
Julie Hasson
Founder and CSC (Chief Story Collector)
Chalk and Chances

Impacting The Future of Managerial Accounting One Student at a Time

Great professors and instructors make a lasting impact on students’ lives. By helping students feel safe, seen, and stretched in the classroom, we prepare students for the professional challenges ahead. We inspire students to become collaborators in their own learning and career preparation. The field of managerial accounting is full of high stakes decisions. This presentation is packed with strategies for helping students become more competent and confident decision makers. We can all make a greater and more consistent impact on our students and our field.

Dr. Julie Hasson was a teacher and school principal before moving into higher education. Julie currently teaches graduate courses in Leadership and School Administration at Appalachian State University. She also conducts qualitative research focused on teacher impact, student-teacher relationships, and developing trust in schools and organizations. That research is the focus of her engaging professional development programs and her new book, Safe, Seen, and Stretched in the Classroom: The Remarkable Ways Teachers Shape Students' Lives.

Saturday, January 8, 2022
7:00 – 8:15 a.m. PST
AICPA/CGMA Sponsored Breakfast


Tom Hood, CPA, CITP, CGMA is currently the EVP Business Growth & Engagement for the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants and the Business Learning Institute. Tom just stepped onto the global stage after 23 years as the CEO of the Maryland Association of CPAs. He was named the second most influential person in accounting by Accounting Today Magazine for the ninth year.  LinkedIn recruited Tom as one of their Top 100 Influencers with a following of over 750,000. He is a member of Forbes Finance Council and was inducted into the Accounting Hall of Fame. He is a former CFO and has a Master’s in Finance from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Loyola University of Maryland.


Julie Hasson
Founder and CSC (Chief Story Collector)
Chalk and Chances

Impacting The Future of Managerial Accounting One Student at a Time

Great professors and instructors make a lasting impact on students’ lives. By helping students feel safe, seen, and stretched in the classroom, we prepare students for the professional challenges ahead. We inspire students to become collaborators in their own learning and career preparation. The field of managerial accounting is full of high stakes decisions. This presentation is packed with strategies for helping students become more competent and confident decision makers. We can all make a greater and more consistent impact on our students and our field.

Dr. Julie Hasson was a teacher and school principal before moving into higher education. Julie currently teaches graduate courses in Leadership and School Administration at Appalachian State University. She also conducts qualitative research focused on teacher impact, student-teacher relationships, and developing trust in schools and organizations. That research is the focus of her engaging professional development programs and her new book, Safe, Seen, and Stretched in the Classroom: The Remarkable Ways Teachers Shape Students' Lives.

Saturday, January 8, 2022
7:00 – 8:15 a.m. PST
AICPA/CGMA Sponsored Breakfast


Tom Hood, CPA, CITP, CGMA is currently the EVP Business Growth & Engagement for the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants and the Business Learning Institute. Tom just stepped onto the global stage after 23 years as the CEO of the Maryland Association of CPAs. He was named the second most influential person in accounting by Accounting Today Magazine for the ninth year.  LinkedIn recruited Tom as one of their Top 100 Influencers with a following of over 750,000. He is a member of Forbes Finance Council and was inducted into the Accounting Hall of Fame. He is a former CFO and has a Master’s in Finance from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Loyola University of Maryland.