2020 Best Paper Awards

Previous Winners

The Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Awards are presented annually. The awards are given for the best paper published each calendar year for either publication.

All papers appearing in Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education in 2019, except for editorials written by the editor and committee reports, are eligible.

Editors of each journal, Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education, select the top five papers published in the calendar year of each journal. Each award winner is then selected by online voting which is open to all members of the American Accounting Association. Online voting is scheduled in the spring of each year and will be announced via mass emails and the AAA website.


The winner(s) of the Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award and the winner(s) of the Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award will receive an award and $2,500 at the AAA Annual Meeting. If there are multiple winners for each Best Paper Award, the amount is divided evenly.

The winner(s) will announced on the AAA website and in multi-topic mass emails.

2020 Best Paper Awards

Previous Winners

The Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Awards are presented annually. The awards are given for the best paper published each calendar year for either publication.

All papers appearing in Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education in 2019, except for editorials written by the editor and committee reports, are eligible.

Editors of each journal, Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education, select the top five papers published in the calendar year of each journal. Each award winner is then selected by online voting which is open to all members of the American Accounting Association. Online voting is scheduled in the spring of each year and will be announced via mass emails and the AAA website.


The winner(s) of the Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award and the winner(s) of the Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award will receive an award and $2,500 at the AAA Annual Meeting. If there are multiple winners for each Best Paper Award, the amount is divided evenly.

The winner(s) will announced on the AAA website and in multi-topic mass emails.