• 2016 Ohio Region Meeting

    The Ohio Region Meeting is a great opportunity to learn and share teaching, research, and service ideas. Be a part of your accounting education community by submitting your work for presentation at the meeting.

    Our exciting conference will take place April 7-9, 2016 in Cleveland (Beachwood), Ohio at the DoubleTree by Hilton Cleveland, East-Beachwood, Ohio.

  • Sharpen Your Teaching Skills

    Collaborative Teaching Tips: Tough Questions

    Engaging Non-traditional Students: Strategies for Success

    ADA GAAP - Are You Compliant? Tools to Ease Your Course Into ADA Compliance

    Issues Related to the Intermediate Accounting Course Sequence.

    Audit Project

    Tips for Creating and Posting Material for Online and Hybrid Classes

  • CTLA Sessions

    Five sessions will be presented on Friday and Saturday at the meeting, sessions in this track will feature presentations by educators from across the country sharing valuable teaching tips that you can put to use immediately in your classes. More details coming soon!

  • National Pilot Region Speaker

    Joe Hoyle, University of Richmond

    Perspectives on High-Quality Teaching

    Gain insights from a 2015 Cook Prize winner about their teaching philosophy and what motivates them to be superior teachers.

Click Here to Volunteer

Please consider volunteering to support the 2016 Ohio Region Meeting in one or more of the following capacities:

Paper/Case Submission Reviewer (for Paper and Dialogue Sessions)
The first and most important decision that the Paper/Case Submission Reviewer must make is whether or not the work is sufficiently advanced to be accepted for the meeting. Additionally, the reviewer is encouraged to provide supplemental comments explaining that choice, and indicating the state of advancement of the paper - whether it is a near-completed work, or if it is in a state of needed development. This information will help the submitting author with his/her development of the work, and, if it is to be accepted, it will assist the Paper Chair in deciding the best possible session in which to include the submission for presentation.

Paper Session Moderator
The Moderator will have logistical responsibilities during the Paper Session, keeping the agreed upon time schedule for each paper presentation and discussion, as well as ensuring the session starts and ends punctually.

Paper Session Discussant
The Discussant will be responsible for preparing paper feedback and presenting the feedback immediately following the presentation made by the paper's author. The discussant will have approximately 10-15 minutes.

Dialogue Facilitator for Dialogues Session
The Dialogue Facilitator has both logistical and facilitator responsibilities. Logistics include communicating with all of the session’s presenters before the meeting to make sure that all presenters share developmental questions about their own works with each other, read each others’ papers, and make notes on each others’ work for discussion.  The Dialogue Facilitator uses the author-submitted questions, as well as his/her own notes regarding each paper, to promote discussion. Also the Dialogue Facilitator must keep the agreed upon time schedule for each paper and ensure the session starts and ends punctually.

Click Here to Volunteer

Please consider volunteering to support the 2016 Ohio Region Meeting in one or more of the following capacities:

Paper/Case Submission Reviewer (for Paper and Dialogue Sessions)
The first and most important decision that the Paper/Case Submission Reviewer must make is whether or not the work is sufficiently advanced to be accepted for the meeting. Additionally, the reviewer is encouraged to provide supplemental comments explaining that choice, and indicating the state of advancement of the paper - whether it is a near-completed work, or if it is in a state of needed development. This information will help the submitting author with his/her development of the work, and, if it is to be accepted, it will assist the Paper Chair in deciding the best possible session in which to include the submission for presentation.

Paper Session Moderator
The Moderator will have logistical responsibilities during the Paper Session, keeping the agreed upon time schedule for each paper presentation and discussion, as well as ensuring the session starts and ends punctually.

Paper Session Discussant
The Discussant will be responsible for preparing paper feedback and presenting the feedback immediately following the presentation made by the paper's author. The discussant will have approximately 10-15 minutes.

Dialogue Facilitator for Dialogues Session
The Dialogue Facilitator has both logistical and facilitator responsibilities. Logistics include communicating with all of the session’s presenters before the meeting to make sure that all presenters share developmental questions about their own works with each other, read each others’ papers, and make notes on each others’ work for discussion.  The Dialogue Facilitator uses the author-submitted questions, as well as his/her own notes regarding each paper, to promote discussion. Also the Dialogue Facilitator must keep the agreed upon time schedule for each paper and ensure the session starts and ends punctually.