Reporting of Accruals", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Fall, 1999 p. 17-34.

2007-2008 (MYM 2008)
Jay S. Rich (University of Illinois at Urbana), Ira Solomon (University of Illinois at Urbana), and Ken T. Trotman (University of New South Wales). 1997. "The Audit Review Process: A Characterization from the Persuasion Perspective," Accounting, Organizations, and Society, vol. 22, no. 5, 481-506.

2008-2009 (MYM 2009)
Mike Gibbins (University of Alberta), Steve Salterio (Queen’s University) & Alan Webb (University of Waterloo), “Evidence about Auditor-Client Management Negotiation Concerning Client's Financial Reporting,” Journal of Accounting Research (December 2001), Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 535 – 563.

2009-2010 (MYM 2010)
J. Kenneth Reynolds (Indiana University) and Jere R. Francis (The University of Missouri), “Does Size Matter? The Influence of Large Clients on Office-Level Auditor Reporting Decisions,” Journal of Accounting & Economics (December 2000), Vol. 30, No. 3, pp.375-400.

2010-2010 (MYM 2011)
Krishnagopal Menon (Boston University) and David D. Williams (The Ohio State University), "Former Audit Partners and Abnormal Accruals," The Accounting Review (October 2004), Vol. 79, No. 4: 1095-1118.

2011-2012 (MYM 2012)
Jeffrey Cohen (Boston College), Arnold Wright (Northeastern University), and Ganesh Krishnamoorthy (Northeastern University), "Corporate Governance and the Audit Process," Contemporary Accounting Research (Winter 2002), Vol. 19, No. 4: 573-594.

2012-2013 (MYM 2013)
Hollis A. Skaife, Ryan LaFond and Brian W. Mayhew, "Do Nonaudit Services Compromise Auditor Independence? Further Evidence," The Accounting Review (July 2003), Vol, 78, No. 3, pp. 611-639.

2013-14 (MYM 2014)
James N. Myers, Linda A. Myers, and Thomas C. Omer,“Exploring the Term of the Auditor-Client Relationship and the Quality of Earnings: A Case for Mandatory Auditor Rotation,” The Accounting Review 78(3), 2003, pp. 779-799.

2014-15 (MYM 2015)
Jayanthi Krishnan, "Audit Committee Quality and internal Control: An Empirical Analysis," The Accounting Review 80(2), 2005, pp. 649-675.

Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award

First awarded 2002-2003

2002-2003 (MYM 2003)
Ulric J. Gelinas, Jr., Elliott S. Levy and Jay C. Thibodeau (all Bentley College), for the Innovative Case Entitled: "Norwood Office Supplies, Inc." Issues in Accounting Education, November 2001.

2003-2004 (MYM 2004)
Christine E. Earley (Bently College) for Her Innovative Integration of Professional Ethics and Ethical Reasoning Skills into an Assurance Services Course

2004-2005 (MYM 2005)
Timothy B. Bell (KPMG, LLP) and Ira Solomon (University of Illinois at Urbana) for the Innovative Development of Cases In Strategic-Systems Auditing

2005-2006 (MYM 2006)
Cindy Durtschi (Utah State University) for Her Innovative Development of "The Tallahassee Bean Counters: A Problem-Based Learning Case in Forensic Auditing"

2006-2007 (MYM 2007)
Eric E. Spires (The Ohio State University) for His Innovative Development of Case Materials for His Financial Fraud Detection Course

2007-2008 (MYM 2008)
Jeffrey Cohen (Boston College), Arnold Wright (Northeastern University), and Ganesh Krishnamoorthy (Northeastern University). 2005. "Dynamic Data: Corporate Governance and Auditors' Evaluation of Accounting Estimates," Issues in Accounting Education, vol.20, no.1, 119-129.

2010-2011 (MYM 2011)
Mark J. Kohlbeck (Florida Atlantic University), Jeffrey Cohen (Boston College), and Lori Holder-Webb (Western New England University). 2009. “Auditing Intangible Assets and Evaluating Fair Market Value: The Case of Reacquired Franchise Rights.” Issues in Accounting Education 24 (1): 45-61.

2011-2012 (MYM 2012)
Fred Phillips (University of Saskatchewan) for His Innovative Development of "Wiki Art Gallery, Inc.: A Case for Critical Thinking," Issues in Accounting Education, (August, 2011), pp. 593-608.

2012-2013 (MYM 2013)
Catherine Armfield Mojumdar, Mark M. Chain, Philip Hueber and Mark E. Peecher, for their innovative development of "Auditor Independence Education Materials."

2013-14 (MYM 2014)
Sam Ranzilla (KPMG), George Herrmann (KPMG), Rob Chevalier (KPMG),Steve Glover (BYU), and Doug Prawitt (BYU) for "Elevating Professional Judgment in Auditing: The KPMG Professional Judgment Framework."

2014-15 (MYM 2015)
Ronald J. Daigle, Timothy J. Louwers, and Jan Taylor Morris, "HealthSouth, Inc.: An Instructional Case Examining Auditings’ Legal Liability," Issues in Accounting Education: November 2013, Vol, 28, No. 4, pp. 887-893.

A Journal of Practice & Theory Best Paper Award

Mark Nelson (Cornell University) for his paper, “A Model and Literature Review of Professional Skepticism in Auditing,” Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (November, 2009), pp. 1-34.

David Piercey (University of Massachusetts Amherst) for his paper, “Documentation Requirements and Qualified versus Qualitative Audit Risk Assessments,” Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (November, 2011), pp. 223-248.

Brian Batten, Lisa Milici Gaynor, Linda McDaniel, Norma R. Montague, and Gregory E. Sierra, "The Audit of Fair Values and Other Estimates: The Effects of Underlying Environmental, Task, and Auditor-Specific Factors," Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 2013, Vol. 32, No. Supplement 1, pp. 7-44.