Submission Steps

1. To pay your submission fee:

Submission Fee

2. Once you have paid your fee and retrieved your Order number, visit the:

Submission System

Call for Submissions

The deadline for submission of manuscripts for the conference has been extended to Monday, August 16, 2021 (11:59 PM EDT).

The Management Accounting Section encourages submissions of papers from all areas of management accounting research, including all paradigms and theoretical foundations (e.g., sociology, psychology, economics) and all research methods (e.g., analytical, archival, case-based, interviews, experimental, survey). We also encourage submission of early working papers, particularly those by junior faculty and doctoral student members from all countries.

A $50 submission fee is required and should be paid prior to submitting a manuscript.After payment, you may submit your manuscript through the electronic submissions system. During the submission process, you will be asked to provide a Submission Fee Payment Number, which you will receive via email upon completing the fee payment form.

In the submission website, you will be able to choose between two formats:

Research Paper: Papers selected for this format will be presented in a concurrent session with discussant. The authors will have 15 minutes to present the paper and discussants will have 10 minutes to share their comments. The last 5 minutes will be reserved for Q&A.

Research Exhibition: The research exhibition sessions will take place during the coffee breaks on Friday and Saturday. Presenters will have a display board (black) at their disposal with a size of 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide.

The selection of manuscripts for the conference will be announced in late September.

The Midyear Meeting relies on volunteers to review submissions. Where possible, each manuscript is assigned two reviewers. Based on past experience, over 300 scholars from around the world will be invited to review submissions and nearly 100 scholars will serve as a discussant. Authors of submitted manuscripts will automatically be added to the pool of potential reviewers. In addition, scholars may volunteer as a reviewer in the submission system. If called upon to review, please consider accepting the invitation and providing a high-quality review. Outstanding reviewers will be recognized at the conference.

Best regards,
Margaret Christ and Markus Arnold
2022 Management Accounting Section Meeting Co-Directors

Submission Steps

1. To pay your submission fee:

Submission Fee

2. Once you have paid your fee and retrieved your Order number, visit the:

Submission System

Call for Submissions

The deadline for submission of manuscripts for the conference has been extended to Monday, August 16, 2021 (11:59 PM EDT).

The Management Accounting Section encourages submissions of papers from all areas of management accounting research, including all paradigms and theoretical foundations (e.g., sociology, psychology, economics) and all research methods (e.g., analytical, archival, case-based, interviews, experimental, survey). We also encourage submission of early working papers, particularly those by junior faculty and doctoral student members from all countries.

A $50 submission fee is required and should be paid prior to submitting a manuscript.After payment, you may submit your manuscript through the electronic submissions system. During the submission process, you will be asked to provide a Submission Fee Payment Number, which you will receive via email upon completing the fee payment form.

In the submission website, you will be able to choose between two formats:

Research Paper: Papers selected for this format will be presented in a concurrent session with discussant. The authors will have 15 minutes to present the paper and discussants will have 10 minutes to share their comments. The last 5 minutes will be reserved for Q&A.

Research Exhibition: The research exhibition sessions will take place during the coffee breaks on Friday and Saturday. Presenters will have a display board (black) at their disposal with a size of 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide.

The selection of manuscripts for the conference will be announced in late September.

The Midyear Meeting relies on volunteers to review submissions. Where possible, each manuscript is assigned two reviewers. Based on past experience, over 300 scholars from around the world will be invited to review submissions and nearly 100 scholars will serve as a discussant. Authors of submitted manuscripts will automatically be added to the pool of potential reviewers. In addition, scholars may volunteer as a reviewer in the submission system. If called upon to review, please consider accepting the invitation and providing a high-quality review. Outstanding reviewers will be recognized at the conference.

Best regards,
Margaret Christ and Markus Arnold
2022 Management Accounting Section Meeting Co-Directors