Workshop Information

Thursday, January 23, 2019

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

An Introduction to Permissioned Blockchains using Hyperledger
Information Technology - 4.8 CH
Clinton (Skip) White, University of Delaware 

The objective of this workshop is to expose accounting educators to blockchains, smart contracts, and Hyperledger. Blockchain is a new technology for validating, recording, and storing transaction data in a secure and immutable chain; in this sense it is an accounting IS technology. Hyperledger is an open source platform for creating and running “permissioned” blockchains. Permissioned blockchains are the technology of choice in business. This workshop is designed to introduce blockchains on the Hyperledger platform to AIS educators. Attendees will work with Hyperledger Composer to model a supply chain blockchain and test transactions.  Attendees should bring a laptop. A basic understanding of blockchain is helpful. 

Prerequisites: Text editor needs to be installed on your computer (Notepad ++ for Windows and
  Sublime for Macs)
Advanced Preparation Required: None


Thursday, January 23, 2020

1:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Integrating Data Analytics Into Your Accounting Courses: A Hands-on Workshop
Information Technology - 5.4 CH
Kimberly Church, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Guido Geerts, University of Delaware
Margarita M. Lenk, Colorado State University

If you are interested in integrating data analytics into your accounting courses, this hands-on workshop will get you started. You will work through several accounting problems that you can integrate into your classes, and we will also demonstrate how data analytics can be used as a cognitive tool to teach accounting concepts. No previous knowledge regarding data analytics is required, and the concepts and materials taught are relevant to all accounting disciplines. The software to be used in the workshop is Microsoft Power BI Desktop, which can be downloaded for free.

Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation Required: None

We gratefully acknowledge the KPMG Foundation for their generous support!