Registration Information

By registering, all AAA event attendees agree to abide by the
Event Code of Professional Conduct

Pre-registration is closed.
On-site registration will be available at the Rosen Centre,  beginning Wednesday, January 22nd, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm and on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00 am.

REGISTRATION FEE (required) includes name badge (required for admittance to meeting events), meeting program, attendance list, Thursday Reception, Friday and Saturday breakfasts and Friday Reception.


 2020 Joint Midyear Meeting of the AIS, SET and International Sections - January 23-25, 2020
AAA Members of any of the following sections:
- Accounting Information Systems
- Strategic Emerging and Technologies
- International Accounting

Registration Fee- on or before December 23, 2019
Late Registration Fee- after December 23, 2019

All Others
(Including Non-Section Members)
Registration Fee- on or before December 23, 2019
Late Registration Fee- after December 23, 2019
Student Member Information
AIS, SET or International Section Member
Guest Ticket (optional)
Paid attendees may bring a guest to the following functions for an additional fee.
Friday Lunch, January 24, 2020
Friday Reception, January 24, 2020
Saturday Lunch, January 25, 2020

2020 Workshop Information - January 23, 2020
An Introduction to Permissioned Blockchains using Hyperledger
  AIS, SET or International Section Member
All Others
Integrating Data Analytics Into Your Accounting Course, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  AIS, SET or International Section Member
All Others
2020 Consortium Information - January 23, 2020
AIS New Scholars Consortium
The AIS New Scholars Consortium is open to doctoral students and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year AIS assistant professors who are members in the AAA AIS or SET Sections.

Note: Seating for the New Scholars Consortium is limited. If you have registered for the Consortium, please email if you are unable to attend in order to allow another to attend in your place.
AIS New Scholars Consortium (AIS/NSC) Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  AIS/SET Members

International PhD/New Faculty Consortium
If you would like to apply to attend, please click the button on the main webpage titled, IAS PhD Consortium to apply. Applications are due by November 24, 2019.


Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be received in writing at the AAA in order to be processed (email Cancellations received after December 23, 2020 will incur a $25 cancellation charge. No refunds will be available for cancellations after January 8, 2020 or for no-shows.

Consent to Use of Photographic Images
Registration and attendance at, or participation in, an AAA sponsored event constitutes an agreement by the registrant to AAA’s use and distribution of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in marketing and promotional pieces, written publications, videos and the association’s website for an indefinite period of time.

Americans with Disabilities Act
The American Accounting Association intends to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Any members planning to attend this meeting, who have special needs, as covered by the ADA, are requested to notify Kelli Rickrode at the American Accounting Association (941) 556-4123 to facilitate identification and accommodation of these needs by the Association.

Registration Information

By registering, all AAA event attendees agree to abide by the
Event Code of Professional Conduct

Pre-registration is closed.
On-site registration will be available at the Rosen Centre,  beginning Wednesday, January 22nd, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm and on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00 am.

REGISTRATION FEE (required) includes name badge (required for admittance to meeting events), meeting program, attendance list, Thursday Reception, Friday and Saturday breakfasts and Friday Reception.


 2020 Joint Midyear Meeting of the AIS, SET and International Sections - January 23-25, 2020
AAA Members of any of the following sections:
- Accounting Information Systems
- Strategic Emerging and Technologies
- International Accounting

Registration Fee- on or before December 23, 2019
Late Registration Fee- after December 23, 2019

All Others
(Including Non-Section Members)
Registration Fee- on or before December 23, 2019
Late Registration Fee- after December 23, 2019
Student Member Information
AIS, SET or International Section Member
Guest Ticket (optional)
Paid attendees may bring a guest to the following functions for an additional fee.
Friday Lunch, January 24, 2020
Friday Reception, January 24, 2020
Saturday Lunch, January 25, 2020

2020 Workshop Information - January 23, 2020
An Introduction to Permissioned Blockchains using Hyperledger
  AIS, SET or International Section Member
All Others
Integrating Data Analytics Into Your Accounting Course, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  AIS, SET or International Section Member
All Others
2020 Consortium Information - January 23, 2020
AIS New Scholars Consortium
The AIS New Scholars Consortium is open to doctoral students and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year AIS assistant professors who are members in the AAA AIS or SET Sections.

Note: Seating for the New Scholars Consortium is limited. If you have registered for the Consortium, please email if you are unable to attend in order to allow another to attend in your place.
AIS New Scholars Consortium (AIS/NSC) Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  AIS/SET Members

International PhD/New Faculty Consortium
If you would like to apply to attend, please click the button on the main webpage titled, IAS PhD Consortium to apply. Applications are due by November 24, 2019.


Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be received in writing at the AAA in order to be processed (email Cancellations received after December 23, 2020 will incur a $25 cancellation charge. No refunds will be available for cancellations after January 8, 2020 or for no-shows.

Consent to Use of Photographic Images
Registration and attendance at, or participation in, an AAA sponsored event constitutes an agreement by the registrant to AAA’s use and distribution of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in marketing and promotional pieces, written publications, videos and the association’s website for an indefinite period of time.

Americans with Disabilities Act
The American Accounting Association intends to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Any members planning to attend this meeting, who have special needs, as covered by the ADA, are requested to notify Kelli Rickrode at the American Accounting Association (941) 556-4123 to facilitate identification and accommodation of these needs by the Association.