2020 ABO Doctoral Consortium

The Accounting, Behavior, and Organizations Section of the AAA is pleased to announce its Fourteenth Annual Doctoral Consortium. The Consortium will be held in conjunction with the ABO Virtual Research Conference. The Consortium is designed for PhD students interested in conducting behavioral research. New faculty (i.e., those less than three years post PhD) also will be considered for attendance at the Consortium, space permitting.

The Consortium will take place virtually on Thursday, October 1, 2020 from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm.  Expert researchers will present talks on how to conduct and publish high-quality research as well as on how to manage academic careers. Participants also will have opportunities to ask questions and interact with the presenters. The final hour of the consortium will include small break out rooms of PhD students and faculty (5-7 participants in each room) so that we can enjoy a virtual “happy hour” in a more relaxed setting.

The Doctoral Consortium and Research Conference are free for student members of the AAA (although students need not be members of the ABO section).

Application is closed.

With respect to the ABO Research Conference, PhD students will need to register, separately New faculty will also need to register for the Conference separately and pay the standard Conference fee. 

We are happy to be able to offer the ABO Doctoral Consortium this year and look forward to your participation.

Donna Bobek Schmitt
2020 ABO Doctoral Consortium Coordinator