AAA-George Krull EDGE in Teaching Award
Previous George Krull/Grant Thornton EDGE in Teaching Award Recipients and Honorable Mentions
2024 Award
"Purchase Order ‘Analytic Audit”
Daniel O’Leary, University of Southern California
Honorable Mention:
“Costing Breakage: A Case Study on Implementing Waste Reduction to Foster Sustainability”
Lucy Diala, California State University, Fresno
2023 Award
“Building Higher Order Thinking Skills through Assessment of User Account Access Management”
Holly Hawk, Clemson University
2022 Award
“Escape the Mundane Review”
Kimberly Young, Greenville Technical College, South Carolina
Honorable Mention:
“Randomized Data Analytics Case Studies”
Hagit Levy-Shalev, Baruch College, New York
2021 Award
“Divvying Up Data: A Data Visualization Case”
Michael Ozlanski, Susquehanna University; Suzanne Seymour, North Central College
Honorable Mention:
“How much money am I making? BeYoutiful Bath Bombs Inventory Costing Project”
Tara Lambert, Whitworth University
2020 Award
“Cybersecurity isn’t just for Techies: Incorporating Cybersecurity into the Accounting Curriculum”
Scott Boss, Bentley University; Joy Gray, Bentley University; Diane Janvrin, Iowa State University
Honorable Mention:
“Finding the Fraudster: A Problem-Based Learning Activity for the Auditing Classroom”
Christie Novak, Le Moyne College
2019 Award
“Blockchain: Bridging the Profession-Education Gap with Instructional Scaffolding”
Ethan Kinory, Rutgers Camden, State University of NJ and Kimberly Church, University of Missouri-Kansas City and Sean Stein Smith, Lehman College (CUNY)
2018 Award
“Show & Tell: Infographics to Keep and Sustain Engagement”
Lynnan Mocek and Veronica Paz, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
2017 Award
“Student Distinctive Consolidated Financial Statement Assignment”
Jeff Miller, Sam Houston State University and Lixuan Grace Zhang, Kennesaw State University
2016 Award
“Reflective Ethical Decision: A model for ethics in accounting education”
Sandria Stephenson, Kennesaw State University
Honorable Mention:
“Utilizing Concept Mapping in Individual Income Tax”
Tracie Miller-Nobles, Austin Community College
2015 Award
“Diamond Foods Inc.: One Company, Two Cases, Four Courses. The Recipe for a Rich, Relevant and Exciting Learning Experience”
Mahendra Gujarathi, Bentley University
Honorable Mention:
“Adding a Real-World Fraud Risk Assessment to your Fraud or Auditing Class”
Mary Jepperson, College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University
2014 Award
“The College to Professional Experience”
Ashley Stark and Scott Hanson, Dickinson State University
Honorable Mention:
“Regression Analysis—Instructional Resource for Cost/Managerial Accounting”
David Stout, Youngstown State University
2013 Award
“Bellweather Garden Supply: Revising Purchase and Disbursement Processes and Controls in the Implementation of a New Accounting Application”
Marion E. McHugh — Furman University; Paul Polinski — University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Honorable Mentions:
“A "Sweet Way" to Teach Managerial Accounting: The Cookie Project”
Kelly Richmond Pope — DePaul University
"Understand FX Risk by Playing Monopoly"
Rita Grant — Grand Valley State University
“Engaging Students in Accounting and Auditing Aspects Related to the Dixon Illinois 53 Million Dollar Fraud”
Carol M. Jessup — University of Illinois-Springfield
2012 Award
“Out of the Box Learning for Tax Class: Students Create Models, Pamphlets, and a Shoebox Case”
Marsha Huber — Youngtown State University
Honorable Mentions:
“Audit Service Proposal: Jurassic Accounting and Stellar Steel”
Meghann Cefarattil and Tim West — Northern Illinois University; David Heinke — Grant Thornton, LLP
“Using SEC Resources to incorporate IFRS content in Intermediate Accounting”
Linda Matuszewski — Northern Illinois University
2011 Award
“From Pacioli to Picasso: Using Art to Enhance Critical Thinking in Accounting Capstone Course”
Karen Tabak — Maryville University
Honorable Mentions:
“IFRS Projects Using Dual Reporting of IFRS and U. S. GAAP””
Angela L. J. Hwang — Eastern Michigan University
“Student Engagement in Auditing Class – Audit Skits and Humor”
Gail Kaciuba — St. Mary’s University
2010 Award
"Use Technology to Enhance Auditing Classes”
Mary Jepperson — College of St. Benedict
Honorable Mentions:
"Detecting Fraud in Financial Statements”
Avinash Arya — William Paterson University
"Northwind Project—Query and Manipulate Data for Financial”
R.K. Hurtt — Baylor University; Ann O’Brien — University of Wisconsin-Madison