
  • Respond to requests of the President and the Board of Directors to study and report on matters of concern related to research as directed by the Bylaws. Such matters can include but are not limited to PhD programs, faculty development, stimulating new and innovative research, research recognition, and research integrity and ethics. The Research Committee can also propose new matters for Board of Directors consideration.
  • Consider how the strategic direction of all Association-level committees related to research align with the organization's Strategic Plan, forwarding recommendations as appropriate.
  • Within every three-year cycle, screen candidates for the Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award and recommend a recipient.
  • Review and evaluate proposals and completed works submitted for publication in Studies in Accounting Research.
  • Coordinate the Studies in Accounting Research series including soliciting, inviting, reviewing, and evaluating proposals.

Research Committee

  • Monitor the accounting research activities of other accounting associations (e.g. AICPA, FEI, IIA, and IMA), AAA regions, and AAA sections, coordinating with those organizations, regions, and sections as appropriate.
  • If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, s/he should contact the Executive Director, the President, or the committee’s Board of Directors Liaison.
  • The Chair will have the opportunity three times every term-year to prepare and send a progress report which will be available for the Board of Directors to review at their next meeting. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the committee’s Board of Directors Liaison, and Governance Manager, Barbara Gutierrez (

Research Committee - Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

  • AAA Professional Staff Liaison (Barbara Gutierrez) will ensure the Call for Nominations website is updated in conjunction with the Committee Directory, and beginning in September, will arrange for the Call for Nominations announcement to be publicized on the AAA website and in in multi-topic mass emails and will provide Chair with the schedule.
  • Nominations are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on January 31 in years in which they are solicited.
  • Members of the Committee are encouraged to submit nominations.
  • The Committee will select award recipients based on award criteria.
  • The AAA Vice President-Research and Publications will collect nominations for the award.
  • The AAA Vice President-Research and Publications will involve the Research Committee to screen the nominations.
  • The Committee will consider works worthy of the Award and add them to other nominations considered.
  • The AAA Vice President-Research and Publications and the Research Committee will take into consideration that the Award is not given too frequently to avoid diluting its original purpose.
  • The AAA Vice President-Research and Publications makes recommendations to the Board of Directors at the Spring Board of Directors meeting.
  • The Board of Directors will make the final decision on giving the Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award.

Research Committee - Studies in Accounting Research (SAR)

  • AAA Professional Staff Liaison will work with the AAA Vice President-Research and Publications to advertise and promote the Call for Proposals.
  • Proposals and completed works will be evaluated by the AAA Vice President-Research and Publications and the Research Committee for suitability. A review committee of three or more members will be established for an accepted proposal or completed work.
  • The Committee will provide comments and suggestions and, upon completion, make a recommendation to the AAA Vice President-Research and Publications as to whether the work meets SAR criteria.
  • For proposals, the Committee will also monitor the work as it is being completed.
  • Appropriate milestones and time limits will be established for the completion of the work.
  • The selection of members of the review committee will be based upon recommendations of the author(s) and the AAA Vice President-Research and Publications with the objective of forming a mutually acceptable group that is highly conversant with the area and possesses established research records. The review committee may include a member of the Research Committee at the time the work is approved to provide continuity.
  • It is envisioned that about one SAR will be published every year.
  • The AAA will publicize, publish, and distribute sufficient copies based on orders received from members and non-members.


  • The Research Committee shall consist of nine members, including the Chair, each of whom shall normally serve a three-year term, with one-third of the Committee members appointed each year.
  • The Vice President-Research and Publications shall Chair the Committee.
  • In years when there is a new Vice President-Research and Publications, the President shall appoint two new members for three-year terms. In other years, the President shall appoint three new members for three-year terms.


  • The Committee meets as needed. Meetings can be online, as appropriate.


Name / Affiliation


Term Length

Term Expires

Mark DeFond
University of Southern California
Vice President–Research & Publications



Dereck Barr-Pulliam
University of Wisconsin-Madison



Mark T. Soliman
University of Southern California



Steve Stubben
The University of Utah



Mary Ellen Carter
Boston College 



Richard Sansing
Dartmouth College



Qiang Cheng
Singapore Management University 



Lisa DeSimore
Stanford University




Linda Myers
The University of Tennessee
 3 08/2022

Board of Directors Liaison
Mark DeFond
University of Southern California
Vice President–Research & Publications


  • Respond to requests of the President and the Board of Directors to study and report on matters of concern related to research as directed by the Bylaws. Such matters can include but are not limited to PhD programs, faculty development, stimulating new and innovative research, research recognition, and research integrity and ethics. The Research Committee can also propose new matters for Board of Directors consideration.
  • Consider how the strategic direction of all Association-level committees related to research align with the organization's Strategic Plan, forwarding recommendations as appropriate.
  • Within every three-year cycle, screen candidates for the Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award and recommend a recipient.
  • Review and evaluate proposals and completed works submitted for publication in Studies in Accounting Research.
  • Coordinate the Studies in Accounting Research series including soliciting, inviting, reviewing, and evaluating proposals.

Research Committee

  • Monitor the accounting research activities of other accounting associations (e.g. AICPA, FEI, IIA, and IMA), AAA regions, and AAA sections, coordinating with those organizations, regions, and sections as appropriate.
  • If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, s/he should contact the Executive Director, the President, or the committee’s Board of Directors Liaison.
  • The Chair will have the opportunity three times every term-year to prepare and send a progress report which will be available for the Board of Directors to review at their next meeting. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the committee’s Board of Directors Liaison, and Governance Manager, Barbara Gutierrez (

Research Committee - Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

  • AAA Professional Staff Liaison (Barbara Gutierrez) will ensure the Call for Nominations website is updated in conjunction with the Committee Directory, and beginning in September, will arrange for the Call for Nominations announcement to be publicized on the AAA website and in in multi-topic mass emails and will provide Chair with the schedule.
  • Nominations are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on January 31 in years in which they are solicited.
  • Members of the Committee are encouraged to submit nominations.
  • The Committee will select award recipients based on award criteria.
  • The AAA Vice President-Research and Publications will collect nominations for the award.
  • The AAA Vice President-Research and Publications will involve the Research Committee to screen the nominations.
  • The Committee will consider works worthy of the Award and add them to other nominations considered.
  • The AAA Vice President-Research and Publications and the Research Committee will take into consideration that the Award is not given too frequently to avoid diluting its original purpose.
  • The AAA Vice President-Research and Publications makes recommendations to the Board of Directors at the Spring Board of Directors meeting.
  • The Board of Directors will make the final decision on giving the Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award.

Research Committee - Studies in Accounting Research (SAR)

  • AAA Professional Staff Liaison will work with the AAA Vice President-Research and Publications to advertise and promote the Call for Proposals.
  • Proposals and completed works will be evaluated by the AAA Vice President-Research and Publications and the Research Committee for suitability. A review committee of three or more members will be established for an accepted proposal or completed work.
  • The Committee will provide comments and suggestions and, upon completion, make a recommendation to the AAA Vice President-Research and Publications as to whether the work meets SAR criteria.
  • For proposals, the Committee will also monitor the work as it is being completed.
  • Appropriate milestones and time limits will be established for the completion of the work.
  • The selection of members of the review committee will be based upon recommendations of the author(s) and the AAA Vice President-Research and Publications with the objective of forming a mutually acceptable group that is highly conversant with the area and possesses established research records. The review committee may include a member of the Research Committee at the time the work is approved to provide continuity.
  • It is envisioned that about one SAR will be published every year.
  • The AAA will publicize, publish, and distribute sufficient copies based on orders received from members and non-members.


  • The Research Committee shall consist of nine members, including the Chair, each of whom shall normally serve a three-year term, with one-third of the Committee members appointed each year.
  • The Vice President-Research and Publications shall Chair the Committee.
  • In years when there is a new Vice President-Research and Publications, the President shall appoint two new members for three-year terms. In other years, the President shall appoint three new members for three-year terms.


  • The Committee meets as needed. Meetings can be online, as appropriate.


Name / Affiliation


Term Length

Term Expires

Mark DeFond
University of Southern California
Vice President–Research & Publications



Dereck Barr-Pulliam
University of Wisconsin-Madison



Mark T. Soliman
University of Southern California



Steve Stubben
The University of Utah



Mary Ellen Carter
Boston College 



Richard Sansing
Dartmouth College



Qiang Cheng
Singapore Management University 



Lisa DeSimore
Stanford University




Linda Myers
The University of Tennessee
 3 08/2022

Board of Directors Liaison
Mark DeFond
University of Southern California
Vice President–Research & Publications