Annual Best Paper Awards

Previous Award Recipients

2024 Award
Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Client Acquisition Following an Auditor’s Unethical Behavior: An Examination of Reputational Consequences Following KPMG’s “Steal the Exam” Scandal.”
Accounting Horizons, June 2023, Volume 37, Issue 2, pp: 85–104. 

Kevin Hale
J. Mike Truelson

2024 Award
Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

Accounting or Finance? The Role of Differential Career Beliefs on Undergraduate Students’ Choices of Major.
Issues in Accounting Education, August 2023, Volume 38, Issue 3, pp: 1-19.

 Erin E. Jordan
 Steven E. Kaplan
 Janet A. Samuels

2023 Award
Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

Stakeholder Engagement and Effective Standard Setting.” 
Accounting Horizons, June 2022, Volume 36, Issue 2, pp: 47-69.

Amanda M. Convery
Matt Kaufman
Terry D. Warfield

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

Aristocracy or Meritocracy? The Role of Elite Pedigree and Research Performance in New Accounting Faculty Placements."
Issues in Accounting Education, February 2022, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp: 19-39.

Sid C. Bundy
Partha S. Mohapatra
Matthew Sooy
Dan N. Stone


Wealthy Watches Inc.: The Substantive Testing of Accounts Receivable in the Evolving Audit Environment.” 
Issues in Accounting Education, February 2022, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp: 19-39.

Lindsay M. Andiola
Denise Hanes Downey
Christine E. Earley
Devon Jefferson 


2022 Award
Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

Act or Be Acted Upon: Revolutionizing Accounting Curriculums with Data Analytics.” 
Accounting Horizons, June 2021, Volume 35, Issue 2, pp: 129–144.

Vernon J. Richardson 
Marcia Weidenmier Watson

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

Do We Matter? Attention the General Public, Policymakers, and Academics Give to Accounting Research.
Issues in Accounting Education, February 2021, Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 1–22.

F. Greg Burton, Scott L. Summers, T. Jeffrey Wilks, and David A. Wood


2021 Award
Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Investigating Accountants' Resistance to Move beyond Excel and Adopt New Data Analytics Technology.
Accounting Horizons, December 2020, Volume 34, No. 4, pp. 165-180.

Pamela Jeanné Schmidt
Jennifer Riley
Kimberly Swanson Church

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Research Initiatives in Accounting Education: Toward a More Inclusive Accounting Academy.
Issues in Accounting Education, September 2020, Volume 35, No. 4, pp. 87-110.

Helen Brown-Liburd
Jennifer R. Joe


2020 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Robotic Process Automation in Public Accounting."
Accounting Horizons, December 2019, Volume 33, No. 42, pp. 15-35.

Lauren Cooper
D. Kip Holderness, Jr.
Trevor L. Sorensen
David A. Wood

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Diamond Foods, Inc.: A Comprehensive Case in Financial Analysis and Valuation."
Issues in Accounting Education, February 2019, Volume 34, No. 1, pp. 13-33.

Mahendra R. Gujarathi

2019 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"A Review of the Archival Literature on Audit Partners.
Accounting Horizons, June 2018, Volume 32, No. 2, pp. 1-35. 

Clive S. Lennox
Xi Wu 

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Using Visualization Software in the Audit of Revenue Transactions to Identify Anomalies."
Issues in Accounting Education, November 2018, Volume 33, No. 4, pp. 33-46. 

Lauren M. Cunningham
Sarah E. Stein


2018 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

“Who Uses Financial Statements? A Demographic Analysis of Financial Statement Downloads from EDGAR” 
Accounting Horizons. September 2017, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 55-68.

Michael S. Drake

Phillip J. Quinn
Jacob R. Thornock


Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

“Are Accountants Made or Born? An Analysis of Self-Selection into the Accounting Major and Performance in Accounting Courses and on the CPA Exam”
Issues in Accounting Education. August 2017, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 33-50.

Allen D. Blay
M. G. Fennema

2017 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Comparing the Publication Process in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing, Psychology, and the Natural Sciences"
Accounting Horizons. September 2016, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 341-361

David A. Wood


Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"How to Review a Paper"
Issues in Accounting Education. May 2016, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 219-234

Derek K. Oler and William R. Pasewark

2016 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

“Accelerated Filing Deadlines, Internal Controls, and Financial Statement Quality: The Case of Originating Misstatements”
Accounting Horizons. September 2015, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 265-295.

Colleen M. Boland, Scott N. Bronson, and Chris E. Hogan

“Financial Engineering and the Arms Race between Accounting Standard Setters and Preparers” 
Accounting Horizons. June 2015, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 551-575

Ronald A. Dye, Jonathan C. Glover, and Shyam Sunder

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

“Witnessing Your Own Cognitive Bias: A Compendium of Classroom Exercises”
Issues in Accounting Education. February 2015, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 13-34

Rebecca G. Fay and Norma R. Montague

2015 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"The Myth of Rigorous Accounting Research"
Accounting Horizons. December 2014, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 869-887

Paul F. Williams

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Accounting Education Research: Ranking Institutions and Individual Scholars"
Issues in Accounting Education. February 2014, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 87-115.

D. Kip Holderness, Jr., Noah M. Myers, Scott L. Summers, and David A. Wood

2014 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Integrating Information Technology into Accounting Research and Practice"
Accounting Horizons. Volume 27, Issue 4 (November 2012) pp. 815-840.

Guido L. Geerts, Lynford E. Graham, Elaine G. Mauldin, William E. McCarthy, and Vernon J. Richardson

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Publication Benchmarking Data Based on Faculty Promoted at the Top 75 U.S. Accounting Research Institutions"
Issues in Accounting Education. Volume 27, Issue 3 (August 2012) pp. 647-670.

Steven M. Glover, Douglas F. Prawitt, Scott L. Summers and David A. Wood

"Seeds of Innovation in Accounting Scholarship"
Issues in Accounting Education. Volume 27, Issue 4 (November 2012) pp. 1077-1093.

Gregory B. Waymire

2013 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"A Post-SOX Examination of Factors Associated with the Size of Internal Audit Functions"
Accounting Horizons. Volume 26, Issue 2 (June 2012) pp. 167-191.

Urton L. Anderson, Margaret H. Christ, Karla M. Johnstone and Larry E. Rittenberg

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Publication Benchmarking Data Based on Faculty Promoted at the Top 75 U.S. Accounting Research Institutions"
Issues in Accounting Education. Volume 27, Issue 3 (August 2012) pp. 647-670.

Steven M. Glover, Douglas F. Prawitt, Scott L. Summers and David A. Wood


"Seeds of Innovation in Accounting Scholarship"
Issues in Accounting Education. Volume 27, Issue 4 (November 2012) pp. 1077-1093.

Gregory B. Waymire

2012 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Accounting Doctoral Program Rankings on Research Productivity of Program Graudates Accounting Horizons"
Accounting Horizons, Volume 25.149-181—2011

Nathaniel M. Stephens, Scott L. Summers, Brady Williams, David A Wood

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Individual Accounting Faculty Research Rankings by Topical Area and Methodology Issues in Accounting Education"
Issues in Accounting Education, Volume 26.471-505— 2011

Jeffrey Pickerd, Nathaniel M. Stephens, Scott L. Summers; David A. Wood

2011 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Neuroaccounting: Consilience between the Biologically Evolved Brain and Culturally Evolved Accounting Principles"
Accounting Horizons, Volume 24.2 — 2010

John Dickhaut, Sudipta Basu, Kevin McCabe and Greg Waymire

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Accounting Program Research Rankings by Topical Area and Methodology"
Issues in Accounting Education, Volume 25.4 — 2010

Joshua G. Coyne, Scott L. Summers, Brady Williams and David A. Wood

2010 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"The Impact of Academic Accounting Research on Professional Practice: An Analysis by the AAA Research Impact Task Force"
Accounting Horizons, Volume 23.4— 2009

(AAA Research Impact Task Force)Stephen Moehrle, Kirsten Anderson, Frances Ayres, Cynthia Bolt-Lee, Roger Debreceny, Mike Dugan, Chris Hogan, Michael Maher, Elizabeth Plummer

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Blessed Are the Gatekeepers: A Longitudinal Study of the Editorial Boards of The Accounting Review"
Issues in Accounting Education, Volume 24.3— 2009

Timothy J. Fogarty and Chih-Hsien Liao

2009 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Rules and Accounting: Vagueness in Conceptual Frameworks"
Accounting Horizons, Volume 22.3 — 2008

Mark C. Penno

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"What I Have Learned So Far: Observations on Managing an Academic Accounting Career"
Issues in Accounting Education, Volume 23.1— 2008

Dana R. Hermanson

2008 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Press Release

"Beyond Competition: Institutional Isomorphism in U.S. Accounting Research"
Accounting Horizons, Volume 21.4 — 2007

Brad Tuttle and Jesse Dillard

Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Press Release

"An Empirical Assessment of the Rise and Fall of Accounting as an Academic Discipline"
Issues in Accounting Education, Volume 22.2 — 2007

Timothy J. Fogarty and Garen Markarian

2007 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award

"Recordkeeping and Human Evolution"
Accounting Horizons, Volume 20.3 — 2006

Sudipta Basu and Gregory B. Waymire

Issues in Accounting Educations Best Paper Award

"Publications Records of Faculty Promoted at the Top 75 Accounting Research Programs"
Issues in Accounting Education, Volume 21.3 — 2006

Steven M. Glover, Douglas F. Prawitt and David A. Wood

2006 Award

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award

"Does Graduate Business Education Contribute to Professional Accounting Success?"
Accounting Horizons, Volume 19.2 — 2005

Benson Wier, Dan N. Stone, and James E. Hunton

Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award

"Accounting for Liabilities: Conceptual Issues, Standard Setting, and Evidence from Academic Research"
Accounting Horizons, Volume 19.3 — 2005

Christine A. Botosan, Lisa Koonce, Stephen G. Ryan, Mary S. Stone, and James M. Wahlen