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Friday, January 27, 2017

7:00 am – 11:45 am Doctoral Consortium

Friday, January 27, 2017 - FARS Midyear Meeting

7:30 am – 11:30 am Research Methods Workshop with Continental Breakfast Two-Part Models and Selection Models for Corner Solution Outcomes
CPE - 4.8 CH
Speaker: Jeffrey Wooldridge, Michigan State University
Presentation Click here
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch
Imagining Our Future: Envisioning Our Second Century
Speaker: Audrey Gramling, Colorado State University, 2016-17 AAA Council Past-Chair

1:45 pm – 3:15 pm

Journal of Financial Reporting Mini-Conference
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Richard Lambert, University of Pennsylvania

Do Investors Benefit from Selective Access to Management?
Brian Bushee, University of Pennsylvania
Michael J. Jung, New York University
regory S. Miller, University of Michigan
Discussant: Richard Frankel, Washington University in St. Louis

10-K Disclosure Repitition and Managerial Reporting Incentives.
Richard Cazier, The University of Texas El Paso
Ray Pfeiffer, Texas Christian University
Discussant: Mark Lang, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Implied Cost of Equity Capital Estimates as Predictors of Accounting Returns and Stock Returns.
Matthew Lyle, Northwestern University
Stephannie A. Larocque, University of Notre Dame
Discussant: Charles C.Y. Wang, Harvard University

3:15 pm – 3:45 pm Break

3:45 pm – 5:15 pm Concurrent Sessions

Session 1.01: Audit Quality I
Auditing - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Roy Schmardebeck, University of Missouri

Big N Auditors and Audit Quality: New Evidence from QuasiExperiments.
John Jiang, Michigan State University
Isabel Wang, Michigan State University
Kailong Wang, Michigan State University
Discussant: Daniel Aobdia, Northwestern University

Does the Organization and Culture of the Largest Audit Firms Influence their Audit Quality and Efficiency?
Daniel Aobdia, Northwestern University
Discussant: Joseph Pacelli, Indiana University

Does Engagement Partner Expertise Matter? Evidence from the U.S. Operations of the Big 4 Audit Firms.
Daniel Aobdia, Northwestern University
Saad M. Siddiqui, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Andres Vinelli, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Discussant: Lauren Cunningham, The University of Tennessee

Session 1.02: Board of Directors: Expertise, Experience and Reputation
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Francois Brochet, Boston University Board

Heterogeneity of Expertise and Firm Performance.
Daehyun Kim, University of Toronto
Laura T. Starks, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Adrienne C. Rhodes, Texas A&M University

Managing Reputation: Evidence from Biographies of Corporate Directors.
Ian Gow, Harvard University
Aida Sijamic Wahid, University of Toronto
Gwen Yu, Harvard University
Discussant: Francois Brochet, Boston University

Transporting Transparency: Director Foreign Experience and Corporate Information Environment.
Guanmin Liao, Central University of Finance and Economics
Mark (Shuai) Ma, American University
Xiaoyun Yu, Kelley School of Business Indiana University
Discussant: Daehyun Kim, University of Toronto

Session 1.03: Credit Ratings
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Maria Loumioti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Management Earnings Guidance and Future Credit Rating Agency Actions.
An-Ping Lin, Singapore Management University
Discussant: Yadav Gopalan, Washington University in St. Louis

Managerial Incentives to Influence Credit Ratings Through Financial Reporting.
Kyungha Lee, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Stefan Schantl, The University of Melbourne
Discussant: Jordan Schoenfeld, The University of Utah Mandatory

Financial Statement Disclosure and Credit Ratings.
Steven Vanhaverbeke, KU Leuven
Benjamin Balsmeier, Technical University Freiberg, Thorsten Doherr, Technical University Freidberg
Discussant: Maria Loumioti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Independence

Session 1.04: Debt Covenants
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Susie Wang, University of Michigan

Debt Heterogeneity and Covenants.
Clemens Otto, HEC Paris Yun Lou, HEC Paris
Discussant: Rahul Vashishtha, Duke University

Non-GAAP Reporting Following Debt Covenant Violation.
Theodore E. Christensen, The University of Georgia
Hang Pei, George Washington University Spencer
Ryan Pierce, Florida State University
Liang Tan, George Washington University
Discussant: Susie Wang, University of Michigan

Internal Forecast Accuracy and the Preemption of Covenant Violations.
Ruihao Ke, Southern Methodist University
Meng Li, University of Michigan
Joseph Weber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jieying Zhang, The University of Texas at Dallas
Discussant: Bradley E. Hendricks, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Session 1.05: Debt Markets: Auditors, Regulators and Governments
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Biqin Xie, The Pennsylvania State University

Connected Auditors and Bank Loan Spreads.
Lin Cheng, The University of Arizona
Mei Cheng, The University of Arizona
Dan S. Dhaliwal, The University of Arizona
Steve Kaplan, The Arizona State University
Discussant: Travis Dyer, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Examining the Usefulness of Information Revealed During the SEC Filing Review Process: Evidence from Debt Contracting.
Lauren Cunningham, The University of Tennessee
Roy Schmardebeck, University of Missouri
Wei Wang, University of Missouri
Discussant: Michael Minnis, University of Chicago

Government Guarantees and Banks’ Loan Loss Provision Smoothing.
Manuela Dantas, Cornell University
Kenneth Merkley, Cornell University
Felipe Bastos G. Silva, Cornell University
Discussant: Biqin Xie, The Pennsylvania State University Trade

Session 1.06: Political Connections and Lobbying
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Thomas Ruchti, Carnegie Mellon University

Do Politically Connected Directors Affect Accounting Quality? Evidence from a Natural Experiment.
Ole-Kristian Hope, University of Toronto
Heng Yue, Singapore Management University
Qinlin Zhong, Peking University
Discussant: Kevin Smith, University of Pennsylvania

Influence Activities, Coalitions, and Uniform Policies.
Henry L. Friedman, University of California, Los Angeles
Mirko Stanislav Heinle, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Ying Liang, Baruch College–CUNY

The Market for Information: Evidence on the Exchange of Information Between Brokerage Houses and Politicians.
Andrew Stephan, Northwestern University
Beverly R. Walther, Northwestern University
Laura A. Wellman, The University of Utah
Discussant: Michael T. Kirschenheiter, University of Illinois at Chicago

Session 1.07: Taxes: Tax Avoidance and ETRs
Taxes - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Fabio Bredariol Gaertner, University of Wisconsin–Madison

CEO Severance Pay and Corporate Tax Avoidance.
John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia
Xinjiao Guan, National University of Singapore
Oliver Zhen Li, National University of Singapore
Zhen Zheng, National University of Singapore
Discussant: Fabio Bredariol Gaertner, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Determinants and Consequences of Intra-Year Error in Annual Effective Tax Rate Estimates.
Qi Dong, The Pennsylvania State University Erie
Discussant: Sean Thomas McGuire, Texas A&M University

Macroeconomic Effects of Aggregate Corporate Tax Avoidance: A Cross-Country Analysis.
Terry J. Shevlin, University of California, Irvine
Lakshmanan Shivakumar, London Business School
Oktay Urcan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Andrew Bird, Carnegie Mellon University

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Reception

Saturday, January 28, 2017

8:00 am – 9:30 am Concurrent Sessions

Session 2.01: CEO Reputation and Pay
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Gregory Sabin, Boston University

CEO Equity-Based Incentives and Shareholder Say-on-Pay in the U.S.
Denton Collins, Texas Tech University
Blair Marquardt, Texas Tech University
Xu Niu, Texas Tech University
Discussant: Shira Cohen, Temple University

What Does Reporting Reputation Buy in the Options Market? The Effect of Reporting Streaks on Ex Ante Uncertainty.
Edward Riedl, Boston University
Thaddeus Andrew Neururer, Boston University
George Papadakis, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Discussant: Volkan Muslu, University of Houston

Benchmarking, Incentive Rebalancing, and the Influence of Labor Market Competition on CEO Equity Grants.
Brian D. Cadman, The University of Utah
Mary Ellen Carter, Boston College
Xiaoxia Peng, The University of Utah
Discussant: David Hendrik Erkens, University of Southern California

Session 2.02: Earnings Management and Discretionary Accrual Proxies
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Ciao-Wei Chen, University of Illinois

Earnings Management Proxies: Prudent Business Decisions or Earnings Manipulation?
Theodore E. Christensen, The University of Georgia
Adrienna Huffman, Tulane University
Melissa Fay Lewis-Western, Brigham Young University
Discussant: Nerissa C. Brown, University of Delaware

Behavior of Accrual Management and Performance of Discretionary Accrual Proxies.
Wei Zhu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Yue Li, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Zhiyan Song, The University of Iowa

Operating Asymmetries and Propensity Score Matching in Discretionary Accrual Models.
Rajiv D. Banker, Temple University
Dmitri Byzalov, Temple University
Shunlan Fang, Kent State University
Byunghoon Jin, Temple University
Discussant: Jeff Lawrence McMullin, Indiana University Bloomington

Session 2.03: Executive Compensation
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Michael Shen, Michigan State University

The Treatment of Special Items in Determining CEO Cash Compensation.
James Potepa, George Washington University
Discussant: Theodore H. Goodman, Purdue University

CEO-to-Worker Pay Disparity and Cost of Debt: Excessive CEO Compensation or Effective Labor Cost Management?
Lijun Lei, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Discussant: David Veenman, University of Amsterdam

Rank and File Equity Compensation and Earnings Management: Economic incentives and the Robin-Hood Effect.
Darin Kip Holderness, West Virginia University
Adrienna Huffman, Tulane University
Melissa Fay Lewis-Western, Brigham Young University
Discussant: Susanna Gallani, Harvard University

Session 2.04: Financial Analysts: Information Provision and Interpretation
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Matt Bjornsen, Oklahoma State University

The Information Content of Analysts’ Book Value Per Share Forecasts.
Dirk E. Black, Dartmouth College Thaddeus
Andrew Neururer, Boston University
Discussant: Zhenhua Chen, Tulane University

Do Financial Analysts Compel Firms to Make Accounting Decisions?: Evidence from Goodwill Impairments.
Douglas Ayres, Ball State University
John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia
James A. Chyz, The University of Tennessee
Jonathan Shipman, University of Arkansas
Discussant: Neerav Nagar, Indian Institute of Management

Analyst Spin.
Michael J. Jung, New York University
Jing Chen, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Zahn Bozanic, The Ohio State University
Xuan Huang, California State University at Long Beach
Discussant: Joshua Tyler White, The University of Georgia

Session 2.05: Financial Reporting Quality
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Zhejia Ling, Iowa State University

Changes in Accounting Estimates: A Double-Edged Sword?
Anne Albrecht, Texas Christian University
Kyonghee Kim, University of Missouri
Kwang June Lee, Securities and Exchange Commission
Discussant: Melissa Fay Lewis-Western, Brigham Young University

The Impact of Customer Attention on Aggressive Financial Reporting.
Michael Drake, Brigham Young University
Timothy Andrew Seidel, Brigham Young University
Brady Twedt, Indiana University Bloomington
David A. Wood, Brigham Young University
Discussant: Zhejia Ling, Iowa State University

Should Intangible Investments Be Reported Separately or Commingled with Operating Expenses? New Evidence.
Luminita Enache, Victoria University-Wellington
Anup Srivastava, Dartmouth College
Discussant: Clare Wang, Northwestern University

Session 2.06: Relative Performance Evaluation
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Ana Maria Albuquerque, Boston University

Relative Performance Benchmarks: Do Boards Get it Right?
Paul Ma, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis
Jee-Eun Shin, Harvard University
Charles C.Y. Wang, Harvard University
Discussant: Brian D. Cadman, The University of Utah Aggregate

CEO Compensation, Aggregate Performance and Aggregate Relative Performance Evaluation.
Ana Maria Albuquerque, Boston University
Mary Ellen Carter, Boston College
Bjorn N. Jorgensen, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Discussant: Susanna Gallani, Harvard University

Implementing Relative Performance Evaluation: The Role of Life Cycle Peers.
Katharine Diane Drake, The University of Arizona
Melissa Martin, University of Illinois at Chicago
Discussant: Dirk E. Black, Dartmouth College

Session 2.07: Real Earnings Management and the Cost of Misreporting
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: David M. Folsom, Lehigh University

The Listing Cohort Phenomenon and Some Improvements in the Measurement of Real Activity Manipulation.
Anup Srivastava, Dartmouth College
Discussant: Xiaoli Tian, The Ohio State University

What are the Costs of Admitting Mistakes for U.S. Listed Foreign Firms?

Weili Ge, University of Washington
Dawn Matsumoto, University of Washington
Emily Wang, University of British Columbia
Li Zhang, University of British Columbia
Discussant: Cristi A. Gleason, The University of Iowa

Wrongful Discharge Laws and Real Earnings Management.
Kelly Huang, Florida International University
Brent Lao, Florida International University
Discussant: Yiwei Dou, New York University

9:15 am – 10:00 am Break

10:00 am – 11:30 am Concurrent Sessions

Session 3.01: Algorithmic Trading and Journalism
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Christopher Small, University of Toronto

How Does Algorithmic Trading Improve Market Quality?
Matthew Lyle, Northwestern University
James Patrick Naughton, Northwestern University
Discussant: Matthew C. Cedergren, New York University

Robo-Journalism and Capital Markets.
Elizabeth Blankespoor, Stanford University
Ed deHaan, University of Washington
Christina Zhu, Stanford University
Discussant: John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia

Do High-Frequency Traders Bring Fundamental Information into Prices?
Nilabhra Bhattacharya, Southern Methodist University
Bidisha Chakrabarty, Saint Louis University
Xu Wang, Saint Louis University
Discussant: Alina Lerman, Yale University

Session 3.02: Earnings News Anomalies

Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Henry Laurion, University of California, Berkeley

Individual Investor Over-Extrapolation.
Stephen Adam Karolyi, Carnegie Mellon University
Aytekin Ertan, London Business School
Peter Kelly, Notre Dame
Robert Stoumbos, Yale University
Discussant: Alastair Lawrence, University of California, Berkeley

Headline Salience and Over- and Underreactions to Earnings.
Xuan Huang, California State University, Long Beach
Alexander Nekrasov, University of California, Irvine
Siew Hong Teoh, University of California, Irvine
Discussant: Travis Dyer, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Insider Trading and Post-Earnings Announcement Drift.
Lyungmae Choi, Arizona State University
Lucile C. Faurel, Arizona State University
Stephen A. Hillegeist, Arizona State University
Discussant: Henry Laurion, University of California, Berkeley

Session 3.03: Fair Value Issues
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: John Donovan, University of Notre Dame

Market Perceptions of the Informational and Convergence Effects of Fair Value Reporting for Tangible Assets: U.S. and Cross-Country Evidence.
Edward Riedl, Boston University
Lihong Liang, Syracuse University
Jenelle Conaway, Boston University
Discussant: John Donovan, University of Notre Dame

Portfolio Performance Manipulation in Collateralized Loan Obligations.
Maria Loumioti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Florin Vasvari, London Business School
iscussant: Edward Riedl, Boston University

On the Precision of the Stock Market’s Information about CustomerRelated Investments.
Chuchu Liang, Cornell University Eric Yeung, Cornell University
Discussant: Michael Iselin, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis Independence

Session 3.04: Financial Analysts: Peers, Buy-Side and Institutions
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Zhenhua Chen, Tulane University

Buy-Side Analysts’ Participation on Public Earnings Conference Calls.

Andrew C. Call, Arizona State University
Nathan Y. Sharp, Texas A&M University
Thomas Shohfi, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Discussant: Li Zhang, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Market Reactions to the Closest Peer Firm’s Analyst Revisions.
Ole-Kristian Hope, University of Toronto
Wuyang Zhao, University of Toronto
Discussant: Huihao Yan, Duke University

Who Consumes Firm Disclosures? Evidence from Earnings Conference Calls.
Jihwon Park, Harvard University
Anne Heinrichs, University of Chicago
Eugene Soltes, Harvard University
Discussant: S. McKay Price, Lehigh University

Session 3.05: Financial Analysts: Forecast and Revision Behavior
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: An-Ping Lin, Singapore Management University

Can Ex-Post Bias Arise from an Ex-Ante Unbiased Forecast?

Kathryn Brightbill, The University of Iowa
Cristi A. Gleason, The University of Iowa
Mark Penno, The University of Iowa
Discussant: Antonis Kartapanis, The University of Texas at Austin

Crowdsourced Earnings Forecasts, Analyst Forecast Timing, and the Speed of News Recognition.
Rajiv D. Banker, Temple University
Joshua Khavis, Temple University
Han-Up Park, Temple University
Discussant: Leila Peyravan, Rice University

Earnings Announcement Clustering and Analyst Forecast Behavior.
Matthew Driskill, California State University, Fullerton
Marcus Paul Kirk, University of Florida
Jennifer Wu Tucker, University of Florida
Discussant: Michael Tang, New York University

Session 3.06: Pricing Growth and Innovation
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Samuel Tan, University of California, Berkeley

The Use of Acquisitions to Report Continued Growth.
Arthur Morris, The University of Utah
Stephen Stubben, The University of Utah
Discussant: Stephannie A. Larocque, University of Notre Dame

Oil Prices, Earnings, and Stock Returns.
Steven Crawford, University of Houston
Garen Bedros Markarian, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
Volkan Muslu, University of Houston
Richard A. Price, The University of Oklahoma
Discussant: Christopher Rigsby, Northwestern University

Stock Market Overvaluation, Moon Shots, and Corporate Innovation.
Ming Dong, York University
David Hirshleifer, University of California, Irvine
Siew Hong Teoh, University of California, Irvine
Discussant: Jody Grewal, HBS Tryon

Session 3.07: Voluntary Disclosure
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Mark E. Evans, Wake Forest University

Strategic News Disclosure before Index Recompositions.

Elisabeth Klaes, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Joerg R. Werner, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Christian Wilk, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Discussant: Michael J. Jung, New York University

Market Disruption and Managerial Responses: Evidence from Financial Reporting and Management Forecasts.
Jinglin Jiang, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Vikram Nanda, The University of Texas at Dallas
Steven Xiao, The University of Texas at Dallas
Discussant: Alon Kalay, Columbia University

The Effect of Algorithmic Trading on Voluntary Disclosure.
Andrew Stephan, Northwestern University
Discussant: Santhosh M. Ramalingegowda, The University of Georgia

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch and Lifetime Achievement Award
Recipient: Mary E. Barth, Stanford University

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions

Session 4.01: Effects of Mandatory Disclosure
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Kyle Peterson, University of Oregon

Market-Wide Effects of Off-Balance Sheet Disclosures: Evidence from the Oil and Gas Industry.
Marc Badia, IESE Business School
Miguel Duro, IESE Business School
Bjorn N. Jorgensen, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Gaizka Ormazabal, IESE Business School
Discussant: Daniele Macciocchi, LUISS Guido Carli University

A Growing Wedge in Decision Usefulness: The Rise of Concurrent Earnings Announcements.
Salman Arif, Indiana University Bloomington
Nathan Thomas Marshall, University of Colorado Boulder
Joseph H. Schroeder, Indiana University Bloomington
Teri Lombardi Yohn, Indiana University Bloomington
Discussant: Jing Pan, The University of Utah

When You Talk, I Remain Silent: Spillover Effects of Peers' Mandatory Disclosures on Firms' Voluntary Disclosures.
Matthias Breuer, University of Chicago
Katharina Hombach, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Maximilian A. Mueller, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
Discussant: Kyle Peterson, University of Oregon

Session 4.02: Financial Reporting and Disclosure Around the World
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Emmanuel T. De George, London Business School

Financial Reporting Differences Around the World: What Matters?
Helena Isidro, Instituto Universitario de LIsboa
Dhananjay Nanda, University of Miami
Peter D. Wysocki, University of Miami
Discussant: Emmanuel T. De George, London Business School

Financial Reporting Enforcement and Firm Value.
Mark G. Maffett, University of Chicago
Hans Bonde Christensen, University of Chicago
Lisa Yao Liu, University of Chicago
Discussant: Annika Wang, University of California, Berkeley

Starving for Information? Financial Reporting Frequency and Earnings Information Spillovers around the World.
Emmanuel T. De George, London Business School
Salman Arif, Indiana University Bloomington
Discussant: Samuel Tan, University of California, Berkeley

Session 4.03: Monitoring Effects: Standard Setters, Regulators and Activists
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Sarah Shonka McCoy, Bentley University

Activist Short-Selling.
Wuyang Zhao, University of Toronto
Discussant: Lucile C. Faurel, Arizona State University

Performance Reporting of Comprehensive Income and Earnings Manipulations: Based on the Bank Holding Companies.

Yiting Cao, Boston University
Discussant: Anup Srivastava, Dartmouth College

The Deterrence Effects of SEC Enforcement Actions on Insider Trading.
Seong Jin Ahn, Washington University
Jared Jennings, Washington University
Discussant: Henry L. Friedman, University of California, Los Angeles

Session 4.04: Perceptions of Non-Financial Information
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Lauren Cooper, West Virginia University

Do Investors perceive that Stock Positions create a Conflict of Interest? Evidence from Stock Opinions Transmitted Through Social Media.
John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia
Matthew David DeAngelis, Georgia State University
James Robert Moon, Georgia State University
Discussant: Yuan Xie, Fordham University

Market Reaction to Mandatory Nonfinancial Disclosure.
Jody Grewal, Harvard University
Edward Riedl, Boston University
George Serafeim, Harvard University
Discussant: John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia

Investment Professionals’ Use of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures.
Markus C. Arnold, University of Bern
Christoph Hoerner, University of Bern
Patrick Ryan Martin, Indiana University Bloomington
Donald V. Moser, University of Pittsburgh
Discussant: George Ruch, The University of Oklahoma

Session 4.05: Risk and Risk Management
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jenna Feagin, The University of Georgia

Corporate Failure and the Business Cycle: Measuring Systematic Risk.
Maria Ogneva, University of Southern California
Joseph Piotroski, Stanford University
Anastasia Zakolyukina, University of Chicago
3Discussant: Matthew Lyle, Northwestern University

Real and Accounting Effects of Mandatory Derivatives Disclosures.
Raluca Chiorean, Lehigh University
Discussant: Michael Crawley, University of Arkansas

Slack and Crash Risk.
Theodore H. Goodman, Purdue University
Volkan Muslu, University of Houston
Hyungshin Park, Southern Methodist University
Discussant: Robert Resutek, The University of Georgia

Session 4.06: Taking the Pulse of The U.S. Economy Using Accounting Data
Economics - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Salman Arif, Indiana University Bloomington

Overproduction, Aggregate Earnings Growth and GDP Growth.
Bjorn N. Jorgensen, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Yong Gyu Lee, Sungkyunkwan University
Hyung il Oh, University of Washington Bothell
Discussant: Salman Arif, Indiana University Bloomington

From Accounting to Economics: The Role of Aggregate Special Items in Gauging the State of the Economy.
Ahmed Abdalla, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Jose Carabias, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Discussant: Jean Zeng, University of California, Berkeley

Another Look at the Macroeconomic Information Content of Aggregate Earnings.
Rebecca Hann, University of Maryland–College Park
Congcong Li, Singapore Management University
Maria Ogneva, University of Southern California
Discussant: Henry Laurion, University of California, Berkeley

Session 4.07: Valuation, Future Performance and Benchmarking
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Nicholas Martin, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Do Dividends Convey Information about Future Earnings?
Charles Ham, Washington University
Zachary R. Kaplan, Washington University
Mark Leary, Washington University in St. Louis
Discussant: Alon Kalay, Columbia University

Employment Protection Legislation and Firm Operating Performance.
Henock Louis, The Pennsylvania State University
Oktay Urcan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Sam Bonsall, The Ohio State University

The Search for Peer Firms: When Do Crowds Provide Wisdom?
Charles M.C. Lee, Stanford University
Paul Ma, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis
Charles C.Y. Wang, Harvard University
Discussant: John R.M. Hand, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Break

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions

Session 5.01: Audit Quality II
Auditing - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Kristen Valentine, The University of Texas at Austin

Consistently in Trouble: Negative Consequences of Accounting Inconsistency.
Kyle Peterson, University of Oregon
Roy Schmardebeck, University of Missouri
T. Jeffrey Wilks, Brigham Young University
Discussant: Christopher Calvin, Duke University

Equity-Debt Agency Costs and Demand for Audit Quality.
Santhosh M. Ramalingegowda, University of Georgia
Liang Tan, George Washington University
Yong Yu, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: John Jiang, Michigan State University

The Impact of Audits on Financial Statement Error in the Presence of Incentive and Opportunity.
Melissa Fay Lewis-Western, Brigham Young University
Erik S. Boyle, The University of Utah
Christine Ann Botosan, The University of Utah
Discussant: Phillip T. Lamoreaux, Arizona State University

Session 5.02: Disclosure and Managerial Ability
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Ayung Tseng, Indiana University Bloomington

CEO Ability Uncertainty, Career Concerns and Voluntary Disclosure.
Khrystyna Bochkay, University of Miami
Dhananjay Nanda, University of Miami
Roman Chychyla, University of Miami
Discussant: Anywhere Sikochi, Harvard University

Market Risk Disclosure as Signal of Risk Management Effectiveness.
Gerald Lobo, University of Houston
Wei Z. Siqueira, University at Albany, SUNY
Kinsun Tam, University at Albany, SUNY
Jian Zhou, University of Hawaii-Manoa
Discussant: Christina Synn, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Role of Managerial Ability and Incentives in Shaping the Clarity of Regulated Disclosures.

Eric Holzman, Indiana University Bloomington
Brian P. Miller, Indiana University Bloomington
Discussant: Joshua Madsen, University of Minnesota

Session 5.03: Gender and Ethnicity Effects
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Kristina Rennekamp, Cornell University

Beauty Premium? Evidence from Institutional Investors’ Voting for AllStar Analysts.
Congcong Li, Singapore Management University
An-Ping Lin, Singapore Management University
Hai Lu, Singapore Management University
evin Jason Veenstra, McMaster University
Discussant: Meng Li, University of Michigan

Does Information About Gender Pay Matter to Investors? An Experimental Investigation.
Chelsea Rae Austin, University of South Carolina
Donna Bobek Schmitt, University of South Carolina
Ling Lin Harris, University of South Carolina
Discussant: Ryan Dale Guggenmos, Cornell University

Managers’ Cultural Background and Disclosure Attributes.
Francois Brochet, Boston University
Gregory S. Miller, University of Michigan
Patricia L. Naranjo, Rice University
Gwen Yu, Harvard University
Discussant: Joseph Pacelli, Indiana University

Session 5.04: Information Dynamics in Conference Calls
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Joshua Alan Lee, The University of Georgia

“Casting” a Doubt: Informational Role of Analyst Participation During Earnings Conference Calls.
William J. Mayew, Duke University
Mani Sethuraman, Cornell University
Mohan Venkatachalam, Duke University
Discussant: Kimball Chapman, Washington University in St. Louis

Hyperbole or Reality? Investor Response to Extreme Language in Earnings Conference Calls.
Khrystyna Bochkay, University of Miami
Jeffrey Hales, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sudheer Chava, Georgia Institute of Technology
Discussant: Kimball Chapman, Washington University in St. Louis

What Does “But” Really Mean? — Evidence from Managers’ Answers to Analysts’ Questions during Conference Calls.
Ke Xu, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Dan Palmon, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark
Ari Yezegel, Bentley University
Discussant: Mani Sethuraman, Cornell University

Session 5.05: Strategic Disclosure
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: R. Christopher Small, University of Toronto

Technological Peer Pressure and Product Disclosure.
Sean Cao, Georgia State University
Guang Ma, National University of Singapore
Jennifer Wu Tucker, University of Florida
Chi Wan, University of Massachusetts Boston
Discussant: Michael Minnis, University of Chicago

Strategic Disclosure Misclassification. Paul Ma, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis

Stephen Adam Karolyi, Carnegie Mellon University
Andrew Bird, Carnegie Mellon University
Discussant: Gwen Yu, Harvard University

Product-Market Competition and Strategic Disclosure of R&D Expenditures.
Masako Darrough, Baruch College–CUNY
Jangwon Suh, New York Institute of Technology
Yannan Shen, New York Institute of Technology
Discussant: John Donovan, University of Notre Dame

Session 5.06: Taxes: Deductions, Refunds and Tax Risk Factors
Taxes - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jaron Wilde, The University of Iowa

A Signaling Benefit to Forgoing Tax Refunds: Evidence from Private Debt Contracts.
Daniel Saavedra, University of California, Los Angeles
Discussant: Jaron Wilde, The University of Iowa

Do Mandatory Risk Factor Disclosures Predict Future Cash Flows and Stock Returns? Evidence from Tax Risk Factor Disclosures.
John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia
Mark Cecchini, University of South Carolina
Anna M. Cianci, Wake Forest University
Anne Ehinger, The University of Georgia
Edward M. Werner, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Discussant: Jeff Lamro Hoopes, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Do Tax Deductions for Goodwill Impairments Affect Financial Reporting?
Sarah Blechinger, University of Connecticut
Steve Utke, University of Connecticut
Discussant: Nathan C. Goldman, The University of Texas at Dallas

Session 5.07: Non-GAAP Reporting
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Andrew Van Buskirk, The Ohio State University

Litigation Risk and Non-GAAP Reporting.
Richard Cazier, The University of Texas at El Paso
Theodore E. Christensen, The University of Georgia
Kenneth Merkley, Cornell University
John S. Treu, Pace University
Discussant: Jeffrey T. Doyle, Utah State University

Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure in Loss Firms.
Edith Leung, Erasmus University Rotterdam
David Veenman, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Discussant: Jeffrey T. Doyle, Utah State University

Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure and IPO Pricing.
Nerissa C. Brown, University of Delaware
Theodore E. Christensen, The University of Georgia
Andrea Menini, University of Padova
Thomas DeVoe Steffen, Duke University
Discussant: Thomas Ruchti, Carnegie Mellon University


Note: The CPE Fields of Study curriculum is divided into twenty three subject matter areas. These fields represent the primary knowledge and skill areas needed by accounting licensees to perform professional services in all fields of employment. Sessions that offer CPE credit have the Field of Study and Credit Hours (CH) in red. Each Credit Hour is based on 50 minutes. The Program Level for each of these sessions is Basic, unless otherwise stated. Delivery Method: Group Live

American Accounting Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its

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Search/Browse Online Program

Friday, January 27, 2017

7:00 am – 11:45 am Doctoral Consortium

Friday, January 27, 2017 - FARS Midyear Meeting

7:30 am – 11:30 am Research Methods Workshop with Continental Breakfast Two-Part Models and Selection Models for Corner Solution Outcomes
CPE - 4.8 CH
Speaker: Jeffrey Wooldridge, Michigan State University
Presentation Click here
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch
Imagining Our Future: Envisioning Our Second Century
Speaker: Audrey Gramling, Colorado State University, 2016-17 AAA Council Past-Chair

1:45 pm – 3:15 pm

Journal of Financial Reporting Mini-Conference
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Richard Lambert, University of Pennsylvania

Do Investors Benefit from Selective Access to Management?
Brian Bushee, University of Pennsylvania
Michael J. Jung, New York University
regory S. Miller, University of Michigan
Discussant: Richard Frankel, Washington University in St. Louis

10-K Disclosure Repitition and Managerial Reporting Incentives.
Richard Cazier, The University of Texas El Paso
Ray Pfeiffer, Texas Christian University
Discussant: Mark Lang, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Implied Cost of Equity Capital Estimates as Predictors of Accounting Returns and Stock Returns.
Matthew Lyle, Northwestern University
Stephannie A. Larocque, University of Notre Dame
Discussant: Charles C.Y. Wang, Harvard University

3:15 pm – 3:45 pm Break

3:45 pm – 5:15 pm Concurrent Sessions

Session 1.01: Audit Quality I
Auditing - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Roy Schmardebeck, University of Missouri

Big N Auditors and Audit Quality: New Evidence from QuasiExperiments.
John Jiang, Michigan State University
Isabel Wang, Michigan State University
Kailong Wang, Michigan State University
Discussant: Daniel Aobdia, Northwestern University

Does the Organization and Culture of the Largest Audit Firms Influence their Audit Quality and Efficiency?
Daniel Aobdia, Northwestern University
Discussant: Joseph Pacelli, Indiana University

Does Engagement Partner Expertise Matter? Evidence from the U.S. Operations of the Big 4 Audit Firms.
Daniel Aobdia, Northwestern University
Saad M. Siddiqui, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Andres Vinelli, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Discussant: Lauren Cunningham, The University of Tennessee

Session 1.02: Board of Directors: Expertise, Experience and Reputation
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Francois Brochet, Boston University Board

Heterogeneity of Expertise and Firm Performance.
Daehyun Kim, University of Toronto
Laura T. Starks, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Adrienne C. Rhodes, Texas A&M University

Managing Reputation: Evidence from Biographies of Corporate Directors.
Ian Gow, Harvard University
Aida Sijamic Wahid, University of Toronto
Gwen Yu, Harvard University
Discussant: Francois Brochet, Boston University

Transporting Transparency: Director Foreign Experience and Corporate Information Environment.
Guanmin Liao, Central University of Finance and Economics
Mark (Shuai) Ma, American University
Xiaoyun Yu, Kelley School of Business Indiana University
Discussant: Daehyun Kim, University of Toronto

Session 1.03: Credit Ratings
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Maria Loumioti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Management Earnings Guidance and Future Credit Rating Agency Actions.
An-Ping Lin, Singapore Management University
Discussant: Yadav Gopalan, Washington University in St. Louis

Managerial Incentives to Influence Credit Ratings Through Financial Reporting.
Kyungha Lee, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Stefan Schantl, The University of Melbourne
Discussant: Jordan Schoenfeld, The University of Utah Mandatory

Financial Statement Disclosure and Credit Ratings.
Steven Vanhaverbeke, KU Leuven
Benjamin Balsmeier, Technical University Freiberg, Thorsten Doherr, Technical University Freidberg
Discussant: Maria Loumioti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Independence

Session 1.04: Debt Covenants
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Susie Wang, University of Michigan

Debt Heterogeneity and Covenants.
Clemens Otto, HEC Paris Yun Lou, HEC Paris
Discussant: Rahul Vashishtha, Duke University

Non-GAAP Reporting Following Debt Covenant Violation.
Theodore E. Christensen, The University of Georgia
Hang Pei, George Washington University Spencer
Ryan Pierce, Florida State University
Liang Tan, George Washington University
Discussant: Susie Wang, University of Michigan

Internal Forecast Accuracy and the Preemption of Covenant Violations.
Ruihao Ke, Southern Methodist University
Meng Li, University of Michigan
Joseph Weber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jieying Zhang, The University of Texas at Dallas
Discussant: Bradley E. Hendricks, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Session 1.05: Debt Markets: Auditors, Regulators and Governments
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Biqin Xie, The Pennsylvania State University

Connected Auditors and Bank Loan Spreads.
Lin Cheng, The University of Arizona
Mei Cheng, The University of Arizona
Dan S. Dhaliwal, The University of Arizona
Steve Kaplan, The Arizona State University
Discussant: Travis Dyer, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Examining the Usefulness of Information Revealed During the SEC Filing Review Process: Evidence from Debt Contracting.
Lauren Cunningham, The University of Tennessee
Roy Schmardebeck, University of Missouri
Wei Wang, University of Missouri
Discussant: Michael Minnis, University of Chicago

Government Guarantees and Banks’ Loan Loss Provision Smoothing.
Manuela Dantas, Cornell University
Kenneth Merkley, Cornell University
Felipe Bastos G. Silva, Cornell University
Discussant: Biqin Xie, The Pennsylvania State University Trade

Session 1.06: Political Connections and Lobbying
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Thomas Ruchti, Carnegie Mellon University

Do Politically Connected Directors Affect Accounting Quality? Evidence from a Natural Experiment.
Ole-Kristian Hope, University of Toronto
Heng Yue, Singapore Management University
Qinlin Zhong, Peking University
Discussant: Kevin Smith, University of Pennsylvania

Influence Activities, Coalitions, and Uniform Policies.
Henry L. Friedman, University of California, Los Angeles
Mirko Stanislav Heinle, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Ying Liang, Baruch College–CUNY

The Market for Information: Evidence on the Exchange of Information Between Brokerage Houses and Politicians.
Andrew Stephan, Northwestern University
Beverly R. Walther, Northwestern University
Laura A. Wellman, The University of Utah
Discussant: Michael T. Kirschenheiter, University of Illinois at Chicago

Session 1.07: Taxes: Tax Avoidance and ETRs
Taxes - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Fabio Bredariol Gaertner, University of Wisconsin–Madison

CEO Severance Pay and Corporate Tax Avoidance.
John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia
Xinjiao Guan, National University of Singapore
Oliver Zhen Li, National University of Singapore
Zhen Zheng, National University of Singapore
Discussant: Fabio Bredariol Gaertner, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Determinants and Consequences of Intra-Year Error in Annual Effective Tax Rate Estimates.
Qi Dong, The Pennsylvania State University Erie
Discussant: Sean Thomas McGuire, Texas A&M University

Macroeconomic Effects of Aggregate Corporate Tax Avoidance: A Cross-Country Analysis.
Terry J. Shevlin, University of California, Irvine
Lakshmanan Shivakumar, London Business School
Oktay Urcan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Andrew Bird, Carnegie Mellon University

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Reception

Saturday, January 28, 2017

8:00 am – 9:30 am Concurrent Sessions

Session 2.01: CEO Reputation and Pay
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Gregory Sabin, Boston University

CEO Equity-Based Incentives and Shareholder Say-on-Pay in the U.S.
Denton Collins, Texas Tech University
Blair Marquardt, Texas Tech University
Xu Niu, Texas Tech University
Discussant: Shira Cohen, Temple University

What Does Reporting Reputation Buy in the Options Market? The Effect of Reporting Streaks on Ex Ante Uncertainty.
Edward Riedl, Boston University
Thaddeus Andrew Neururer, Boston University
George Papadakis, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Discussant: Volkan Muslu, University of Houston

Benchmarking, Incentive Rebalancing, and the Influence of Labor Market Competition on CEO Equity Grants.
Brian D. Cadman, The University of Utah
Mary Ellen Carter, Boston College
Xiaoxia Peng, The University of Utah
Discussant: David Hendrik Erkens, University of Southern California

Session 2.02: Earnings Management and Discretionary Accrual Proxies
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Ciao-Wei Chen, University of Illinois

Earnings Management Proxies: Prudent Business Decisions or Earnings Manipulation?
Theodore E. Christensen, The University of Georgia
Adrienna Huffman, Tulane University
Melissa Fay Lewis-Western, Brigham Young University
Discussant: Nerissa C. Brown, University of Delaware

Behavior of Accrual Management and Performance of Discretionary Accrual Proxies.
Wei Zhu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Yue Li, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Zhiyan Song, The University of Iowa

Operating Asymmetries and Propensity Score Matching in Discretionary Accrual Models.
Rajiv D. Banker, Temple University
Dmitri Byzalov, Temple University
Shunlan Fang, Kent State University
Byunghoon Jin, Temple University
Discussant: Jeff Lawrence McMullin, Indiana University Bloomington

Session 2.03: Executive Compensation
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Michael Shen, Michigan State University

The Treatment of Special Items in Determining CEO Cash Compensation.
James Potepa, George Washington University
Discussant: Theodore H. Goodman, Purdue University

CEO-to-Worker Pay Disparity and Cost of Debt: Excessive CEO Compensation or Effective Labor Cost Management?
Lijun Lei, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Discussant: David Veenman, University of Amsterdam

Rank and File Equity Compensation and Earnings Management: Economic incentives and the Robin-Hood Effect.
Darin Kip Holderness, West Virginia University
Adrienna Huffman, Tulane University
Melissa Fay Lewis-Western, Brigham Young University
Discussant: Susanna Gallani, Harvard University

Session 2.04: Financial Analysts: Information Provision and Interpretation
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Matt Bjornsen, Oklahoma State University

The Information Content of Analysts’ Book Value Per Share Forecasts.
Dirk E. Black, Dartmouth College Thaddeus
Andrew Neururer, Boston University
Discussant: Zhenhua Chen, Tulane University

Do Financial Analysts Compel Firms to Make Accounting Decisions?: Evidence from Goodwill Impairments.
Douglas Ayres, Ball State University
John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia
James A. Chyz, The University of Tennessee
Jonathan Shipman, University of Arkansas
Discussant: Neerav Nagar, Indian Institute of Management

Analyst Spin.
Michael J. Jung, New York University
Jing Chen, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Zahn Bozanic, The Ohio State University
Xuan Huang, California State University at Long Beach
Discussant: Joshua Tyler White, The University of Georgia

Session 2.05: Financial Reporting Quality
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Zhejia Ling, Iowa State University

Changes in Accounting Estimates: A Double-Edged Sword?
Anne Albrecht, Texas Christian University
Kyonghee Kim, University of Missouri
Kwang June Lee, Securities and Exchange Commission
Discussant: Melissa Fay Lewis-Western, Brigham Young University

The Impact of Customer Attention on Aggressive Financial Reporting.
Michael Drake, Brigham Young University
Timothy Andrew Seidel, Brigham Young University
Brady Twedt, Indiana University Bloomington
David A. Wood, Brigham Young University
Discussant: Zhejia Ling, Iowa State University

Should Intangible Investments Be Reported Separately or Commingled with Operating Expenses? New Evidence.
Luminita Enache, Victoria University-Wellington
Anup Srivastava, Dartmouth College
Discussant: Clare Wang, Northwestern University

Session 2.06: Relative Performance Evaluation
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: Ana Maria Albuquerque, Boston University

Relative Performance Benchmarks: Do Boards Get it Right?
Paul Ma, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis
Jee-Eun Shin, Harvard University
Charles C.Y. Wang, Harvard University
Discussant: Brian D. Cadman, The University of Utah Aggregate

CEO Compensation, Aggregate Performance and Aggregate Relative Performance Evaluation.
Ana Maria Albuquerque, Boston University
Mary Ellen Carter, Boston College
Bjorn N. Jorgensen, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Discussant: Susanna Gallani, Harvard University

Implementing Relative Performance Evaluation: The Role of Life Cycle Peers.
Katharine Diane Drake, The University of Arizona
Melissa Martin, University of Illinois at Chicago
Discussant: Dirk E. Black, Dartmouth College

Session 2.07: Real Earnings Management and the Cost of Misreporting
Accounting - 1.5 CH
Moderator: David M. Folsom, Lehigh University

The Listing Cohort Phenomenon and Some Improvements in the Measurement of Real Activity Manipulation.
Anup Srivastava, Dartmouth College
Discussant: Xiaoli Tian, The Ohio State University

What are the Costs of Admitting Mistakes for U.S. Listed Foreign Firms?

Weili Ge, University of Washington
Dawn Matsumoto, University of Washington
Emily Wang, University of British Columbia
Li Zhang, University of British Columbia
Discussant: Cristi A. Gleason, The University of Iowa

Wrongful Discharge Laws and Real Earnings Management.
Kelly Huang, Florida International University
Brent Lao, Florida International University
Discussant: Yiwei Dou, New York University

9:15 am – 10:00 am Break

10:00 am – 11:30 am Concurrent Sessions

Session 3.01: Algorithmic Trading and Journalism
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Christopher Small, University of Toronto

How Does Algorithmic Trading Improve Market Quality?
Matthew Lyle, Northwestern University
James Patrick Naughton, Northwestern University
Discussant: Matthew C. Cedergren, New York University

Robo-Journalism and Capital Markets.
Elizabeth Blankespoor, Stanford University
Ed deHaan, University of Washington
Christina Zhu, Stanford University
Discussant: John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia

Do High-Frequency Traders Bring Fundamental Information into Prices?
Nilabhra Bhattacharya, Southern Methodist University
Bidisha Chakrabarty, Saint Louis University
Xu Wang, Saint Louis University
Discussant: Alina Lerman, Yale University

Session 3.02: Earnings News Anomalies

Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Henry Laurion, University of California, Berkeley

Individual Investor Over-Extrapolation.
Stephen Adam Karolyi, Carnegie Mellon University
Aytekin Ertan, London Business School
Peter Kelly, Notre Dame
Robert Stoumbos, Yale University
Discussant: Alastair Lawrence, University of California, Berkeley

Headline Salience and Over- and Underreactions to Earnings.
Xuan Huang, California State University, Long Beach
Alexander Nekrasov, University of California, Irvine
Siew Hong Teoh, University of California, Irvine
Discussant: Travis Dyer, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Insider Trading and Post-Earnings Announcement Drift.
Lyungmae Choi, Arizona State University
Lucile C. Faurel, Arizona State University
Stephen A. Hillegeist, Arizona State University
Discussant: Henry Laurion, University of California, Berkeley

Session 3.03: Fair Value Issues
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: John Donovan, University of Notre Dame

Market Perceptions of the Informational and Convergence Effects of Fair Value Reporting for Tangible Assets: U.S. and Cross-Country Evidence.
Edward Riedl, Boston University
Lihong Liang, Syracuse University
Jenelle Conaway, Boston University
Discussant: John Donovan, University of Notre Dame

Portfolio Performance Manipulation in Collateralized Loan Obligations.
Maria Loumioti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Florin Vasvari, London Business School
iscussant: Edward Riedl, Boston University

On the Precision of the Stock Market’s Information about CustomerRelated Investments.
Chuchu Liang, Cornell University Eric Yeung, Cornell University
Discussant: Michael Iselin, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis Independence

Session 3.04: Financial Analysts: Peers, Buy-Side and Institutions
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Zhenhua Chen, Tulane University

Buy-Side Analysts’ Participation on Public Earnings Conference Calls.

Andrew C. Call, Arizona State University
Nathan Y. Sharp, Texas A&M University
Thomas Shohfi, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Discussant: Li Zhang, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Market Reactions to the Closest Peer Firm’s Analyst Revisions.
Ole-Kristian Hope, University of Toronto
Wuyang Zhao, University of Toronto
Discussant: Huihao Yan, Duke University

Who Consumes Firm Disclosures? Evidence from Earnings Conference Calls.
Jihwon Park, Harvard University
Anne Heinrichs, University of Chicago
Eugene Soltes, Harvard University
Discussant: S. McKay Price, Lehigh University

Session 3.05: Financial Analysts: Forecast and Revision Behavior
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: An-Ping Lin, Singapore Management University

Can Ex-Post Bias Arise from an Ex-Ante Unbiased Forecast?

Kathryn Brightbill, The University of Iowa
Cristi A. Gleason, The University of Iowa
Mark Penno, The University of Iowa
Discussant: Antonis Kartapanis, The University of Texas at Austin

Crowdsourced Earnings Forecasts, Analyst Forecast Timing, and the Speed of News Recognition.
Rajiv D. Banker, Temple University
Joshua Khavis, Temple University
Han-Up Park, Temple University
Discussant: Leila Peyravan, Rice University

Earnings Announcement Clustering and Analyst Forecast Behavior.
Matthew Driskill, California State University, Fullerton
Marcus Paul Kirk, University of Florida
Jennifer Wu Tucker, University of Florida
Discussant: Michael Tang, New York University

Session 3.06: Pricing Growth and Innovation
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Samuel Tan, University of California, Berkeley

The Use of Acquisitions to Report Continued Growth.
Arthur Morris, The University of Utah
Stephen Stubben, The University of Utah
Discussant: Stephannie A. Larocque, University of Notre Dame

Oil Prices, Earnings, and Stock Returns.
Steven Crawford, University of Houston
Garen Bedros Markarian, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
Volkan Muslu, University of Houston
Richard A. Price, The University of Oklahoma
Discussant: Christopher Rigsby, Northwestern University

Stock Market Overvaluation, Moon Shots, and Corporate Innovation.
Ming Dong, York University
David Hirshleifer, University of California, Irvine
Siew Hong Teoh, University of California, Irvine
Discussant: Jody Grewal, HBS Tryon

Session 3.07: Voluntary Disclosure
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Mark E. Evans, Wake Forest University

Strategic News Disclosure before Index Recompositions.

Elisabeth Klaes, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Joerg R. Werner, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Christian Wilk, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Discussant: Michael J. Jung, New York University

Market Disruption and Managerial Responses: Evidence from Financial Reporting and Management Forecasts.
Jinglin Jiang, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Vikram Nanda, The University of Texas at Dallas
Steven Xiao, The University of Texas at Dallas
Discussant: Alon Kalay, Columbia University

The Effect of Algorithmic Trading on Voluntary Disclosure.
Andrew Stephan, Northwestern University
Discussant: Santhosh M. Ramalingegowda, The University of Georgia

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch and Lifetime Achievement Award
Recipient: Mary E. Barth, Stanford University

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions

Session 4.01: Effects of Mandatory Disclosure
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Kyle Peterson, University of Oregon

Market-Wide Effects of Off-Balance Sheet Disclosures: Evidence from the Oil and Gas Industry.
Marc Badia, IESE Business School
Miguel Duro, IESE Business School
Bjorn N. Jorgensen, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Gaizka Ormazabal, IESE Business School
Discussant: Daniele Macciocchi, LUISS Guido Carli University

A Growing Wedge in Decision Usefulness: The Rise of Concurrent Earnings Announcements.
Salman Arif, Indiana University Bloomington
Nathan Thomas Marshall, University of Colorado Boulder
Joseph H. Schroeder, Indiana University Bloomington
Teri Lombardi Yohn, Indiana University Bloomington
Discussant: Jing Pan, The University of Utah

When You Talk, I Remain Silent: Spillover Effects of Peers' Mandatory Disclosures on Firms' Voluntary Disclosures.
Matthias Breuer, University of Chicago
Katharina Hombach, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Maximilian A. Mueller, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
Discussant: Kyle Peterson, University of Oregon

Session 4.02: Financial Reporting and Disclosure Around the World
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Emmanuel T. De George, London Business School

Financial Reporting Differences Around the World: What Matters?
Helena Isidro, Instituto Universitario de LIsboa
Dhananjay Nanda, University of Miami
Peter D. Wysocki, University of Miami
Discussant: Emmanuel T. De George, London Business School

Financial Reporting Enforcement and Firm Value.
Mark G. Maffett, University of Chicago
Hans Bonde Christensen, University of Chicago
Lisa Yao Liu, University of Chicago
Discussant: Annika Wang, University of California, Berkeley

Starving for Information? Financial Reporting Frequency and Earnings Information Spillovers around the World.
Emmanuel T. De George, London Business School
Salman Arif, Indiana University Bloomington
Discussant: Samuel Tan, University of California, Berkeley

Session 4.03: Monitoring Effects: Standard Setters, Regulators and Activists
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Sarah Shonka McCoy, Bentley University

Activist Short-Selling.
Wuyang Zhao, University of Toronto
Discussant: Lucile C. Faurel, Arizona State University

Performance Reporting of Comprehensive Income and Earnings Manipulations: Based on the Bank Holding Companies.

Yiting Cao, Boston University
Discussant: Anup Srivastava, Dartmouth College

The Deterrence Effects of SEC Enforcement Actions on Insider Trading.
Seong Jin Ahn, Washington University
Jared Jennings, Washington University
Discussant: Henry L. Friedman, University of California, Los Angeles

Session 4.04: Perceptions of Non-Financial Information
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Lauren Cooper, West Virginia University

Do Investors perceive that Stock Positions create a Conflict of Interest? Evidence from Stock Opinions Transmitted Through Social Media.
John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia
Matthew David DeAngelis, Georgia State University
James Robert Moon, Georgia State University
Discussant: Yuan Xie, Fordham University

Market Reaction to Mandatory Nonfinancial Disclosure.
Jody Grewal, Harvard University
Edward Riedl, Boston University
George Serafeim, Harvard University
Discussant: John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia

Investment Professionals’ Use of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures.
Markus C. Arnold, University of Bern
Christoph Hoerner, University of Bern
Patrick Ryan Martin, Indiana University Bloomington
Donald V. Moser, University of Pittsburgh
Discussant: George Ruch, The University of Oklahoma

Session 4.05: Risk and Risk Management
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jenna Feagin, The University of Georgia

Corporate Failure and the Business Cycle: Measuring Systematic Risk.
Maria Ogneva, University of Southern California
Joseph Piotroski, Stanford University
Anastasia Zakolyukina, University of Chicago
3Discussant: Matthew Lyle, Northwestern University

Real and Accounting Effects of Mandatory Derivatives Disclosures.
Raluca Chiorean, Lehigh University
Discussant: Michael Crawley, University of Arkansas

Slack and Crash Risk.
Theodore H. Goodman, Purdue University
Volkan Muslu, University of Houston
Hyungshin Park, Southern Methodist University
Discussant: Robert Resutek, The University of Georgia

Session 4.06: Taking the Pulse of The U.S. Economy Using Accounting Data
Economics - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Salman Arif, Indiana University Bloomington

Overproduction, Aggregate Earnings Growth and GDP Growth.
Bjorn N. Jorgensen, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Yong Gyu Lee, Sungkyunkwan University
Hyung il Oh, University of Washington Bothell
Discussant: Salman Arif, Indiana University Bloomington

From Accounting to Economics: The Role of Aggregate Special Items in Gauging the State of the Economy.
Ahmed Abdalla, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Jose Carabias, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Discussant: Jean Zeng, University of California, Berkeley

Another Look at the Macroeconomic Information Content of Aggregate Earnings.
Rebecca Hann, University of Maryland–College Park
Congcong Li, Singapore Management University
Maria Ogneva, University of Southern California
Discussant: Henry Laurion, University of California, Berkeley

Session 4.07: Valuation, Future Performance and Benchmarking
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Nicholas Martin, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Do Dividends Convey Information about Future Earnings?
Charles Ham, Washington University
Zachary R. Kaplan, Washington University
Mark Leary, Washington University in St. Louis
Discussant: Alon Kalay, Columbia University

Employment Protection Legislation and Firm Operating Performance.
Henock Louis, The Pennsylvania State University
Oktay Urcan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Sam Bonsall, The Ohio State University

The Search for Peer Firms: When Do Crowds Provide Wisdom?
Charles M.C. Lee, Stanford University
Paul Ma, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis
Charles C.Y. Wang, Harvard University
Discussant: John R.M. Hand, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Break

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions

Session 5.01: Audit Quality II
Auditing - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Kristen Valentine, The University of Texas at Austin

Consistently in Trouble: Negative Consequences of Accounting Inconsistency.
Kyle Peterson, University of Oregon
Roy Schmardebeck, University of Missouri
T. Jeffrey Wilks, Brigham Young University
Discussant: Christopher Calvin, Duke University

Equity-Debt Agency Costs and Demand for Audit Quality.
Santhosh M. Ramalingegowda, University of Georgia
Liang Tan, George Washington University
Yong Yu, The University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: John Jiang, Michigan State University

The Impact of Audits on Financial Statement Error in the Presence of Incentive and Opportunity.
Melissa Fay Lewis-Western, Brigham Young University
Erik S. Boyle, The University of Utah
Christine Ann Botosan, The University of Utah
Discussant: Phillip T. Lamoreaux, Arizona State University

Session 5.02: Disclosure and Managerial Ability
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Ayung Tseng, Indiana University Bloomington

CEO Ability Uncertainty, Career Concerns and Voluntary Disclosure.
Khrystyna Bochkay, University of Miami
Dhananjay Nanda, University of Miami
Roman Chychyla, University of Miami
Discussant: Anywhere Sikochi, Harvard University

Market Risk Disclosure as Signal of Risk Management Effectiveness.
Gerald Lobo, University of Houston
Wei Z. Siqueira, University at Albany, SUNY
Kinsun Tam, University at Albany, SUNY
Jian Zhou, University of Hawaii-Manoa
Discussant: Christina Synn, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Role of Managerial Ability and Incentives in Shaping the Clarity of Regulated Disclosures.

Eric Holzman, Indiana University Bloomington
Brian P. Miller, Indiana University Bloomington
Discussant: Joshua Madsen, University of Minnesota

Session 5.03: Gender and Ethnicity Effects
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Kristina Rennekamp, Cornell University

Beauty Premium? Evidence from Institutional Investors’ Voting for AllStar Analysts.
Congcong Li, Singapore Management University
An-Ping Lin, Singapore Management University
Hai Lu, Singapore Management University
evin Jason Veenstra, McMaster University
Discussant: Meng Li, University of Michigan

Does Information About Gender Pay Matter to Investors? An Experimental Investigation.
Chelsea Rae Austin, University of South Carolina
Donna Bobek Schmitt, University of South Carolina
Ling Lin Harris, University of South Carolina
Discussant: Ryan Dale Guggenmos, Cornell University

Managers’ Cultural Background and Disclosure Attributes.
Francois Brochet, Boston University
Gregory S. Miller, University of Michigan
Patricia L. Naranjo, Rice University
Gwen Yu, Harvard University
Discussant: Joseph Pacelli, Indiana University

Session 5.04: Information Dynamics in Conference Calls
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Joshua Alan Lee, The University of Georgia

“Casting” a Doubt: Informational Role of Analyst Participation During Earnings Conference Calls.
William J. Mayew, Duke University
Mani Sethuraman, Cornell University
Mohan Venkatachalam, Duke University
Discussant: Kimball Chapman, Washington University in St. Louis

Hyperbole or Reality? Investor Response to Extreme Language in Earnings Conference Calls.
Khrystyna Bochkay, University of Miami
Jeffrey Hales, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sudheer Chava, Georgia Institute of Technology
Discussant: Kimball Chapman, Washington University in St. Louis

What Does “But” Really Mean? — Evidence from Managers’ Answers to Analysts’ Questions during Conference Calls.
Ke Xu, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Dan Palmon, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark
Ari Yezegel, Bentley University
Discussant: Mani Sethuraman, Cornell University

Session 5.05: Strategic Disclosure
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: R. Christopher Small, University of Toronto

Technological Peer Pressure and Product Disclosure.
Sean Cao, Georgia State University
Guang Ma, National University of Singapore
Jennifer Wu Tucker, University of Florida
Chi Wan, University of Massachusetts Boston
Discussant: Michael Minnis, University of Chicago

Strategic Disclosure Misclassification. Paul Ma, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis

Stephen Adam Karolyi, Carnegie Mellon University
Andrew Bird, Carnegie Mellon University
Discussant: Gwen Yu, Harvard University

Product-Market Competition and Strategic Disclosure of R&D Expenditures.
Masako Darrough, Baruch College–CUNY
Jangwon Suh, New York Institute of Technology
Yannan Shen, New York Institute of Technology
Discussant: John Donovan, University of Notre Dame

Session 5.06: Taxes: Deductions, Refunds and Tax Risk Factors
Taxes - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Jaron Wilde, The University of Iowa

A Signaling Benefit to Forgoing Tax Refunds: Evidence from Private Debt Contracts.
Daniel Saavedra, University of California, Los Angeles
Discussant: Jaron Wilde, The University of Iowa

Do Mandatory Risk Factor Disclosures Predict Future Cash Flows and Stock Returns? Evidence from Tax Risk Factor Disclosures.
John L. Campbell, The University of Georgia
Mark Cecchini, University of South Carolina
Anna M. Cianci, Wake Forest University
Anne Ehinger, The University of Georgia
Edward M. Werner, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Discussant: Jeff Lamro Hoopes, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Do Tax Deductions for Goodwill Impairments Affect Financial Reporting?
Sarah Blechinger, University of Connecticut
Steve Utke, University of Connecticut
Discussant: Nathan C. Goldman, The University of Texas at Dallas

Session 5.07: Non-GAAP Reporting
Accounting - 1.8 CH
Moderator: Andrew Van Buskirk, The Ohio State University

Litigation Risk and Non-GAAP Reporting.
Richard Cazier, The University of Texas at El Paso
Theodore E. Christensen, The University of Georgia
Kenneth Merkley, Cornell University
John S. Treu, Pace University
Discussant: Jeffrey T. Doyle, Utah State University

Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure in Loss Firms.
Edith Leung, Erasmus University Rotterdam
David Veenman, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Discussant: Jeffrey T. Doyle, Utah State University

Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure and IPO Pricing.
Nerissa C. Brown, University of Delaware
Theodore E. Christensen, The University of Georgia
Andrea Menini, University of Padova
Thomas DeVoe Steffen, Duke University
Discussant: Thomas Ruchti, Carnegie Mellon University


Note: The CPE Fields of Study curriculum is divided into twenty three subject matter areas. These fields represent the primary knowledge and skill areas needed by accounting licensees to perform professional services in all fields of employment. Sessions that offer CPE credit have the Field of Study and Credit Hours (CH) in red. Each Credit Hour is based on 50 minutes. The Program Level for each of these sessions is Basic, unless otherwise stated. Delivery Method: Group Live

American Accounting Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its

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