• Welcome to the Public Interest Section

    Promotes academic and professional communities interested in the interface of accounting with social, economic, ethical and political consequences of corporate activity.

  • Share the latest news!

    You are invited to submit your ideas for the Public Interest Newsletter - columns ideas, article publications, recent member accomplishments, websites of interest, accounting puzzles, short articles, professional announcements about journals or conferences, anything you think members might find useful via email to Michael Kraten mkraten@providence.edu.

We encourage you to consider catching up with your colleagues and attending an upcoming meeting.

2016 Conference of the Public Interest Section

March 31 – April 1, 2016
The Alfond Inn
Orlando (Winter Park), FL

Please mark your calendar!

The 2016 Conference of the Public Interest Sections will be held in Winter Park, Florida, at The Alfond Inn on March 31 - April 1, 2016.

Sponsored by the AAA's Professionalism and Ethics Committee and the Public Interest Section ~ 2014 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA

Submit a Paper | Volunteer as a Reviewer |  Volunteer as a Moderator | Volunteer as a Discussant

Call for Submissions

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: APRIL 7, 2014 Extended to April 14 2014

The Professionalism and Ethics Committee and Public Interest Section of the American Accounting Association invite submission of papers, cases, and panel session proposals for presentation at the 19th Annual Ethics Research Symposium on Sunday, August 3, 2014, in Atlanta, GA. The 19th Annual Ethics Research Symposium will immediately precede the AAA Annual meeting concurrent sessions.

The AAA's Professionalism and Ethics Committee is charged, in part, "to encourage and support accounting ethics education and scholarship in universities, and to set a tone for instilling a greater sense of professionalism and ethical conduct in the practice and teaching of accounting." Accounting ethics and professional responsibility are at the core of the profession's obligation to serve the public interest and honor the public trust. Academic research plays a critical role investigating causes and consequences of ethical practice and/or failure at the systemic level, the organizational level and the individual level. Our work can be informed by multiple research methods and theoretical paradigms. The 19th Annual Ethics Research Symposium encourages submissions of academic research, teaching papers, panel sessions, cases studies and notes that address relevant issues in accounting ethics. Early and middle-stage papers are also considered. Submitted research should focus on contributions that enhance teaching and/or practice. Submissions should follow the format used in AAA journals or one of the journals listed below that are associated with the symposium. Contributions from members of all AAA Sections are invited.

Contributors may receive invitations from the following journals that are associated with the Annual Ethics Symposium: Accounting and the Public Interest, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Global Perspectives on Accounting Education, and Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting.At Sunday's Accounting Exemplar Luncheon the Accounting Exemplar award will be granted by the Public Interest Section. In addition, the Symposium will recognize other research including: the Best Research Paper, the Best Innovation for Teaching, the Best Paper by a current doctoral student, and the Best Paper by a recent graduate (graduation from a doctoral program must have occurred within the last 3 years).

SUBMISSIONS will be accepted through April 14, 2014 at our AAA website:https://aaahq.org/AAAForms/AM2014/formETHICS.cfm. The success of the Symposium relies upon all its participants. To participate as a reviewer, discussant or moderator please volunteer by using the hyperlinks shown at the top of this announcement.

NOTE: A reception is planned for Saturday, August 2 at 6:30 so come out and meet new colleagues, greet old friends, and welcome doctoral students to our premier group of ethics researchers! Questions can be sent to Janet LuftMobus (mobusjl@plu.edu) and Mark Mitschow (Mitschow@geneseo.edu).