
Share the latest news!
You are invited to submit your ideas for the Public Interest Newsletter - columns ideas, article publications, recent member accomplishments, websites of interest, accounting puzzles, short articles, professional announcements about journals or conferences, anything you think members might find useful via email to Lawrence Chui We look forward to hearing from you soon!!!

May 19-21, 2022
Virtual Conference

Please mark your calendar!

The 2022 Joint Conference and Doctoral/Early Scholar Consortium involving the Public Interest Section, the Gender Issues/Worklife Balance Section will be held virtually on May 19 - May 21, 2022. The conference will include a Doctoral/Early Scholar Consortium on Thursday morning and plenary/panel and research paper sessions on Friday and Saturday.

The conference will provide participants with an opportunity to present their research and/or to participate in the discussion of others’ research in concurrent sessions, to hear from colleagues regarding contemporary developments in research, and to discuss different topics and issues regarding the undertaking of accounting research. We especially invite accounting researchers and doctoral students to present studies on the various social and ethical responsibilities of accounting, as well as work that explores measurement issues regarding the economic and social well-being of women and men in contemporary society. We also call for studies that challenge dominant representations of accounting in its diverse and multiple histories, contexts and communities.

Click HERE to read the full call for submissions. The deadline for all submissions – to both the Doctoral Consortium and main Conference – is March 10, 2022.



Updated Bylaws October 2012 - Amendment passed unanimously!

Please send any newsletter items to Lawrence Chui at

Current Newsletter

Summer 2021


Accounting and the Public Interest

Accounting and the Public Interest is an academic journal published by the Public Interest Section of the American Accounting Association. The journal takes the view that accounting activities have societal impact. We welcome research in a wide variety of areas such as, but not limited to: sustainability accounting and reporting; professional and business ethics; corporate social responsibility and governance; regulation; and social justice. 

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Alternative Accounting Research Network (AARN)

AARN is a global community of interdisciplinary accounting researchers with a commitment to independent, innovative and purposeful research that seeks to address contemporary social and environmental challenges. For more information, please vist: AARN

Case Studies

Boeing: Putting Profits Ahead of Safety - by Steven M. Mintz, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and William F. Miller, Ed.D, Professor, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire