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2013 Lee H. Radebaugh Notable Contribution to International Research Award

(Extended Deadline)

In Fall 2002, the first issue of the Journal of International Accounting Research appeared. After ten years, eighteen issues and five editors, the International Section feels this is something to celebrate. Further, one of those editors, Lee Radebaugh, will be retiring from BYU at the end of 2013 after over 40 years of service to the International Accounting Community. Therefore, the International Section of the American Accounting Association is pleased to announce the Lee H. Radebaugh Notable Contribution to International Research Award in recognition of the paper published in the Journal of International Accounting Research in the past decade that has made the greatest contribution to the field.

Award Criteria

The JIAR Notable Contribution Award Committee will select the winning paper. The committee will include the current editor of JIAR, at least one past editor, and three other members chosen by the President of the International Section who have a long term perspective on international research. For 2013, the first year of the award, papers appearing in print in JIAR in volumes 01 (2002) through 09(2) (2010) are eligible. Papers authored or co-authored by members of the selection committee are not eligible.

The assessment of what constitutes a notable contribution to international research will be based upon the following criteria:(1)a demonstrable impact on international research; (2) the importance of the issue(s) addressed; (3) the creativity of the research; (4) theappropriateness of the theoretical development,research method, andanalysis; and (5) the number and quality of citations.

Instructions for Submitting Nominations

Nominations should include a brief statement (2-3 paragraphs) indicating the perceived contribution or potential contribution of the paper. Nominations should be forwarded to Robert Knechel, Chair of the IAS Sections Publications Committee w.knechel@warrington.ufl.edu by December 14, 2012 to be eligible for consideration.

Award Presentation

The winner(s) will receive a plaque and a $2,500 prize at the 2013 Mid-Year Section Meeting in Savannah.