• Welcome to the Public Interest Section

    Promotes academic and professional communities interested in the interface of accounting with social, economic, ethical and political consequences of corporate activity.

  • Share the latest news!

    You are invited to submit your ideas for the Public Interest Newsletter - columns ideas, article publications, recent member accomplishments, websites of interest, accounting puzzles, short articles, professional announcements about journals or conferences, anything you think members might find useful via email to Michael Kraten mkraten@providence.edu.

The overall objective of the Public Interest Section is to promote knowledge and responsible action with respect to the role and effects of accounting information and social and ethical responsibilities of accounting professionals in areas including social and environmental accounting, public interest issues, government/profession regulation, professional and business ethics, direct assistance programs, and, in general, contributing to the quality of our common life.

  • Save the date: 2016 Conference of the Public Interest Section March 31, 2016 – April 1, 2016, click here for details.

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Accounting and Public Policy: The Importance of Credible Research
Christine A. Denison and Paul F. Williams

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   We encourage you to consider catching up with your colleagues and attending an upcoming meeting.