2022 Joint Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Regions

Call for Submissions

Accounting educators, students and professionals are invited to submit their work to the 2022 Joint Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Regions, to be held virtually, October 20 - 22, 2022. All submitting authors and co-authors will be asked to volunteer to serve as reviewers of submissions. Submissions will be accepted for the following sessions (click each link for session description):

Paper Sessions
Dialogue Sessions
Effective Learning Strategies (ELS) Poster Sessions
Sharpen Your Teaching Skills Sessions

The deadline for all submissions is 11:59 pm EST on June 22, 2022.

Please consider volunteering to support the 2022 Joint Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Regions. Click Here to volunteer.

Award Opportunities

Best Mid-Atlantic Region Paper Award

Given to the overall best paper submitted to the region.



Best Mid-Atlantic Region Doctoral Student Paper Award

Given to the overall best student paper submitted by a Doctoral student to the region.



Best Mid-Atlantic Region Gender Issues Work/ Paper Award

Given to the overall best Gender Issues Work/Life Balance paper submitted to the region.



Best Mid-Atlantic Region Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Paper Award

Given to the overall best Teaching, Learning and Curriculum paper submitted to the region.



Best Northeast Region Paper Award

Given to the overall best paper submitted to the region.



Best Northeast Region Doctoral Student Paper Award

Given to the overall best student paper submitted by a Doctoral student to the region.



Best Northeast Region Gender Issues Work/ Paper Award

Given to the overall best Gender Issues Work/Life Balance paper submitted to the region.



Best Northeast Region Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Paper Award

Given to the overall best Teaching, Learning and Curriculum paper submitted to the region.

Paper Sessions
Click here to submit your paper

Paper sessions will include three or four completed papers and cases with discussant(s). Each presenter/discussant will have approximately 20 minutes. Papers and case studies may encompass any topical area of accounting and may be theoretical or practice oriented. Papers can have an academic, practitioner or pedagogical focus. (Do NOT include author identifying information on the cover page.) Sessions will include four research papers with discussant(s). Each presenter/discussant will have approximately 20 minutes. 

Dialogue Sessions
Click here to submit your paper

Dialogue sessions provide an opportunity for researchers to present papers and cases that are in a developmental stage. Authors should indicate their interest in presenting in a Dialogue Session. Dialogue sessions will allow presentation of, and open dialogue with attendees for, five completed papers. Each presenter will have approximately 16 minutes total for presentation and dialogue. The session allows the author to benefit from a greater variety of perspectives in providing feedback on his/her paper. The Dialogue Facilitator will facilitate the discussion amongst the attendees. Papers and case studies submitted to the Dialogue Session may encompass any topical area of accounting and may be theoretical or practice oriented. Papers can have an academic, practitioner or pedagogical focus. (Do NOT include author identifying information on the cover page.)

Effective Learning Strategies (ELS) Poster Session
Click here to submit your proposal

The ELS Poster Session showcases ideas, teaching strategies and education innovations that support learning in accounting. It offers an interactive format for presenters to engage colleagues and exchange ideas and resources.

Sharpen Your Teaching Skills Sessions
Click here to submit your proposal

Teaching Session proposals are now being accepted for the Sharpen Your Teaching Skills track of concurrent sessions at the meeting. This track of sessions is designed to offer new ideas and best practices in teaching FOR region members, BY region members! Submit your proposal for a mini-workshop presentation, or for a teacher panel, and share your knowledge and experience with your peers.

  • 150-200-word description of the session, and what attendees will learn from attending it
  • Identification of session format (panel, workshop), and who the presenters/panelists will be (NOTE: you will be responsible for leading the session at the meeting)
  • Space on the program is limited, so please also indicate whether or not you could convert this proposal into an Effective Learning Strategies (ELS).


Author Services

The American Accounting Association (AAA), in partnership with Editage, offers pre-submission manuscript preparation support services to authors. Editage’s highly qualified and experienced publication experts in relevant fields provide the following:

  • English Language Editing: Substantive subject-specific editing by experienced and professional editors at Editage.
  • Translation Service: Translation and editing of the manuscript to deliver a publication-ready output.
  • Research Promotion: Transform research papers into easy-to-consume multimedia formats and increase readership and citations
  • Post-review support is also available to help authors feel more confident in their manuscript revisions

To Learn More and Get a Quote, Click Here!