Calls for the ATA Midyear Meeting

The 29th annual American Taxation Association (ATA) Midyear Meeting will be held in Phoenix, Arizona on February 16 – 18, 2017. We invite submissions to the following research and teaching sessions. Details about each session along with specific submission requirements are included below.

JATA Conference - Call for Submissions
JLTR Conference - Call for Submissions
Call for Research Submissions
Teaching and Curriculum Conference – Call for Proposals
PechaKucha Session - Call for Topic Proposals

Call for Papers
2017 JATA Conference

The 23rd Journal of the American Taxation Association (JATA) Conference will be held in conjunction with the ATA Midyear Meeting in Phoenix on February 16-18, 2017. Original papers addressing interesting and relevant tax issues will be considered for the conference. Papers submitted to the conference will not automatically be considered for publication in JATA. You are free to submit the paper to any journal. A paper under review (or being revised for resubmission) at another journal as of the conference submission deadline should not be submitted. Papers submitted to JATA will be given some preference in the conference selection process. Authors will be notified of the Conference selection decision by December 15, 2016.

All research methods (including, but not limited to, archival, analytical, behavioral, experimental, and field studies) will be considered. Contingent on suitable revisions in accordance with JATA’s normal review procedures, papers submitted to JATA and accepted for the conference will be published in a regular issue of the journal, along with discussants’ comments. Conference papers will be made available to Conference participants in advance of the Midyear Meeting through the ATA web site. Papers submitted to JATA but not accepted for the Conference will be treated as regular submissions to JATA.

Manuscripts must be submitted through the Manuscript Submission and Peer Review System for JATA, located at The site contains detailed instructions regarding the preparation of files for submission. To ensure anonymous review, please note that the article title page (with author names) must be in a separate file from the manuscript text. All manuscripts must comply with the JATA Editorial Policies and Style Guidelines. By checking the appropriate boxes on the submission website, please indicate the type of submission: whether the manuscript is being submitted for the Conference or whether the paper is being submitted for both the Conference and for publication in JATA. To be considered, papers must be received no later than November 1, 2016.

Note that submission to the JATA Conference is separate from submission to the concurrent research sessions at the ATA Midyear Meeting. If you would like your paper considered for both sessions, please make sure to submit to both.

Call for Papers
2017 JLTR Conference

The annual Journal of Legal Tax Research Conference will be held in conjunction with the
2017 American Taxation Association (ATA) Midyear Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona on February 17-18, 2017, with the presentation of accepted papers being on Friday, February 17. Original papers addressing interesting and relevant legal tax research Issues along with associated applied tax policy will be considered for the conference. A paper under review (or being revised for resubmission) at another journal as of the conference submission deadline may not be submitted.

We encourage creative and innovative manuscripts that employ legal research methodologies and that logically and clearly:

  • Identify, describe, and illuminate important current tax issues including the history, development, and congressional intent of specific provisions
  • Propose improvements in U.S., state and local, or foreign tax systems, and unique solutions to tax or fiscal problems
  • Critically analyze proposed or recent tax law changes from both a technical and a policy perspective
  • Discuss improvements in tax compliance, tax complexity, or tax policy
  • Provide critical discussions for strategically structuring transactions, considering tax and non-tax ramifications
  • Critically analyze recent or proposed legislative or regulatory changes
  • Critically analyze similarities and differences between tax accounting and financial accounting issues

Manuscripts must be no longer than 25-30 double spaced pages long and must be submitted through the Manuscript Submission and Peer Review System for JLTR, located at The site contains detailed instructions regarding the preparation of files for submission. All manuscripts must comply with the JLTR editorial policies and style guideIines. To ensure anonymous review, please submit the article title page (with author names) in a separate file from the manuscript text. If file compatibility or electronic submission presents a problem, you should contact Professor Roby Sawyers by email at

To be considered, papers must be received no later than November 1, 2016. There is no cost for submitting to the conference only. Papers submitted for the Legal Research Conference are NOT automatically considered for publication in JLTR. If you wish to also submit the paper for publication consideration in JLTR, please indicate by checking the appropriate box on the submission website. The JLTR submission fee of $50 in U.S. funds should be paid by credit card following the instructions provided on the AAAwebsite:

Call for Research Submissions

The American Taxation Association Research Resources and Methodologies Committee invites submissions of research papers that advance our knowledge of taxation and tax accounting.

To be considered for the concurrent research sessions at the ATA Midyear Meeting, manuscripts must be sufficiently developed to allow informed feedback (e.g., well-developed background and theory, clearly stated hypotheses, and completed preliminary statistical analysis). We encourage submission across a wide variety of topics and methodologies, and welcome the examination of new topics and the use of novel theories, databases and settings. The research sessions are intended to provide authors with relevant and timely feedback and to provide the audience exposure to cutting edge research.

Note that submission to the JATA Conference is separate from submission to the concurrent research sessions at ATA Midyear Meeting. If you would like your paper considered for both sessions, please make sure to submit to both.

Submissions must be completed by November 1, 2016.

To submit your paper, please CLICK HERE to access the submission system using your AAA member ID and password. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them.

If you do not have a member ID/password, click here to obtain AAA login credentials. Then, use your AAA login credentials to create a new account in the submission system.

If you have questions, please contact Alex Edwards ( or Casey Schwab (

Call for Proposals
ATA Teaching and Curriculum Conference

The third annual ATA Teaching and Curriculum Conference will be held prior to the upcoming ATA Midyear meeting in Phoenix, AZ.  The planning committee is soliciting proposals for a session exploring tax teaching tips and techniques.  This session will feature a number of teaching ideas that can each be shared, including related materials, illustrations, instructions, etc., in a relatively short presentation. If you have developed a unique exercise, case, active learning exercise, online tool, or other pedagogical innovation you’d like to share, this session is for you!  
Proposals related to any and all substantive and pedagogical issues are welcome.  Ideas related to the following would be particularly interesting. 

  • Techniques for incorporating technology into the tax course
  • Tools to enhance online courses
  • Tips for enhancing student interest in taxation
  • Cases and problems for undergraduate or graduate course in taxation
  • Tips for incorporating tax research into the classroom
  • Ideas for incorporating tax into an undergraduate capstone course
  • Ideas for making the tax classroom more engaging

Proposals should include a brief (1-2 page) description of the idea.

Submissions must be completed by November 4, 2016.

To submit your proposal, please CLICK HERE to access the submission system using your AAA member ID and password. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them.
If you do not have a member ID/password, click here to obtain AAA login credentials. Then, use your AAA login credentials to create a new account in the submission system.
Authors of accepted submissions will be expected to attend the Conference and fulfill their responsibilities for the session for which their submission is accepted.
For further information, contact Julia Camp at

Call for Topic Proposals at a PechaKucha Session

The American Taxation Association Midyear Planning Committee invites submissions of topic proposals for the PechaKucha session. In this fast-paced, high-energy session, slides change every 20 seconds, and speakers and topics change every 20 slides. In previous years, presenters have covered a wide variety of tax teaching, research, and policy topics.

Submissions should propose the title and a description of the content of the presentation. We recognize that PechaKucha presentations often take shape in the month preceding the ATA Midyear Meeting, so submissions may be brief and general. To this end, we welcome outlines or bulleted lists.

Submissions must be completed by November 1, 2016.

To submit your Pecha Kucha topic proposal, please CLICK HERE to access the submission system using your AAA member ID and password. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them.

If you do not have a member ID/password, click here to obtain AAA login credentials. Then, use your AAA login credentials to create a new account in the submission system.

Presenters of accepted submissions will be expected to attend the 2017 ATA Midyear Meeting and fulfill their responsibilities for the session for which their submission is accepted.

For further information, contact Kirsten Cook (

Calls for the ATA Midyear Meeting

The 29th annual American Taxation Association (ATA) Midyear Meeting will be held in Phoenix, Arizona on February 16 – 18, 2017. We invite submissions to the following research and teaching sessions. Details about each session along with specific submission requirements are included below.

JATA Conference - Call for Submissions
JLTR Conference - Call for Submissions
Call for Research Submissions
Teaching and Curriculum Conference – Call for Proposals
PechaKucha Session - Call for Topic Proposals

Call for Papers
2017 JATA Conference

The 23rd Journal of the American Taxation Association (JATA) Conference will be held in conjunction with the ATA Midyear Meeting in Phoenix on February 16-18, 2017. Original papers addressing interesting and relevant tax issues will be considered for the conference. Papers submitted to the conference will not automatically be considered for publication in JATA. You are free to submit the paper to any journal. A paper under review (or being revised for resubmission) at another journal as of the conference submission deadline should not be submitted. Papers submitted to JATA will be given some preference in the conference selection process. Authors will be notified of the Conference selection decision by December 15, 2016.

All research methods (including, but not limited to, archival, analytical, behavioral, experimental, and field studies) will be considered. Contingent on suitable revisions in accordance with JATA’s normal review procedures, papers submitted to JATA and accepted for the conference will be published in a regular issue of the journal, along with discussants’ comments. Conference papers will be made available to Conference participants in advance of the Midyear Meeting through the ATA web site. Papers submitted to JATA but not accepted for the Conference will be treated as regular submissions to JATA.

Manuscripts must be submitted through the Manuscript Submission and Peer Review System for JATA, located at The site contains detailed instructions regarding the preparation of files for submission. To ensure anonymous review, please note that the article title page (with author names) must be in a separate file from the manuscript text. All manuscripts must comply with the JATA Editorial Policies and Style Guidelines. By checking the appropriate boxes on the submission website, please indicate the type of submission: whether the manuscript is being submitted for the Conference or whether the paper is being submitted for both the Conference and for publication in JATA. To be considered, papers must be received no later than November 1, 2016.

Note that submission to the JATA Conference is separate from submission to the concurrent research sessions at the ATA Midyear Meeting. If you would like your paper considered for both sessions, please make sure to submit to both.

Call for Papers
2017 JLTR Conference

The annual Journal of Legal Tax Research Conference will be held in conjunction with the
2017 American Taxation Association (ATA) Midyear Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona on February 17-18, 2017, with the presentation of accepted papers being on Friday, February 17. Original papers addressing interesting and relevant legal tax research Issues along with associated applied tax policy will be considered for the conference. A paper under review (or being revised for resubmission) at another journal as of the conference submission deadline may not be submitted.

We encourage creative and innovative manuscripts that employ legal research methodologies and that logically and clearly:

  • Identify, describe, and illuminate important current tax issues including the history, development, and congressional intent of specific provisions
  • Propose improvements in U.S., state and local, or foreign tax systems, and unique solutions to tax or fiscal problems
  • Critically analyze proposed or recent tax law changes from both a technical and a policy perspective
  • Discuss improvements in tax compliance, tax complexity, or tax policy
  • Provide critical discussions for strategically structuring transactions, considering tax and non-tax ramifications
  • Critically analyze recent or proposed legislative or regulatory changes
  • Critically analyze similarities and differences between tax accounting and financial accounting issues

Manuscripts must be no longer than 25-30 double spaced pages long and must be submitted through the Manuscript Submission and Peer Review System for JLTR, located at The site contains detailed instructions regarding the preparation of files for submission. All manuscripts must comply with the JLTR editorial policies and style guideIines. To ensure anonymous review, please submit the article title page (with author names) in a separate file from the manuscript text. If file compatibility or electronic submission presents a problem, you should contact Professor Roby Sawyers by email at

To be considered, papers must be received no later than November 1, 2016. There is no cost for submitting to the conference only. Papers submitted for the Legal Research Conference are NOT automatically considered for publication in JLTR. If you wish to also submit the paper for publication consideration in JLTR, please indicate by checking the appropriate box on the submission website. The JLTR submission fee of $50 in U.S. funds should be paid by credit card following the instructions provided on the AAAwebsite:

Call for Research Submissions

The American Taxation Association Research Resources and Methodologies Committee invites submissions of research papers that advance our knowledge of taxation and tax accounting.

To be considered for the concurrent research sessions at the ATA Midyear Meeting, manuscripts must be sufficiently developed to allow informed feedback (e.g., well-developed background and theory, clearly stated hypotheses, and completed preliminary statistical analysis). We encourage submission across a wide variety of topics and methodologies, and welcome the examination of new topics and the use of novel theories, databases and settings. The research sessions are intended to provide authors with relevant and timely feedback and to provide the audience exposure to cutting edge research.

Note that submission to the JATA Conference is separate from submission to the concurrent research sessions at ATA Midyear Meeting. If you would like your paper considered for both sessions, please make sure to submit to both.

Submissions must be completed by November 1, 2016.

To submit your paper, please CLICK HERE to access the submission system using your AAA member ID and password. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them.

If you do not have a member ID/password, click here to obtain AAA login credentials. Then, use your AAA login credentials to create a new account in the submission system.

If you have questions, please contact Alex Edwards ( or Casey Schwab (

Call for Proposals
ATA Teaching and Curriculum Conference

The third annual ATA Teaching and Curriculum Conference will be held prior to the upcoming ATA Midyear meeting in Phoenix, AZ.  The planning committee is soliciting proposals for a session exploring tax teaching tips and techniques.  This session will feature a number of teaching ideas that can each be shared, including related materials, illustrations, instructions, etc., in a relatively short presentation. If you have developed a unique exercise, case, active learning exercise, online tool, or other pedagogical innovation you’d like to share, this session is for you!  
Proposals related to any and all substantive and pedagogical issues are welcome.  Ideas related to the following would be particularly interesting. 

  • Techniques for incorporating technology into the tax course
  • Tools to enhance online courses
  • Tips for enhancing student interest in taxation
  • Cases and problems for undergraduate or graduate course in taxation
  • Tips for incorporating tax research into the classroom
  • Ideas for incorporating tax into an undergraduate capstone course
  • Ideas for making the tax classroom more engaging

Proposals should include a brief (1-2 page) description of the idea.

Submissions must be completed by November 4, 2016.

To submit your proposal, please CLICK HERE to access the submission system using your AAA member ID and password. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them.
If you do not have a member ID/password, click here to obtain AAA login credentials. Then, use your AAA login credentials to create a new account in the submission system.
Authors of accepted submissions will be expected to attend the Conference and fulfill their responsibilities for the session for which their submission is accepted.
For further information, contact Julia Camp at

Call for Topic Proposals at a PechaKucha Session

The American Taxation Association Midyear Planning Committee invites submissions of topic proposals for the PechaKucha session. In this fast-paced, high-energy session, slides change every 20 seconds, and speakers and topics change every 20 slides. In previous years, presenters have covered a wide variety of tax teaching, research, and policy topics.

Submissions should propose the title and a description of the content of the presentation. We recognize that PechaKucha presentations often take shape in the month preceding the ATA Midyear Meeting, so submissions may be brief and general. To this end, we welcome outlines or bulleted lists.

Submissions must be completed by November 1, 2016.

To submit your Pecha Kucha topic proposal, please CLICK HERE to access the submission system using your AAA member ID and password. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them.

If you do not have a member ID/password, click here to obtain AAA login credentials. Then, use your AAA login credentials to create a new account in the submission system.

Presenters of accepted submissions will be expected to attend the 2017 ATA Midyear Meeting and fulfill their responsibilities for the session for which their submission is accepted.

For further information, contact Kirsten Cook (