Workshop: Introduction to the AICPA Audit Data Standards
Clinton White, Jr., University of Delaware
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Registration Fee: $50 (AIS/SET members), $75 (all others)
Field of Study: Accounting
Program Level: Basic
Method of Delivery: Group-Live
Credit Hours: 4.8
Intended Audience: Accounting faculty
Learning Objectives:
- To introduce accounting educators to the AICPA Audit Data Standards
- To understand the auditor to client communication and data-request problems that the ADS are designed to solve
- To understand the value of receiving a client’s data in standardized form, validating it, and using it for analysis
- To understand the role of XBRL GL for improving the ADS process
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation Required: Bring your laptop (with Excel).