• 2016 Ohio Region Meeting

    The Ohio Region Meeting is a great opportunity to learn and share teaching, research, and service ideas. Be a part of your accounting education community by submitting your work for presentation at the meeting.

    Our exciting conference will take place April 7-9, 2016 in Cleveland (Beachwood), Ohio at the DoubleTree by Hilton Cleveland, East-Beachwood, Ohio.

  • Sharpen Your Teaching Skills

    Collaborative Teaching Tips: Tough Questions

    Engaging Non-traditional Students: Strategies for Success

    ADA GAAP - Are You Compliant? Tools to Ease Your Course Into ADA Compliance

    Issues Related to the Intermediate Accounting Course Sequence.

    Audit Project

    Tips for Creating and Posting Material for Online and Hybrid Classes

  • CTLA Sessions

    Five sessions will be presented on Friday and Saturday at the meeting, sessions in this track will feature presentations by educators from across the country sharing valuable teaching tips that you can put to use immediately in your classes. More details coming soon!

  • National Pilot Region Speaker

    Joe Hoyle, University of Richmond

    Perspectives on High-Quality Teaching

    Gain insights from a 2015 Cook Prize winner about their teaching philosophy and what motivates them to be superior teachers.

Sharpen Your Teaching Skills Sessions

Using Technology in Today’s Classroom to Engage Students and Raise the Learning Bar!
Markus Ahrens - St. Louis Community College – Meramec Cathy Scott - Navarro College.

The session will examine how today’s students are engaged with technology tools every day, using mobile devices to text, tweet, post on social media, download and use apps, take selfies, “Google” and become “LinkedIn”. Will also show how student’s constant engagement with technology in their personal lives has transcended into the classroom as an important element of the learning experience. Discuss how 21st century educators need to thrive, not merely survive, when using technology in courses. Whether you teach face-to-face, online or in a blended format, learn ways to incorporate technology in courses, in order to improve engagement and raise the learning bar.

Use of Business Simulation in Undergraduate Managerial Accounting Principles Courses
Brian Rohrs and James Zeigler, Bowling Green State University.

The session focuses on using business simulations in undergraduate managerial accounting principles courses.  Presenters will present a short overview of the benefits/caveats of simulation use, discuss their experiences, provide an individual, interactive software demonstration and encourage others to consider simulation use. 

Teaching Accounting to Non-native English Speakers: Challenges and Techniques
Margaret Reed, University of Cincinnati

Participants will learn about (1) the difficulties faced by non-native English speakers, (2) in-class techniques to aid the non-native English speaker, (3) assessment techniques to aid the non-native English speaker and 4. the role of corrective feedback for non-native English speakers - all of the above are based on recent research studies concerning non-native English speakers in the accounting classroom.

Leading effective online discussions in introductory accounting courses.
Wendy Tietz, Kent State University

Participants will learn how to get the most out of using online discussions to promote interaction and engagement with introductory accounting students. Session will discuss the challenges and rewards of utilizing discussions effectively in the online accounting classroom. 

Lecture capture, part of the flipped the classroom pedagogy time
Pascal A Bizarro, Bowling Green State University.

The session will explore how to create effective lecture videos using Camtasia Studio 8. Starting from basic to more advanced features. Techniques to guarantee learning outcomes by the students such as embedded quizzes will be shared.

Incorporating Ethics Instruction Across the Accounting Curriculum
John Dexter and Russ Tietz, Edinboro University.

Attendees will learn different methods for incorporating ethics instruction across the accounting curriculum.  Learning outcomes include:  identify resources for teaching ethics, develop discussion questions for teaching ethics, get three specific examples participants may use in their classes.

Developing critical thinkers in first year accounting classes
Barry Palatnik,  Stockton University

This session will explore the driving forces behind calls to change the teaching pedagogy in the accounting classroom. Presenters will discuss the results of qualitative research regarding learners’ pedagogical preferences and demonstrate classroom activities that support an updated approach to teaching in the accounting classroom.


Sharpen Your Teaching Skills Sessions

Using Technology in Today’s Classroom to Engage Students and Raise the Learning Bar!
Markus Ahrens - St. Louis Community College – Meramec Cathy Scott - Navarro College.

The session will examine how today’s students are engaged with technology tools every day, using mobile devices to text, tweet, post on social media, download and use apps, take selfies, “Google” and become “LinkedIn”. Will also show how student’s constant engagement with technology in their personal lives has transcended into the classroom as an important element of the learning experience. Discuss how 21st century educators need to thrive, not merely survive, when using technology in courses. Whether you teach face-to-face, online or in a blended format, learn ways to incorporate technology in courses, in order to improve engagement and raise the learning bar.

Use of Business Simulation in Undergraduate Managerial Accounting Principles Courses
Brian Rohrs and James Zeigler, Bowling Green State University.

The session focuses on using business simulations in undergraduate managerial accounting principles courses.  Presenters will present a short overview of the benefits/caveats of simulation use, discuss their experiences, provide an individual, interactive software demonstration and encourage others to consider simulation use. 

Teaching Accounting to Non-native English Speakers: Challenges and Techniques
Margaret Reed, University of Cincinnati

Participants will learn about (1) the difficulties faced by non-native English speakers, (2) in-class techniques to aid the non-native English speaker, (3) assessment techniques to aid the non-native English speaker and 4. the role of corrective feedback for non-native English speakers - all of the above are based on recent research studies concerning non-native English speakers in the accounting classroom.

Leading effective online discussions in introductory accounting courses.
Wendy Tietz, Kent State University

Participants will learn how to get the most out of using online discussions to promote interaction and engagement with introductory accounting students. Session will discuss the challenges and rewards of utilizing discussions effectively in the online accounting classroom. 

Lecture capture, part of the flipped the classroom pedagogy time
Pascal A Bizarro, Bowling Green State University.

The session will explore how to create effective lecture videos using Camtasia Studio 8. Starting from basic to more advanced features. Techniques to guarantee learning outcomes by the students such as embedded quizzes will be shared.

Incorporating Ethics Instruction Across the Accounting Curriculum
John Dexter and Russ Tietz, Edinboro University.

Attendees will learn different methods for incorporating ethics instruction across the accounting curriculum.  Learning outcomes include:  identify resources for teaching ethics, develop discussion questions for teaching ethics, get three specific examples participants may use in their classes.

Developing critical thinkers in first year accounting classes
Barry Palatnik,  Stockton University

This session will explore the driving forces behind calls to change the teaching pedagogy in the accounting classroom. Presenters will discuss the results of qualitative research regarding learners’ pedagogical preferences and demonstrate classroom activities that support an updated approach to teaching in the accounting classroom.